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  • money的谚语


    1.Money is a great traveler in the world. -金钱是世界上伟大的旅行家。

    2.Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。

    3.With money a donkey was obtained a priest.有了钱,驴子也能当牧师。

    4.Where money talks arguments are of no avail.-钱说话的地方,讲理是没有用的。

    5.Money buys everything except brain.除了智慧以外,金钱什么都能买到。

    6.Money isn't everything.金钱并非一切(意为:金钱并非万能的)。

    7.Money is a good servant but a bad master.-要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。

    8.Money does not grow on tree.金钱不长在树上(意为:钱不容易挣)。

    9.Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。

    10.Money is round,and rolls away.金钱圆溜溜,一有就滚走。

    11.Money lost,nothing lost;courage lost,everything lost.丢了钱,什么也没丢;若丢了勇


    12.Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.智力投资决不会白投。

    13.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.脑中有智慧胜于手中有金钱。

    14.Health is certainly more valuable than money because it is by health that money is


    15.Health and money go far.有了健康和金钱,就能走遍天下。


    1.Money is a great traveler in the world.-金钱是世界上伟大的旅行家.2.Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨.3.With money a donkey was obtained a priest.有了钱,驴子也能当牧师.4.Where money talks arguments are of no avail.-钱说话的地方,讲理是没有用的.5.Money buys everything except brain.除了智慧以外,金钱什么都能买到.6.Money isn't everything.金钱并非一切(意为:金钱并非万能的).7.Money is a good servant but a bad master.-要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶.8.Money does not grow on tree.金钱不长在树上(意为:钱不容易挣).9.Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金.10.Money is round,and rolls away.金钱圆溜溜。


    Time is money. (时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金)Time flies. (光阴似箭,日月如梭)Time has wings. (光阴去如飞) Every man has his faults.金无足赤,人无完人。

    Every man has his hobbyhorse.萝卜青菜,各有所爱。Every man has his weak side.人人都有弱点。

    Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。Every minute counts.分秒必争。

    Every mother's child is handsome.孩子是自己的好。Every potter praises hit pot.王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。

    Everything is good when new, but friends when old.东西是新的好,朋友是老的亲。Example is better then percept.说一遍,不如做一遍。

    Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.经验是智慧之父,记忆是智慧之母。

    4.帮译下这几个关于money的谚语 最好是英语的啊 下周二要考的啊 谢谢

    It takes money to make money.

    To make lots of money, you'll have to invest and learn to invest wisely.

    The love of money is the root of all kinds of evril

    Money often is the root cause of all kinds of conflicts and problems in this world. Mexican drug war is a perfect example of this, because over 10,000 people have died in the drug war since 2006.

    Money can't buy happiness

    Honestly I think money can buy happiness. For instance, I'll be truly happy if I can get a huge pay raise.

    But money can't buy time.

    Time is money

    It's especially true in business world.

