1. 有关懒惰和雄心的英语名言
Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated. This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life.
First things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission. No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice. Your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission. And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness. Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered.” And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome. John Milton, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature.
2. 关于勤奋的英文谚语
1、Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others.
2、Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.
3、Great hopes make great man.
4、He that will not work shall not eat.
5、One false move may lose the game.
6、Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.
7、Example is better then percept.
8、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.
9、Cease to struggle and you cease to live.
10、A man can succeed at almost anything for which he was unlimited enthusiasm.
11、It is not enough to be industrious, the ants are very industrious. You are what? There are two basic mistakes, other errors are all born: impatience and laziness
12、Laziness and poor forever is shameful, so everyone will try their best to conceal from others property, to conceal their lazy.
3. 关于懒惰的英语小短文
As human beings, there has always existed a tendency to by lazy. Everybody knows the story about the lazy ant who starved during winter, but still there are those that do not want to spare the effort. People desire things and are unwilling to spare the effort. The laziness is so rampant in our society, it is time to put a stop to it. As students, we should start by refraining from being lazy ourselves. Laziness never achieves anything great, it is through real effort and determination that great deeds are accomplished. We can train ourselves to be diligent in our studies and work, set ahieveable goals and strive to attain them. Society cannot progress if everyone was lazy. I'm sure great scientists did not discover new things by being lazy. So as stars of the future, we should not let laziness take over, we should rather take control of our own lives and make a positive difference in this world.。
4. 关于勤奋的英文谚语
1, knowledge is inexhaustible. only maximize it, in order to appreciate the joy of learning. 2, that is, new ideas are often rapidly lost, we must concentrate on, keep in mind, timely capture. 3, open your eyes every morning, took a deep breath and give ourselves a smile, and then said: "In this wonderful day, how much knowledge I have ah!" 4, not for this amazing world, to let the world for you and amazing! 5, if the short cut to learning, it also must be diligent. 6, like the farmers to learn farming, seed moisture and sweat, sweat watered the seedlings, and no one moment give it to you a harvest. 7, more books, if not reading, just a habit; reading more, if not, can only ring hollow. 8, like a fertile ground for learning, as long as hard work, there will be many of the fruit; if lazy work, when other people jump when the harvest dance, you have a regret. 9, the success and honey contains berberine, berberine in the success of pre-swallow, honey, after the successful taste. 10, does not desire to be able to leap a thousand miles, can only hope that day forward. 11, the success or failure of learning for many reasons, it is necessary to first find the reasons for them can be encouraged to identify the direction of efforts. 12, diligence and neglected in play 13, should always learn from everything; should focus on in order to know more, know all. 14, learning the bitter root from a long sweet fruit. 15, need to know the world, shall read the ancient books. 16, I do not know the question asked, not the school. 17, not the plot brief step-by-step, without even a thousand miles; not plot a small stream into a Jianghai no. 18, Qie and homes, the wood is not folded; perseverance, can engrave stone. 19, ask a question, solve a problem than is often more important. 20, 100 times to study its meaning from the see. 21, study break rolls, if God write. , 22, reading a good book, that is, and many noble talk. 23, like reading, is equivalent to lonely life into a great time to enjoy the moment. 24, and not for farming, and then see the fruits of long fertile; people do not learn, and smart also illiterate. , 25, with an open mind is progress, and proud of it behind, we should always remember this truth 26, genius is 1 percent inspiration plus 99% of the hard-working. 27, I like reading, like to understand people, understand people. Reading to learn more about the people who know more about who will expand your horizons, make you become more kind-hearted, more pure, or more useful to others. 28, a new book as a vessel to take us from where narrow toward the infinite life of the vast ocean. 29, history will inspire wisdom, poetry is intelligent, mathematics is accurate, is a profound philosophy, ethics is a solemn, logic is extremely good. 30, a precise time should be allocated so that the yearly, monthly, daily and hourly has its special task. 31, there is no easier than the loading time, but things should be cherished, if there is no time, we will accomplish nothing in the world 32, I was all thanks to good quality books. 33, success = hard work + the right way + less empty talk. 34, we must not see results on a self-contained with no room for complacency. We should be complacent suppression, from time to time criticized the shortcomings of their own, as if we are to clean, in order to remove the dust, to face every day, every day to the same discredited. 35, money, valuable, life is more valuable, the most valuable time. 36, time, water like a sponge, as long as willing to squeeze, always. 37, read three to: . 38, love the hard science, hard work out of genius. 39, high-talent people lazy by nature, if, that is, not from efforts to develop his talents, his achievements would not have significant, sometimes, rather it would be better than him at the day low. 40, the study does not lie in this matter have not teach you the most important thing is to have your own awareness and perseverance.1、知识是取之不尽,用之不竭的。
只有最大限度地挖掘它,才能体会到学习的乐趣。 2、新想法常常瞬息即逝,必须集中精力,牢记在心,及时捕获。
3、每天早晨睁开眼睛,深吸一口气,给自己一个微笑,然后说:“在这美妙的一天,我又要获得多少知识啊!”4、不要为这个世界而惊叹,要让这个世界为你而惊叹! 5、如果说学习有捷径可走,那也一定是勤奋。 6、学习犹如农民耕作,汗水滋润了种子,汗水浇灌了幼苗,没有人瞬间奉送给你一个丰收。
7、藏书再多,倘若不读,只是一种癖好;读书再多,倘若不用,只能成为空谈。 8、学习好似一片沃土,只要辛勤耕耘,定会有累累的硕果;如若懒于劳作,当别人跳起丰收之舞时,你已是后悔莫及了。
9、成功包含着黄连与蜂蜜,黄连在成功前吞咽,蜂蜜在成功后品尝。 10、不渴望能够一跃千里,只。
5. 关于勤奋与懒惰的英语作文
Laziness often like to make friends, and friends of people tend to encounter failure and pain.
