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  • bread的谚语


    面包, 生计


    All bread is not baked in one oven. [谚]人各不同, 不可强求一致。

    As I live by bread! [口]一点不假!

    ask for bread and be given a stone 求怜悯却遇到铁石心肠

    beg one's bread 讨饭, 行乞

    break bread [古]进餐;【宗】进圣餐

    break bread with sb. 与某人共餐; 受到某人的款待; 与某人共用圣餐

    butter one's bread on both sides (=have one's bread buttered on both sides) 走运; 左右逢源, 同时收双方之利

    By bread and salt! [废]我敢发誓!

    cast one's bread upon the water(s) 不图报答地行善

    daily bread 生计, 必不可少的粮食

    earn one's bread 谋生, 赚钱糊口

    eat the bread of affliction 遭受痛苦[折磨]

    eat the bread of idleness 游手好闲; 不劳而食

    God's bread ! [废]我的天啊!好家伙!糟糕!

    od's bread ! [废]我的天啊!好家伙!糟糕!

    Half a loaf is better than no bread . [谚]有胜于无。

    have one's bread buttered for life 一辈子生活有了保障, 生活有依靠

    know which side one's bread is buttered on 知道自己的利益所在

    make one's bread 谋生

    earn one's bread 谋生

    out of bread [口]失业

    quarrel with one's bread and butter 与自己过不去, 砸自己的饭碗

    raise bread 使生面发酵

    take bread and salt 郑重地发誓

    take the bread out of sb.'s mouth 夺某人的生计

    bread and butter 涂黄油的面包 生计; 必需品 主要收入来源 年轻的, 稚气的, 女学生派头的(特指中学女学生) 客人对于受到款待的感谢信

    bread and cheese 简单的饭菜; 生计

    "bread and cheese"marriage 贫贱夫妻

    bread and circuses 食物和娱乐(常指统治阶级抚慰人民的小恩小惠)

    bread and meat man 【军】军需团的军官

    bread and milk 浸于沸滚牛奶中的面包

    bread and scrape 奶油涂得很薄的面包片

    bread and water 粗劣的饮食, 粗茶淡饭

    bread and wine 【宗】圣餐


    Canadian grain dates, Ganoderma lucidum increasingly grass.

    Fine food tastes together, coarse grains gastrointestinal run.

    Eat the carrots, are all diseases of Ukraine.

    Fresh Prince a little more, do not have to herbal.

    Three dog roll roll, waddled immortal.

    Early morning cup of water, the old has no regrets.

    Apple Daily even more difficult, do not have to go to the hospital.

    Radish eat vegetables, Shabing no harm.

    Garlic is a Po, eat the body good.

    Tofu kelp distribution, in addition to eat disease.

    A little more fresh ginger, do not have prescription.

    Chinese radish soup, healthy longevity.

    Heat half-day Guatemala, the drugs do not have to grasp.

    Gas less than a guilty conscience, longans cooked rice.

    Salt in the morning to drink soup, win people to drink Ginseng.

    I drink irritable heart, plus Kiwi porridge.

    Sharp and spicy chili, by helping to digest food.

    However Haocai food, wine, however the volume


    bread [bred]





















    The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人。

    Eat to live,but do not live to eat.为生活而饮食,莫过于为饮食而生活。

    We rean what we sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

    Charity is like moiasses,sweet and cheap.慈善好像糖水,又甜又便宜。

    The yotten apple in jured its neighboors.一粒老鼠屎,弄坏一锅粥。




    n. 面包; 食物; 营养,营养物; 生计;

    vt. 在…上撒面包屑;

    [例句]There is more fibre in wholemeal bread than in white bread.


    [其他] 第三人称单数:breads 现在分词:breading 过去式:breaded 过去分词:breaded

    chocolate 英[ˈtʃɒklət] 美[ˈtʃɑ:klət]

    n. 巧克力; 巧克力色; 巧克力糖;

    adj. 巧克力色的; (含有) 巧克力的;

    [例句]Do you want some chocolate?


    [其他] 复数:chocolates



    All work an dno play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。 [注]相似的谚语有: Variety is the spice of life. 多彩是生活的乐趣。

    2。Any port in a storm. 风暴中能停泊的地方都是避风港。

    [注]在困难或危险时刻有个避难的地方总比没有的强。 3。

    Half a loaf is better than no bread. 聊胜于无。 4。

    The apple on the other side of the wall are the sweetest. 墙那边的苹果是最甜的。 [注] 我们得不到的东西似乎总比我们可以得到的东西要好。

    参见另一句: Forbidden fruit is sweetest. 禁果最甜。 5。

    As you make your bed,so you must lie in it . 自己铺的床自己睡,自己酿的苦酒自己喝。 6。

    As you sow , so shall you reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 7。

    A bed penny always comes back. 不想看到的东西总会重新出现。(或:要想摆脱的人总会再次回来。)

    8。The beaten road is the safest. 大家都走的路最安全。

    [注] 另一句相似的谚语是: The longest way round is the nearest way home. 回家路上无捷径。(或:绕道反而近,捷径常误人。)

    9。The best is often the enemy of the good. 凡事过于求全,有时反无成就。

    [注] 这句谚语的意思是:要求过高往往难以成功。当我们试图把一件东西做的尽善尽美时,我们往往反倒把本来已经够好的东西损坏了。

    另一句相反的谚语是: If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well. 如果一件事值得去做,就得尽力把它做好。 10。

    Between two stools you fall to the ground. 不当机立断,必两头落空。 [注] 另一句相似的谚语是: If you run after two hares,you will catch neither. 如果追赶两只兔子,一只也捉不到。

    11。Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鸟不相斗。

    12。Call no man happy till he is dead. 人活着不可能幸福。

    [注] 这句谚语悲观地告诉人们人生注定不幸福。 13。

    Don't tell tales out of school. 不要揭露他人的隐私。 14。

    A door must be either shut or open. 非开即闭,非此即彼。 [注] 一扇门不可能既开着有关着,你必须在开与关之间做出选择。

    其他类似谚语: You can't burn the candle at both ends. 蜡烛不能两头点。 You can't sell the cow and drink the milk. 卖了奶牛就喝不到牛奶。

    You can't serve the God and the Mammon. 不能即侍奉上帝有侍奉财神。 15。

    Enough for today is the evil thereof. 满足今日,后必有祸。 16。

    Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard. 家家有丑事。 [注] 与此相关的中国谚语有:家丑不可外扬。

    /家家都有本难念的经。 17。

    Every flow must have its ebb. 潮涨自有潮落时。 18。

    Every man for himself,and the devil take the hindmost. 人人顾自己,落后者遭殃。 [注]参见另一句谚语: Self-preservation is the first law of nature. 自我保存乃自然第一法则。

    19。Every man has his price. 人人都能被买通。

    (或:人各有其价。) [注] 这句谚语指:在紧要关头没有一个人是绝对正直的,如果出个好价,也就是说巨额贿赂能使每个人做出不体面的事情。

    他所接受的贿赂就是他被买通的价格。(price) 20。

    Fools go in throngs. 傻瓜总是成群结队。 你可以去这里看看:。


