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  • 入乡随俗的谚语英文


    正如谚语说的:〝入乡随俗〞的英文:As the saying goes,when in Rome, do as the Romans do

    saying 读法 英 [ˈseɪɪŋ] 美 [ˈseɪɪŋ]





    1、common saying n. 俗谚

    2、saying and doing 言行

    3、go without saying 不言而喻;理所当然;自不待言



    proverb 读法 英 ['prɒvɜːb] 美 ['prɑvɝb]

    n. 谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事


    1、enigmatical proverb 令人费解的谚语

    2、vulgar proverb 粗俗的谚语

    3、homely proverb 朴实的谚语

    4、bold proverb 荒唐无礼的俗语


    1、In this connection I remember a proverb.


    2、The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant.



    入乡随俗 [rùxiāngsuísú] While in rome , do as rome dose do in Rome as Rome does Google 词义搜索 when in rome 隐藏摘要 入乡随俗 【摘要】 入乡随俗- When in rome do as the romans do 入乡随俗, 说起来很容易, 真要做, 有时 侯还是有些难. 很多在国外生活了多年的 。

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    确认 取消 do in Rome as the Romans do 隐藏摘要 入乡随俗 【摘要】 do in Rome as the Romans do 入乡随俗. do sb goodharm 对某人有好处坏处. down to - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。

    确认 取消 do in Rome as Rome does 隐藏摘要 入乡随俗 【摘要】 。 喜欢说do in Rome as Rome does入乡随俗那么在雅思作文上也请入乡随俗不管在国外 abroad.9c9c.com.cn - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。

    确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消 when in Rome do as the Romans do 隐藏摘要 入乡随俗 【摘要】 148when in Rome do as the Romans do 入乡随俗149white lie 善意的谎言150with open news.koolearn.com - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。

    确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消 Know where you are in cyberspace 隐藏摘要 入乡随俗 【摘要】 6Know where you are in cyberspace入乡随俗. 7Help keep flame wars under control .cn - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。

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    入乡随俗。英文翻译:Do as the Romans do.

    1.例句:This prime minister is as close as any British Labour leader can come to being an American neo-conservative.


    2.例句:Under the new regime, foreigners caught breaking the law face the tough choice of settling fines on the spot or having their cars impounded, paying the price for driving in Rome as the Romans do.


    3.例句:They assumed that immigrants would quickly adopt the mores of their host societies.



    入乡随俗的西班牙语是:Donde fueres, haz lo que vieres.去哪里,看到什么,做什么。


    Allí donde fueres, haz lo que vieres.

    Allí donde fueres, haz como vieres.

    Dondequiera que fueres, haz lo que vieres.

    Por donde fueres, haz como vieres.

    Donde quiera que fueres, haz como vieres.

    Al lugar que fueres, haz lo que vieres.

    En la tierra donde vinieres, haz lo que vieres.


    不知道这个是不是When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗 On a weekend,Ella and Jacky go to the suburbs of Beijing with their families.They stay in a village.In the evening,Jacky is angry because his bed is not soft.Next morning,Jacky is angrier.He complains,"I don't like mantou and porridge.I only have milk and bread for breakfast!" Ella can't stand it any more.She says,"Stop it,Jacky.When in Rome,do as the Romans do!" 只能找到入乡随俗的出处When in Rome,Do as the Romans DoFor those who have never tried eating with their fingers instead of with forks or chopsticks,it may be worth a try when they travel one day to a place like India.It is always advisable to follow local customs wherever one visits,as the proverb “When in Rome,do as the Romans do” says.Widely taken as an infallible precept,the saying “When in Rome,do as the Romans do” is attributed to Saint Ambrose,one of the most eminent bishops of the 4th century.When Saint Augustine arrived in Milan,he observed that,unlike the practice in Rome,the Church there did not fast on Saturday.He then consulted Saint Ambrose,Bishop of Milan,whether religious fasting should be practised on Saturday.Saint Ambrose replied,“When I am in Milan,I do not fast on Saturday; when I am in Rome,I fast on Saturday”,and advised him to follow the custom of the Church where he was.Saint Ambrose's advice had appeared in English by about 1530 and eventually became “When in Rome,do as the Romans do”.“When in Rome,do as the Romans do” remains a popular saying and is often shortened to either simply “when in Rome” or to simply “do as the Romans do”.For example,“I don't usually eat lamb,but I did when I went to New Zealand,well,when in Rome。”