The students made it, school will be wasted; the farmer made it, paddy will become a wasteland; workers made it, will not go to work, from one family go hungry. In short, and lazy friends, will have adverse consequences.
And hardworking and friends are not many people, why? For the industry to work, is that most people do not welcome, but do it and friends, for your great help, whether the farmer workers, students, hand in it, it will make you success and happiness.
It is after the first bitter sweet, so people don't like; idleness is the first after the bitter sweet, most people like. At all times and in all countries of the great figure is the important matter of the first to bear hardships and do with vigour and vitality. Thus: diligence is indispensable to life.
6. 英文谚语十条
Nothing stake, nothing draw.
Nothing is as good as it seems beforehand.
Nothing is given so freely as advice.
Nothing is so certain as the unexpected.
Nothing seek, nothing find.
A little of every thing is nothing in the main.
A great ship asks deep waters.
The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merryman.
He that once deceives is ever suspected.
Empty wagons rattle loudest.
Nothing so bad but might be a blessing.
7. 关于懒惰的名言
8. 有那些关于懒的名言警句
●薄地怕穷汉 ●别年满坡是石子,栽下茶树变金子 ●有力黄金土,无力荒草坪 ●只有丑人,没有丑地 ●勤奋是世功之母(英国) ●顽强的劳动战胜一切(维吉尔) ●走遍天下爱勤 ●功名不上懒人头 ●一勤天下无难事 ●汗水的河才能冲开理想之门 ●勤勉是好运之母(英国) ●谨慎的勤奋带来好运(英国) ●懒汉争食,好汉争气 ●勤劳可以战胜一切困难(日本) ●一根红线两枝花,勤劳节俭不分家 ●能勤不能俭,到头没积攒;能俭不能勤,到头等于零 ●勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆 ●勤勉是幸运的右手,节俭是幸运的左手(英国) ●勤能补拙,俭可助廉 ●增产如似摇钱树,节约犹如聚宝盆 ●增产不节约,好似无底锅,节约不增产,太阳底下水一碗 ●只有勤来没有俭,好比有针没有线 ●勤劳是穷人的财富,节俭是富人的智慧(英国) ●闲散如酸醋,会软化精神的钙质;勤奋像火炬,能燃起智慧的火焰(藏族) ●勤奋和智慧是双胞胎,懒惰和愚蠢是亲兄弟 ●智慧源于勤奋,伟大出自平凡 ●天才就是劳动。
