
1. 征集英文谚语,越多越好~~
08.01. To follow, without halt, one aim. There's the secret of success.08.02. If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, and prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.08.03. Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed. 08.04. A strong passion for any object will ensure success, for the desire of the end will point out the means.08.05. He that can have patience can have what he wills.08.06. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.08.07. A man's happiness is mainly self-created. Therefore poets say, "Everyone can be the architect of his own happiness."08.08. All outward success, when it has valve, is but the inevitable result of an inward success of full living, full play and enjoyment of one's faculties.08.09. The road to success is not to be run upon by seven-leagued boots. Step by step, little by little, bit by bit that is the way to wealth, that is the way to wisdom, that is the way to glory.08.10. As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.精彩推荐:英文经典爱情谚语20句08.11. Success has a simple formula: do your best and people may like it.08.12. Make up your mind to act decidely and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation.08.13. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.08.14. Faith gives the victory and overcomes all.08.15. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.08.16. You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.08.17. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.08.18. Before everthing else, getting ready is the secret of success.08.19. He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; he who loses courage loses all.08.20. Circumstances are the rules of the weaks; they are but the instruments of the wise.08.21. He that would make sure of success should keep his passion cool, and his expectation low.08.22. I have observed that only those plants in nature which are strongest survive and reproduce themselves. It seems to me that hardiness is the chief essential for success.08.23. Self-help is the best way to success.08.24. Well begun is half done.08.25. Time is the one thing we possess. Our success depends upon the use of our time, and its by-product, the odd moment.08.26. A young people, to achieve, must first get out of his mind any notion either of the ease or rapidity of success. Nothing ever just happens in this world.08.27. There is only success-to be able to spend your life in your own way.08.28. You have to pay the price but if you do can only win.08.29. There is a vat difference between success at twenty-five and success at sixty. At sixty, nobody envies you. Instead, everybody rejoices generously, sincerely, in your good fortune.08.30. The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.08.31. Success is the sum of details.。
2. “躺着也中枪”英文翻译 越特么形象越好
首先必须知道这个出处,语源如果是英文系国家,那肯定有一句谚语,经考据是源自逃学威龙里面有一段达叔躺在地上还被枪打中,二零一零年的流行语票选(PTT)第一名,继而在大陆的动漫网站腐基宅聚集地Bilibili(俗称B站)流传开。与同样源自ACG圈的来自游戏上古卷轴中一个士兵动不动就说膝盖中了一箭形成绝妙配对。兄台是英文专业,不才是中文专业,有缘至此对于汉英互译我也是很感兴趣的,经常喜欢做咬文嚼字的事情,获益匪浅。翻译方面,如何兼顾音和义,信达雅和文化背景很重要,比如奔腾的翻译就非常赞,我认为可以从英谚中找跟枪有关的类似接近谚语,这是一步英文专业人士可以做的考据工作,而且一劳永逸,还能拓展解决类似问题的眼界。我喜欢用非主流的翻译法,比如一首歌叫Send,我翻译成伤到,当然,中文歌词基本是尽量从英文单词发音生发做文章,不看英文原文完全是一首中国风歌词。这样的玩法,有兴趣可以交流。对于这躺着也中枪,我认为1、不能直译,因为战场上贪生怕死假死可能老外不太理解,炸弹等流弹还是可以打到的,有几个意思:无辜,郁闷,运气不好,太他妈倒霉了,所以英文里一定需要fucking 这个词的,兄台认为呢?中枪不一定死,所以die之类的翻译都是坑爹,而shot是射击,是发枪方吧?应该有更接近挨子弹的单词,可以用受伤,流血,中弹等词来说这个意思。网络翻译,中弹有两个:to be struck by a bullet; to getshot,
而躺着,用sleep是不对的,那不是睡在家里的bed上吗?安全没有战场上的意思。用lying只是普通的躺倒,没有假死的意思吧?比较接近的是卧倒,匍匐,fell flat,当然这个要推敲拿捏稳一个单词是最玩味的地方,我认为用“装死”play dead 能包含躺着,战场上这种背景语境信息的意思,这个背景信息是非常关键的,可以省掉非常多的交代,用中文遣词的思路来,没有错。本来想用“假死”,不过一查有假自杀这种意思,单词也很生僻一般人看不懂,这个play dead非常不错,三岁小孩都懂。
play dead fell flat, also getshot by the fucking bullet.
3. 谁能给我翻译一下这几条谚语
呵呵,经典的英语谚语,我的翻译:)~~1.one finger cannotlift a small stone.(一人计短.两人计长)即三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮.2.when an ant says"ocean"he's talking about a small poor.坐井观天,即(井底之蛙)3It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.(以诚为本)4.be carful of the person who does not talk,and the dog that does not bark.(会叫的狗不咬人,咬人的狗不叫!)5.you can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.(以假乱真)6.tell me and i'll forget.show me,and i may not remember.let me tey,and i'll understand.(授人以鱼,不如授人以渔)7.don't let yesterday use up too much of today.(时不待人)即,少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲!或"明日复明日,明日何其多!我生待明日,万事成蹉跎!"8.he who would do geat things should not attempt them all alone.(如果我看得远,那是因为我站在巨人的肩上)即牛顿的名言(“如果说我所看的比笛卡尔更远一点,那是因为站在巨人肩上的缘故”)。