    5.关于钱的谚语 在线等

    A day late and a dollar short (USA) If something is a day late and a dollar short, it is too little, too late.A fool and his money are soon parted This idiom means that people who aren't careful with their money spend it quickly. 'A fool and his money are easily parted' is an alternative form of the idiom. Bet your bottom dollar (USA) If you can bet your bottom dollar on something, you can be absolutely sure about it. Big bucks If someone is making big bucks, they are making a lot of money. Daylight robbery If you are overcharged or underpaid, it is a daylight robbery; open, unfair and hard to prevent. Rip-off has a similar meaning. Feel the pinch If someone is short of money or feeling restricted in some other way, they are feeling the pinch. For my money This idiom means 'in my opinion'. From rags to riches Someone who starts life very poor and makes a fortune goes from rags to riches. Go bust If a company goes bust, it goes bankrupt. Golden rule The golden rule is the most essential or fundamental rule associated with something. Heart of gold Somone with a heart of gold is a genuinely kind and caring person. In for a penny, in for a pound If something is worth doing then it is a case of iIn for a penny, in for a pound, which means that when gambling or taking a chance, you might as well go the whole way and take all the risks, not just some. Make a killing If you make a killing, you do something that makes you a lot of money. Make a mint If someone is making a mint, they are making a lot of money. Mint condition If something is in mint condition, it is in perfect condition. Money laundering If people launder money, they get money made illegally into the mainstream so that it is believed to be legitimate and clean. Money to burn If someone is very rich, they have money to burn. Out of your own pocket If someone does something out of their own pocket, they pay all the expenses involved. Pay on the nail If you pay on the nail, you pay promptly in cash. Penny wise, pound foolish Someone who is penny wise, pound foolish can be very careful or mean with small amounts of money, yet wasteful and extravagant with large sums. Pick up the tab A person who pays for everyone picks up the tab. Pin money (UK) If you work for pin money, you work not because you need to but because it gives you money for extra little luxuries and treats. Pink pound (UK) In the UK, the pink pound is an idiom for the economic power of gay people. Rough diamond A rough diamond is a person who might be a bit rude but who is good underneath it all. Spend a penny (UK) This is a euphemistic idiom meaning to go to the toilet. Square Mile (UK) The Square Mile is the City, the financial area of London. The penny dropped When the penny drops, someone belatedly understands something that everyone else has long since understood。


    1. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。

    2. Money is the root of evil. 金钱是罪恶的根源。

    3. Money is the key that opens all doors. 金钱是打开一切门户的钥匙。

    4. Beauty is potent,but money is more potent. 美貌固有力,金钱力更大。

    5. Money is a good servant but a bad master. 要做金钱的主人,莫作金钱的奴隶。

    6. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 胸中有知识,胜于手中有金钱。

    7. He that hath a full purse never wanted a friend. 金钱满袋,朋友盈门;钱袋装得饱,朋友不会少。


    1.Money is the root of evil . 金钱是罪恶的根源。

    2.All things are obedient to money . 一切事物都服从于金钱。

    3.Before gold,even kings take off their hats. 在黄金面前,国王也要脱帽。

    4.Money makes the mare to go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。

    5.Beauty is potent,but money is more potent. 美貌固有力,金钱力更大。

    6.Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money. 相信金钱万能的人,往往会一切为了金钱。

    7.Wealth makes worship. 财富能使人拜倒。

    8.Little wealth,little care. 财富少,烦恼也少。

    9.A moneyless man goes fast through the market. 身上无钱过市快。

    10.All is not gold that glitters. 闪光未必尽黄金。







    时间谚语大全 人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。

    (英·莎士比亚) 一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春,一生之计在于勤。.时间就像海绵里的水一样,只要肯挤,总还是有的。

    (鲁迅)1、明日复明日,明日何其多! 2、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 3、在世界上我们只活一次,所以应该爱惜光阴。必须过真实的生活,过有价值的生活。

    ——巴甫洛夫 4、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 5、一万年太久,只争朝夕。

    ——毛泽东 6、不管饕餮的时间怎样吞噬着一切,我们要在这一息尚存的时候,努力博取我们的声誉,使时间的镰刀不能伤害我们。 ——莎士比亚 7、不要老叹息过去,它是不再回来的;要明智地改善现在。

    要以不忧不惧的坚决意志投入扑朔迷离的未来。 ——朗费罗 8、不要为已消尽之年华叹息,必须正视匆匆溜走的时光。

    ——布莱希特 9、当许多人在一条路上徘徊不前时,他们不得不让开一条大路,让那珍惜时间的人赶到他们的前面去。 ——苏格拉底 10、敢于浪费哪怕一个钟头时间的人,说明他还不懂得珍惜生命的全部价值。

    ——达尔文11、成功=艰苦劳动+正确的方法+少说空话。 --爱因斯坦 12、放弃时间的人,时间也放弃他。

    ——莎士比亚 13、没有方法能使时钏为我敲已过去了的钟点。 ——拜 伦 14、人的全部本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。

