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  • 好马配好鞍英文谚语


    Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌 Every dog has its day.每个人都有走运的日子Beat the dog before the lion.杀鸡儆猴When the cat is away,the mince will play.山中无老虎,猴子称霸王/Don't put the cart before the horse.不要本末倒置Fine feathers make fine birds.人要衣装,马要鞍/人要衣装,佛要金装Have a wolf by the ears进退两难/骑虎难下。


    1.最惬意的时候可能是从淋浴房走出来的时候1 may be the most pleasant time to come out from the shower room .2.在严寒里,没有什么比暖气更令人向往的啦2 In the cold,nothing is more desirable than the heating friends3.好马配好鞍,好花配好盆3.A good horse with a good saddle,a good flower pots with a goodflower4.让我们拿起刷子,洗刷刷,洗刷刷 4 Let us pick up the brush,scrub brush,scrub brush5.干手机给我们的双手贴心的呵护5.Dryers give us hands intimate care6.在淋浴喷头下,我们享受到水的抚慰6 In the shower,we enjoy the comfort of water7.装饰物可以让我们的生活更美.7 ornaments can make our lives more beautiful.希望我的答案对你有所帮助。

    3.请英语高手翻译以下几个句子 1.最惬意的时候可能是从淋浴房走出来的

    1.最惬意的时候可能是从淋浴房走出来的时候1 may be the most pleasant time to come out from the shower room .


    2 In the cold, nothing is more desirable than the heating friends

    3.好马配好鞍,好花配好盆3. A good horse with a good saddle, a good flower pots with a good


    4.让我们拿起刷子,洗刷刷,洗刷刷 4 Let us pick up the brush, scrub brush, scrub brush

    5.干手机给我们的双手贴心的呵护5. Dryers give us hands intimate care

    6.在淋浴喷头下,我们享受到水的抚慰6 In the shower, we enjoy the comfort of water

    7.装饰物可以让我们的生活更美。7 ornaments can make our lives more beautiful.



