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  • 表达文化差异的英语谚语


    In proverb translation,because of the cultural difference,reflected in the translation of proverbs in English and Chinese are not the same,the same,in the ocean in proverbs,many sentences is the use of synonymous proverbs set of usage,many English proverbs literally translated into Chinese is not understand the expression of meaning,then according to the Chinese idioms to apply,even if it is completely different sentences,but its meaning is the same.Please translate into more fluent English。

    2.急需一些中英文化差异 的中英文句子

    The balance of value between native culture and global culture must be paid attention to in art education, cultural experience of different traditions can be shared by further mutual understanding and cultural differences should be encouraged to creat a p


    They differ with each other mainly in the following three aspects: the core concept- the unification of nature and human and separation of main body and object respectively; values- respecting morality and cherishing wisdom respectively; way of thinking-






    在语言背后的是思想文化上的差异。把“产生、发展和消亡的过程”翻译成“the process of birth,growth and death”,美国人觉得言简意赅,形式优美;英国人却主张用哲学经典著作中“the process of comingsintosbeing,developing and passing away”的说法。

    有时候英语和美语闹到了“水火不相容”的地步:同样的短语或单词在英语和美语中意思相反。如put on the table在英语中意思为“研究,认真对待”,在美语中为“束之高阁”。


    联想英美不同的生活态度容易理解这一差别。 在交流话题中,英国人喜欢历史而美国人喜欢地理,这显然与英国历史长而美国面积大有关。

    不过,文化艺术欣赏往往不只由思维倾向决定。例如,“大江东去,浪淘尽千古风流人物”通常被翻译为“the Great River eastward flows;the waves swept away,for thousands of years,all gallant heroes”,但西方人可能会把“the Great River”联想为黄河,而非长江。

    此外,这种译法文采也较欠缺。笔者认为从地理的角度可以翻译为“Across China Yangtze eastward goes;rolling waves carried away all historical heroes”;从历史的角度可以翻译为“Chinese history sees Yangtze run;with rolling waves thousands years and myriad heroes are gone”。

    英国人和美国人都认为第三种译法最佳,不仅因为本词的主题是怀古,“中国历史目睹长江奔流”和“随着滚滚波涛千秋岁月和无数英雄已经远走”能给人以岁月沧桑的感觉,而且美国的小说《飘》(Gone With The Wind)广为人知,享有盛誉。 学英文的人有时候会注意到英式英文与美式英文的差异。







    The culture differences between the East and West

    As we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system.For your better understanding ,I will set examples of China and America.

    It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But people in America prefer to forks and knives.This different result is based on different food they are like .Americans choose to eat beefsteak,bread,and salad,while Chinese people choose noodles ,pancakes and rice.What is more,the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out particularly.However,there is a trend that the food in both countries has been mixture.For example,the coffee and bread have introduced to China.The famous KFC is very popular at children.

    The gap of teaching system between China and America is big.Chinese students always complain about their homework.Too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax.They have to recite many things as to get a high mark.Homework comes the first to them.

    In my opinion,the study in America is more interesting .Teachers pay attentions to training students skills in thinking in realastic life not to emphasis on the importances of memories.In a addition,the rate of going to school ,the salary of teaching ,and the job of gruduates are quite different,too.I should say that Chima government should make great efforts to improve its teaching syetem.I am also expect to be one day ,the West give more cheersto our country.








    (一) 汉语和英语中有些没有对应词的例子

    汉语中有个谚语;“夏练三伏,冬练三九”。激励人们坚持锻炼身体。“三伏”和“三九”在英语里是什么呢?一个年轻翻泽对几个加拿大人说 three fu和 three nine。听的人当然莫名其妙。他只要说 In summer keep exercising during the hottest days; In winter do the same thing during the coldest weather就可以了。

    一个中国青年到附近游泳池去游泳,一会儿就回来了。和他同住一室的中国人和一个外国朋友都感到奇怪。他解释说:“游泳池里人太多,水太脏,早该换了。简直象芝麻酱煮饺子。”这个比喻很别致,很生动,和他同住一室的中国朋友笑了,而那个外国人既没有吃过“芝麻酱”也没有见过“煮饺子”,丝毫不觉得这个比喻幽默,难怪他显出一副茫然不解的神情。西方人形容某地人多、拥挤不堪,常说 It was papked like sardines(塞得象沙丁鱼罐头一样,拥挤不堪)。这种比喻有些中国人可以理解,但不一定能欣赏其妙处,因为见过打开的沙丁鱼罐头的人很少,看到过一个又小又扁的罐头盒里,紧紧塞满整整齐齐的几排手指头长的沙丁鱼的人是不多的。