    ——巴尔扎克 15、任何节约归根到底是时间的节约。——马克思 16、时间就是能力等等发展的地盘。

    ——马克思 17、时间是世界上一切成就的土壤。时间给空想者痛苦,给创造者幸福。

    ——麦金西 18、时间是伟大的导师。——伯 克 19、时间是一个伟大的作者,它会给每个人写出完美的结局来。

    ——卓别林 20、时间最不偏私,给任何人都是二十四小时;时间也是偏私,给任何人都不是二十四小时。——赫胥黎 21、忘掉今天的人将被明天忘掉。

    ——歌 德 22、辛勤的蜜蜂永没有时间的悲哀。——布莱克 23、在所有的批评中,最伟大、最正确、最天才的是时间。

    ——别林斯基 24、从不浪费时间的人,没有工夫抱怨时间不够。 ——杰弗逊 25、时间是我的财产,我的田亩是时间。

    ——歌德 26、合理安排时间,就等于节约时间。 ——培根 27、春光不自留,莫怪东风恶。

    ——莎士比亚 28、抛弃今天的人,不会有明天;而昨天,不过是行去流水。 ——约翰· 洛克 29、抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。

    ——莎士比亚 30、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 31、利用时间是一个极其高级的规律。

    ——恩格斯 32、合理安排时间,就等于节约时间。 ——培根 33、今天所做之事勿候明天,自己所做之事勿候他人。

    ——歌德 34、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。 ——裴斯泰洛齐 35、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。

    ——卢梭 36、你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。 ——富兰克林 37、把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。

    --海伦·凯勒 38、迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。 ——莎士比亚. 39、普通人只想到如何度过时间,有才能的人设法利用时间。

    ——叔本华 40、黄金时代在我们面前而不在我们背后。 ——美国作家 马克·吐温 41、人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。

    ——英国剧作家 莎士比亚. 42、只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。 ——德国诗人歌德 43、不管饕餮的时间怎样吞噬着一切,我们要在这一息尚存的时候,努力博取我们的声誉,使时间的镰刀不能伤害我们。

    ——莎士比亚 44、不要老叹息过去,它是不再回来的;要明智地改善现在。要以不忧不惧的坚决意志投入扑朔迷离的未来。

    ——朗费罗 45、不要为已消尽之年华叹息,必须正视匆匆溜走的时光。——布莱希特 46、敢于浪费哪怕一个钟头时间的人,说明他还不懂得珍惜生命的全部价值。

    ——达尔文 47、即将来临的一天,比过去的一年更为悠长。 ——福尔斯特 48、集腋成裘,聚沙成塔。

    几秒钟虽然不长,却构成永恒长河中的伟大时代。——弗莱彻 49、我们若要生活,就该为自己建造一种充满感受、思索和行动的时钟,用它来代替这个枯燥、单调、以愁闷来扼杀心灵,带有责备意味和冷冷地滴答着的时间。

    --高尔基 50、完成工作的方法是爱惜每一分钟。 --达尔文 51、即将来临的一天,比过去的一年更为悠长。

    ——福尔斯特 52、集腋成裘,聚沙成塔。几秒钟虽然不长,却构成永恒长河中的伟大时代。




    1.Time is money


    2.Money is not everying,but without money,everying is nothing.


    3money makes the mare to go .


    4.Money is the root of evil.


    5.All things are obedient to money.


    6.Before gold,even kings take off their hats.


    7.Money is the key that opens all doors.


    8.Beauty is potent,but money is more potent.


    9.Avarice increases with wealth.


    10.The money the miser hoards will do him no good.


    11.What is wealth good for,If it brings melancholy?


    12.Gold will not buy anything.


    13.The chief aim of man is not to get money.


    14.Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money.


    15.Wealth makes worship.


    16.Little wealth,little care.


    17.A moneyless man goes fast through the market.



    Don't let your money direct you


