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  • try的谚语

    1. 关于succeed的谚语

    If at first you don't succeed, try, try again

    If you keep on, you will succeed in time. 如果坚持下去,你总有一天会成功的。

    Stick to it, and you'll succeed. 只要人有恒,万事都能成。

    A man can succeed at almost anything for which he was unlimited enthusiasm. -- C. M. Schwal 只要有无限的热情,一个人几乎可以在任何事情上取得成功。-- 施瓦希

    Man are born to succeed,not to fail.海明威《老人与海》

    May you succeed at whatever you try. 谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。--歌德

    2. try 的各种搭配的短语的区别

    try英 [traɪ] 美 [traɪ] · vt. 试图,努力;试验;审判;考验· vi. 尝试;努力;试验· n. 尝试;努力;试验[ 复数 tries 过去式 tried 过去分词 tried 现在分词 trying ]尝试 短语Try again 再试一次 ; 下次再试 ; 再试试 ; 再来一次 on try 试穿 try doing 试验 ; 试一试做某事 ; 尝试做 ; 试一试某种办法 TryCooking 烹饪 ; 烹调 I try 我尝试 ; 我试试 ; 无法自拔 ; 我试着 AnotherTry 另一种尝试 ; 再试一次 ; 一场游戏一场梦 nice try 得了吧 ; 想得美 ; 做的不错 ; 面试先生 try catch 要么加以控制 ; 建立 trydieting 试着节食 更多收起网络短语体育| 心理学| 计算机科学技术try [trai] · vt.o 试,尝试,试行:He tried his fortune in another city.他在另一个城市碰碰运气。

    The foreign guests are trying chopsticks.外宾们纷纷试着使筷子。He is eager to try the new car.他渴望试开那辆新车。

    o 试验…作用(或效力、效果);试验;作…的试验:I want to try a new recipe.我想试一个新的烹饪法。Have you tried the new method?你试过那个新的方法了吗?o 使痛苦,折磨;磨炼,使经受严重考验;使过劳;过度使用:rigours that try one's stamina磨炼人耐力的艰难困苦Tom was sorely tried.汤姆受尽了折磨。

    Rheumatism tried her so much.风湿病使她非常痛苦。to try one's courage考验某人的勇气o 审问,审理,审讯, 审判:They tried him and sentenced him to 10 years in prison.他们对他进行了审讯,并判处他10年徒刑。

    The couple were tried for treason.这对夫妇因叛国罪受审。o 试图打开(门或窗)以检查是否关上(或锁上):The girl tried the door to see if it was locked or not.女孩推了推门,看看是否锁上了。

    o 榨(油),从(肥肉)炼(油):to try the lard in a big kettle在大锅里炼猪油o 提炼(金属)(常与out连用) o [罕用语](通过试验或竞赛)解决(问题、争论等);以斗争方式解决,(以决斗)解决(争执等) o [废语]通过试验(或经验)发现,证明 o [古语]分开,分离 · vi.o 尝试;试验;努力;企图;争取(后接不定式);尽力[在口语中,作此义用的try常后接and和并列动词]:o 尝试;试验;努力;企图;争取(后接不定式);尽力[在口语中,作此义用的try常后接and和并列动词]:We're trying to solve the difficult problem by ourselves.我们正设法自己解决这个难题。He tried to stand on his head but couldn't.他试图倒立,但没有成功。

    Please try and behave.尽量规矩点。Try and see whether you can get their support.你试试看,能否得到他们的支持。

    · n.o 试,尝试,努力,试图;试验 o 【橄榄球】在对方球门线上(或后面)带球触地· 近义词:attempt . endeavour . essay . strive . struggle · 短语:o Do try more. 再吃(或再尝)一点,多尝一些。[劝人吃点心、喝酒等时用语]o have(或make,take) a try 尝试一下,试试看o Never try to prove what nobody doubts. [谚语]无须证实无人怀疑的事。

    o try and [口语]争取(做某事),竭力,尽力(做某事)[此短语不用于由tried或trying构成的各种动词形式]o try it on (with) § 对…摆架子 § (对异性)胆大鲁莽(或唐突无礼) § [英国口语](对…)耍花招,试施诡计 o try it out on the (或a) dog 牺牲别人进行试验;(电影等)试映检验效果;(一出新戏)在纽约之外的城市或城镇演出o try it on the other leg [口语]利用最后机会,使用最后一着· 变形:n. tries vt. tried . trying 更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 try /traɪ/CET4 TEM4 ( trying, tried, tries ) ·1. V-T/V-I Ifyou try to do something, you want to do it, and you take action whichyou hope will help you to do it. 试图 例:He secretly tried to help her at work. 他试图悄悄地在工作上帮助她。例:Does it annoy you if others don't seem totry hard enough? 如果其他人做得似乎不够努力,这会使你烦恼吗?·2. N-COUNT Tryis also a noun. 尝试 例:It wasn't that she'd really expected to getany money out of him; it had just seemed worth a try. 并非是她真的期望从他那里弄到一些钱;只是似乎值得一试。