    例如,汉语中“干部”这个词译成英语时往往用cadre。但是英语中的 cadre与汉语中的“干部”不同。而且 cadre不是常用词,许多讲英语的人都不知道它是什么意思。即使认识它的人,在说到它时,发音也不一样——有三四种读法。因此有人建议用official(官员;行政人员;高级职员人functionary(机关工作人员;官员),administrator(行政官员)等代替cadre,但这些词没有一个与汉语中的“干部”完全相同


    Comparing Life in China, My Thoughts I was recently asked by a friend in China to write in my blog with my view on the comparison of China to the USA. How is life different, how is it the same? What about culture? Oh, there are many things I thing a person could write about these subjects, given more time and space. As you might guess, I can only write about the things I saw, and I only see so little of the true culture here and there. I have friends in China, both native born and those just recently working there, but they are of Chinese heritage, only their upbringing is really in Hong Kong, Malaysia, etc.First, transportation is different. The USA, outside of a few very large cities, is primarily a car culture. Everything revolves around owning an automobile in the USA. We spend a considerable amount of time each day driving, for me personally that time averages about 50 minutes to 1 hour in my car. And, almost every adult owns a car, so most families with at least 2 adults have 2 cars. Some have more than 1 car for each adult. In southern China, some people certainly own cars, but many more ride mopeds, motorbikes, and bicycles. Many ride public buses. So how does that make life different here? Americans are much less patient than many other peoples of the world. To maximize time, we often combine 1 or 2 things together to save time during the day. A good example is eating. We've got all that time in the car, mostly with 1 hand free, hey, we can eat while we drive! Hence the popularity of the "drive-thru" here, a concept that seems to me is just now starting to catch on in some places in China. And food shopping. If I'm in a car, I should just go ahead and fill that cart up at the market, I can haul it home without any problem. But if I'm on a motorcycle or the bus, I probably just buy what I can carry, and go to the market more often. The Chinese way is much healthier, as exhibited by the growing waistlines of most Americans these days.OK, what about work? It seems that labor intensive manufacturing work has been shifting from the expenisve USA, European, and Japanese labor markets to markets in Central America and Asia for many years now. As China has opened up more to the West since the 1970's, a boom in industrial jobs in China has driven a part of the population to move from the smaller towns and villages inland to the more properous industrial areas to find work. So I have met many people who come from places like Guangxi, Hunan, Sichaun, or any number of other places to work in Guangdong province. I assume this same thing is happening in many other places too. This same thing happened in the USA, during primarily the 1940's and 1950's, as many people moved off the farms after World War II to find factory work in places like Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh, etc. In both cases, wages are/were generally low, but they were better than the alternative at home. So it seems that there is an industrial migration underway in China reminisant of 50 years ago here.This abundance of Chinese labor changes creates a difference in China and USA culture. In a Chinese restaurant, for instance, it does not seem unusual to have 1 waiter/waitress for each party that comes in for a meal. This would be impossible in the USA, where you must sometimes go find that person because they may have 10 or 12 tables to care for at the same time. Same thing when you go into a retail store, for instance a shoe store in Shunde might have 7 clerks for every 1 clerk in the same size store here.Society in general seems to run at a little more slow and relaxed pace there in China. Dinner can easily take 2 hours in a restaruant, and relaxing in a tea shop to chat with friends is a common site. Yet if you look at traffic on the street on any given day, you would assume the place is in a complete chaotic panic! No sense of order can be made of Chinese traffic, drivers, or pedestrians! The first rush hour taxi ride in China for anyone not from Boston (haha) will rank right up there with Space Mountain for thrill ride terror!Oh, that's enough for now. I'd be interested in hearing other views about these things?。


    一、语言自身差异 语言自身差异主要表现在词汇语义方面的差异。


    本身意义相同的词汇,在汉英两种语言中,其文化意义可能有相同、空缺和冲突等三种情况。 1.词汇本身的意义:laborer指干体力活的劳动者,worker既指体力也指脑力工人,而在汉语中,劳动者和工人没什么区别。


    汉语中的“关系”和英语中的relation也不完全对等,“关系”在汉语中可能是个具体的概念,如,“他的关系很硬”是指他认识人好办事等,而在英语中“relation”则表示抽象的概念。 2.词汇的文化差异:文化意义相同的词汇在跨文化交际中通常没有麻烦,问题在于文化意义空缺及文化意义冲突的词汇,往往导致交流达不到目的,引起误解甚至交际失败。