人的天赋就像火花,它既可能熄灭,也可能燃烧起来,而使它成为熊熊烈火的办法只有一个,那就是劳动,再劳动(高尔基) ●劳动使人建立起对自己的理智力量的信心(高尔基) ●勤奋出天才,实践出真知 ●工作着的傻子比睡在床上的聪明人强(苏联) ●谁要懂得多,就要睡得少(亚美尼亚) ●知识从劳动中来,才能从斗争中来(柬埔寨) ●懒惰不过是未疲乏就休息的习惯(印度) ●懒惰它是一种对待劳动态度的特殊作风。它以难于卷入工作而易于离开工作为其特点(苏联) ●懒惰是愚者的休暇(英国) ●懒病没有药医(朝鲜) ●懒惰很像金钱一个人拥有越多,越是想要(挪威) ●越吃越馋,越睡越懒 ●懒人没有腿(阿拉伯) ●讨饭三年,官都怕做(日本) ●吃起饭来像个贼,干起活来像个蛇 ●吃饭拣大碗,上场拣小杈 ●让懒汉干活,他会说怕人的病情(柯尔克孜族) ●提水的泉边虽近,懒汉也觉得有三天的路程(哈萨克族) ●遇着横草不肯竖,倒了油瓶也不扶 ●懒人的工作总是明天,而他的假日则是今天(欧洲) ●勤奋者废寝忘食,懒惰人总没有时间(日本) ●懒汉画一个圆圈也得一个月的时间(莫桑比克) ●懒人寻锄头总说:天哪!但愿找不到(马尔加什) ●一到傍晚,懒惰的人就忙碌起来(德国) ●懒惰等于把一个人活埋(法国) ●懒惰是世间最大奢侈(希腊) ●因循懒惰就是死亡(英国) ●懒惰受到的惩罚不仅仅是自己的失败,还有别人的成功(米尔·勒纳尔) ●懒汉是最热衷于把自己弄得筋疲力尽的人,不过不是在工作上,而是在欢乐上(法国) ●懒惰一时,损失一生(英国) ●好吃懒做,到老不成货 ●懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更消耗身体;经常用的钥匙是亮闪闪的(富兰克林) ●懒惰乃生者之墓(加拿大) ●懒惰是生活的死亡(德国) ●懒人总希望有所作为(沃维纳格) ●“好运气”,这是懒汉对劳动者的成果的估价(欧洲) ●没有一种懒散比戴着“职责”光环的懒散更容易诱使我们堕落了(塞·约翰逊) ●一双懒惰的手并不能证明一颗满足的心(托·富勒) ●懒惰是意志薄弱者的隐藏所(英国) ●懒牛屎尿多,懒人明天多 ●勒快的人用手,懒惰的人用口 ●懒惰中有永恒的绝望(英国) ●懒惰如果不产生恶习或祸患,那就一定产生沮丧(英国) ●懒惰能使青年人未老先衰(南斯拉夫) ●懒惰比勤劳理能消耗身休 ●懒惰虽然柔弱似水,却常常把我们征服:它渗透进生活中一切目标和行为,蚕食和毁灭着激情和美德(拉罗什富科) ●懒惰乃万恶之源(美国) ●懒汉的头脑是魔鬼的工厂(英国) ●懒惰是德行的墓穴(英国) ●懒惰是死海,会吞没一切道德(欧洲) ●最坏的水是死水 ●游手好闲的习惯,是人生最大不幸的灾害(苏联) ●物要防腐,人要防懒 ●懒人甚至对土地也是沉重的负担(阿尔巴尼亚) ●劳动能将人变成勇士,懒惰能将人变成魔鬼(哈萨克族) ●种种弊病,都从懒生 ●没有劳动的生活是盗窃,没有艺术的生活是野蛮(俄罗斯) ●懒惰与贪欲,为刎颈之交(德国) ●虫蛆在死水中孵化,罪恶在懒惰中成长(拉丁美洲) ●游手好闲,容易堕落(英国) ●偷闲不是良药而是毒剂(阿富汉) ●懒散能磨去才智的锋芒(英国) ●懒惰没有牙齿,但却可以吞噬人的智慧 ●才能一旦让懒惰支配,它就一无可为(克雷洛夫) ●对于事业,怠惰是最危险的灾难(日本) ●光荣不登懒汉门(苏联) ●一时之怠隋,可能危害终生(英国) ●懒汉一伸腰,勤汉走三遭 ●懒汉就是靠在井边也会渴死(朝鲜) ●近路不走也会感到长(朝鲜) ●肥鸡不下蛋 ●肥地怕懒汉 ●懒惰的人,吊死在苹果树下,勤劳的人,沙漠上可以种花 ●勤人过山易,懒人动指难 ●不怕山高路远,只所途中偷懒 ●坐吃山空,立吃地陷 ●懒汉从来没有时间(意大利) ●懒汉像不结果实的树(维吾尔族) ●坐倒话多,睡倒梦多,三天不做事变成笨婆 ●勤谨勤谨,衣食有准;懒惰懒惰,必定挨饿 ●勤劳勤劳,衣暖食饱;懒惰懒民,日子难过 ●懒汉不会成功(法国) ●懒惰者的道路充满荆棘(丹麦) 希望楼主采纳我的答案、。
9. 懒惰和压力的名言谚语
参考:名言名句 /mingyanmingju/