    and “I know you have egg and bacon for breakfast at home,but now you are on the Continent.So do as the Romans do and take coffee and rolls instead.” 中国幅员辽阔,民族有五十六个之多;每个民族各有特殊风俗,例如回族、维吾尔族等忌吃猪肉;蒙古族忌讳坐于蒙古包的西北角;哈尼族不会到产妇家借用家具;佤族忌讳别人摸头和耳朵.即使同是汉族,也可能因方言互异、地域不同、文化有别而在风俗方面各有所依.有些风俗在外人看来莫名其妙,但对族人来说却意义重大.尊重别人的风俗习惯,除了是基本礼貌之外,也有助于人际交往.每到一处陌生地方,首先了解清楚当地的习俗,并按这些风俗习惯行事,此谓“入乡随俗”.这个成语出自《庄子˙山木》:“入其俗,从其令”,可用以比喻能适应环境,随遇而安.“入乡随俗”也作“入乡随乡”、“随乡入乡”和“随乡入俗”.俗语有云:“千里不同风,百里不同俗”.世界各地都有本身的风俗习惯,前往外地公干或旅游时,应尽可能跟从当地的风俗,以示尊重.清楚知道有何禁忌,以免触犯,也同样重要.总而言之,只要谨记《礼记˙曲礼上》所言:“入境而问禁,入国而问俗,入门而问讳”,便无往而不利.。


    Do as the Romans Do, but Do Not LoseYourself As an Englishmajor student, we learn many things about other countries, especially about theEnglish-speaking countries, and ourultimate goal is to communicate with foreigners properly and even live in theforeign country comfortably. In my opinion, “Do as the Romans Do” is the mostuseful principle when we are communicating with foreigners or live in foreigncountry, but this does not mean that we should forget our national charactersor lose ourselves.In this case, there is no doubt that this Japaneselearner bows a lot to her American professors. Because bowing in their cultureis so important that they will do it in many situations, and it is also becomea habit in their daily life. Therefore, even this Japanese learner studies outof Japan, she is still doing this. So we can say that one's culture alwaysmakes a deep effect in one's life. However, from her words, we can find outthat she is a little ethnocentric. First of all, we all have the common sensethat once one goes into new environment; he or she should learn about the localculture and try every means to be like a native person, but this Japaneselearner just does the totally opposite thing. She neglects her professors'advice not to bow so often in America, besides she says that “If I don't dothat, I'm not being respectful and I won't be a good person.” Second, from herwords we know that she knows the American custom that they don't bow, but sheinsists doing this, ignoring the American local culture. It is known to us allthat ethnocentrism occurs when one's nation is seen as the center of the worldand the beliefs, values, norms, and practices of his or her own culture istaken as superior to those of others. So I think this is one of the reasonsthat why she will bow all the time in America.For me, a Chineselearner of English, I think when we are communicating with the English-speakingpeople, we should not and there is no necessary to try hard to behave verballyand nonverbally in the same way as they do. Because everyone has its ownenvironment of growing and even in the same environment, every family still hasits own family tradition. So I think there is no comparability to compare howdifferent between your and the foreigners' behaviors. But we still should learnabout their cultural customs first before starting the communication, and thenbehave as naturally as possible. In addition, when we have the , we should neither think too highly of our own culture,nor look down upon our own culture.Because if one thinks too highly of his or her own culture, he or she may be ethnocentric;if one looks down upon his or her own culture, he or she may not love thenation, and if every person in this country all behave like this, this countrywill be destroyed sooner or later.There is oneexample about myself. Though I do not go abroad, I still have the . During my visit to the 2010 Shanghai Expo, I realize thateveryone is more or less ethnocentric; for everyone has the sense ofcompetition which makes everyone wants to be the best. As I arrived inShanghai, I instinctively think we, the native Xiamen people, are better thanpeople in Shanghai. So my friend and I spoke our native language much moreoften than we are in Xiamen. It seems that we were afraid that no one knows wewere from Xiamen, so we tried every means to show our own characters. What'smore, when we heard someone spoke with the same accent like ours and saw thecar number began with Min which is short for Fujian Province, we were soexcited that we nearly wanted to talk to them. Likewise, when I talk withforeigners, I will also unconsciously tell them something about my own cultureand try to persuade them to love it. I think it is the so called ethnocentrism.Luckily, I am not a real ethnocentrism. I not only love my own culture and myown national character, but also like to know the others' culture and customs;for I want to have effective communication with them and behave as they do whenit is necessary. I do not lose myself; I neither think too highly of my ownculture, nor look down upon it.However, not allpeople do in the same way as I do. Nowadays there are more and more people goabroad for studying or living, and they also manage to apply for naturalizationas other country's national. I suspect their motivation to do soand whether they like our country or not. I do not mean that they are wrong butI suspect. If they love our country, why they abandon their citizenships in ourcountry? Just because they think others' culture is better than our culture? Ifso, they lose 。