    在中国代表帝王的龙,在英美却是邪恶的化身,因此汉语的“亚洲四小龙”只好译成“Four tigers”。中国共产党党旗上镰刀和铁锤图案,在德国人看来却如临大敌,避之唯恐不及。



    在产品商标的翻译上,需了解有关词语在目的语中的文化意义。据资料显示,“白象”电池前些年在国内十分畅销,却被误译为“white elephant”,殊不知,译文在英语中指“大而无用的东西,谁还买它呢?”又如:饮料名Coca-Cola开始被人译为“卡口卡脖”,国人无人敢问津,而译成“可口可乐”后就打开了市场,这都是文化的作用。

    二、世界观和价值观差异 教育和共同的文化背景往往使一个民族的人民具有类似的价值观。而不同的民族,由于文化背景的不同,价值观有时差异很大。

    世界观价值观差异很大程度上决定着语言的表达与理解。 1.中西方两种文化有着不同的礼貌评判标准和实现方略。


    对于“你的衣服真漂亮”这样的称赞话,中国人大都答“哪里,哪里”,而西方人则高兴地答道:“Thank you”。如在课堂上中国教师比较正式,注重教态;而美国教师则比较随便,这从一个侧面反映出中国文化中的等级意识和美国文化中的平等意识。




    这样的古训,大多数中国的家长都会用它来教育自己的孩子们。 3.中西价值观念差异导致中西人们对英语中某些词义内涵理解的不同,甚至在语言交际中不能相互沟通。

    西方文化特点是个人价值至上,“Individualism”是英美人普遍接受的价值观,“实用主义”的人生观支配着大多数美国人,因而有“在爱情和战争中,采取任何手段都是可以的”(All is fair in love and war),这对于“礼仪之邦”的中国人来说非但接受不了,甚至会感到这种为人态度是可怕而不可取的;而汉语中的“自以为是”“自负”都带有贬义色彩,“Individualism”被认为是“个人主义”“利己主义”。 三、言语行为的文化特性体现在语用差异上 1.文化行为差异。


    同样是接待顾客,不同国家的商店,营业员使用的语言也不相同。 中国:你买什么?日本:いらっしべいませ。

    /欢迎光临。美国:Can I help you? 反映出不同的社会不同的文化规则:中国的营业员接待顾客纯粹从买卖的关系出发,日本的营业员把顾客当客人,美国的营业员把顾客当作要帮助的对象。

    2.了解日常生活方式和交际模式 在中国对道谢的答语常是“这是我应该做的”,但如直译:“It''s my duty to do so.”就不恰当了,对方可能误解,以为你是不情愿帮助他的,应回答:“my pleasure.”。








    (一) 汉语和英语中有些没有对应词的例子

    汉语中有个谚语;“夏练三伏,冬练三九”。激励人们坚持锻炼身体。“三伏”和“三九”在英语里是什么呢?一个年轻翻泽对几个加拿大人说 three fu和 three nine。听的人当然莫名其妙。他只要说 In summer keep exercising during the hottest days; In winter do the same thing during the coldest weather就可以了。

    一个中国青年到附近游泳池去游泳,一会儿就回来了。和他同住一室的中国人和一个外国朋友都感到奇怪。他解释说:“游泳池里人太多,水太脏,早该换了。简直象芝麻酱煮饺子。”这个比喻很别致,很生动,和他同住一室的中国朋友笑了,而那个外国人既没有吃过“芝麻酱”也没有见过“煮饺子”,丝毫不觉得这个比喻幽默,难怪他显出一副茫然不解的神情。西方人形容某地人多、拥挤不堪,常说 It was papked like sardines(塞得象沙丁鱼罐头一样,拥挤不堪)。这种比喻有些中国人可以理解,但不一定能欣赏其妙处,因为见过打开的沙丁鱼罐头的人很少,看到过一个又小又扁的罐头盒里,紧紧塞满整整齐齐的几排手指头长的沙丁鱼的人是不多的。


    例如,汉语中“干部”这个词译成英语时往往用cadre。但是英语中的 cadre与汉语中的“干部”不同。而且 cadre不是常用词,许多讲英语的人都不知道它是什么意思。即使认识它的人,在说到它时,发音也不一样——有三四种读法。因此有人建议用official(官员;行政人员;高级职员人functionary(机关工作人员;官员),administrator(行政官员)等代替cadre,但这些词没有一个与汉语中的“干部”完全相同