    ·3. V-T To tryand do something means to try to do it. 设法 [非正式] 例:I must try and see him. 我必须设法见到他。·4. V-I Ifyou try for something, you make an effort to get it or achieve it. 试图 (获得) 例:My partner and I have been trying for a babyfor two years. 我和我的配偶两年来一直试着生个孩子。

    ·5. V-T Ifyou try something new or different, you use it, do it, or experience itin order to discover its qualities or effects. 试用 例:It's best not to try a new recipe for thefirst time on such an important occasion. 在这样的重要场合,最好不要首次试用新的食谱。·6. N-COUNT Tryis also a noun. 试用 例:If you're still skeptical about exercising,we can only ask you to trust us and give it a try. 如果你仍对锻炼持怀疑态度,我们只能请你相信我们,试一试。

    ·7. V-T Ifyou try a particular place or person, you go to that place or personbecause you think that they may be able to provide you with what you want. 试试 (去某处或找某人) 例:。

    3. 英文try的用法

    try [trai]


    1. 试,尝试,试行:例句: He tried his fortune in another city.

    他在另一个城市碰碰运气。The foreign guests are trying chopsticks.

    外宾们纷纷试着使筷子。2. 试验…作用(或效力、效果);试验;作…的试验:例句: I want to try a new recipe.

    我想试一个新的烹饪法。Have you tried the new method?

    你试过那个新的方法了吗?3. 使痛苦,折磨;磨炼,使经受严重考验;使过劳;过度使用:例句: rigours that try one's stamina

    磨炼人耐力的艰难困苦Tom was sorely tried.

    汤姆受尽了折磨。4. 审问,审理,审讯, 审判:例句: They tried him and sentenced him to 10 years in prison.

    他们对他进行了审讯,并判处他10年徒刑。The couple were tried for treason.

    这对夫妇因叛国罪受审。5. 试图打开(门或窗)以检查是否关上(或锁上):例句: The girl tried the door to see if it was locked or not.

    女孩推了推门,看看是否锁上了。6. 榨(油),从(肥肉)炼(油):例句: to try the lard in a big kettle

    在大锅里炼猪油7. 提炼(金属)(常与out连用)8. [罕用语](通过试验或竞赛)解决(问题、争论等);以斗争方式解决,(以决斗)解决(争执等)9. [废语]通过试验(或经验)发现,证明10. [古语]分开,分离vi.尝试;试验;努力;企图;争取(后接不定式);尽力[在口语中,作此义用的try常后接and和并列动词]:例句: We're trying to solve the difficult problem by ourselves.

    我们正设法自己解决这个难题。He tried to stand on his head but couldn't.



    1. 试,尝试,努力,试图;试验2. 【橄榄球】在对方球门线上(或后面)带球触地


    attempt . endeavour . essay . strive . struggle .


    1. Do try more.再吃(或再尝)一点,多尝一些。[劝人吃点心、喝酒等时用语]2. have(或make,take) a try尝试一下,试试看3. Never try to prove what nobody doubts.[谚语]无须证实无人怀疑的事。4. try and[口语]争取(做某事),竭力,尽力(做某事)[此短语不用于由tried或trying构成的各种动词形式]5. try it on (with)

    a. 对…摆架子

    b. (对异性)胆大鲁莽(或唐突无礼)

    c. [英国口语](对…)耍花招,试施诡计6. try it out on the (或a) dog牺牲别人进行试验;(电影等)试映检验效果;(一出新戏)在纽约之外的城市或城镇演出7. try it on the other leg[口语]利用最后机会,使用最后一着




    4. 关于try的短语,越多越好

    try to do sth----努力做某事。

    try doing sth-----尝试做某事。

    try a fall with 与。较量一番

    try back 重新回到

    try conclusions with 和。决胜负

    try for 争取, 谋求, 申请

    try it on (对。)耍花招

    try on 试穿, 试验

    try one's best 尽力

    try sth out 试验, 考验, 提炼

    try out for sth参加。。。的选拔

    try over 试演(戏剧等)

    try to 设法

    try up 校准, 为。最后加工

    try your hand at sth 初试身手

    try one's luck 碰运气

    try sb 's patient 使不耐烦


