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  • 关于火灾的英文谚语


    There was a big fire in one office building in our neighborhood at about nine4 o'clock last night.

    Many firemen and fire engines came. In the beginning,

    we saw flames with thick black smoke coming out from the sixth floor;

    and we also heard the explosion of the gas tank mixed with the noisy sounds from shattering windows.

    Soon the fire spread one by one to the floors above, and finally reach the top floor.

    Some aluminum window frames and some brick walls meted and collapsed from the heat.

    Many people like myself stood outside on the streets watching the fire in horror as we heard the sirens and gas explosions.

    Luckily there was no one in that office building when the fire broke out.

    The fire-men were unable to control the fire until the top floor was burned out;

    it took about one and a half hours for the firemen to put out the big fire.

    The next morning newspapers carried the story and pictures of the fire.


    Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. 适量的火好取暖,熊熊烈火能焚身

    A single spark can start a prairie fire. 星星之火,可以燎原。

    A match will set fire to a large building. 星星之火,可以燎原

    A little spark kindles a great fire. 星星之火,可以燎原。


    fire alarm 火警 first aid 急救

    fireman 消防员 消防箱 fire hose

    灭火器 fire extinguisher FH 消防栓(fire fydrant)

    FHC 消防栓箱(fire hydrant cabinet)

    FHSC 消防水带箱(fire hose storage cabinet)

    FPS 消防系统(fire protection system)

    fire lift 消防电梯


    A fire breaks out after a gas leak in Shenyang沈阳火灾扑灭后煤气泄漏.

    Firemen have extinguished a blaze caused by a serious gas leak Friday in Shenyang.

    No casualties were reported, but the fire cut power supplies to more than 2,000 households in the region, the local government said.

    The accident took place at around 8:00 a.m. on Nanwuma Road, a major traffic artery close to Dongbei University, one of the most renowned schools in the capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province.

    An underground gas pipeline was accidentally broken during road works and caught fire, said Tong Yongxue, a publicity official with the municipal government.

    Tong said the construction company would be held accountable for the accident because it had started digging before identifying the location of underground pipelines.

    Flames soared more than 10 meters and destroyed high tension wires before the fire was put out at around 10:30. But the accident caused a blackout in the region and closing down restaurants, stores and banks.

    "Power supplies will hopefully resume in six to seven hours," said Tong.

    The accident also affected gas supplies to around 2,000 households.

    It also caused traffic congestions in the city center.


    火灾 = fire outbreak

    在 x 发生的火灾 = fire that broke out in / erupted in

    预防措施 = preventive measures

    着火 = go ablaze

    防止 = put under control

    火势迅速蔓延 = the fire spread quickly

    消防人员 = fire-fighter

    消防车 = fire engine

    熄火器 = fire extinguisher

    受伤者 = casualties

    煆 = raging fire

    救火 = put out fire

    大风使消防队员的灭火工作更加困难 = High winds compounded the difficulties of the firefighters.


