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  • 关于龙的英文谚语


    Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.强龙难压地头蛇.the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 like dragon flying and phoenixes dancing 龙飞凤舞 Of or suggestive of a dragon. 龙的或似龙的Better to sit up all night than go to bed with a dragon. 与其跟龙一块儿上床,宁可坐着熬一整夜。

    Dragons are the coinage of the brain. 龙是想像的产物。


    Any of several marine fishes of the family Trachinidae, having venomous spines on the gill cover and first dorsal fin.


    Of or suggestive of a dragon.


    We engraved a dragon entwining around the stone pillar.


    Better to sit up all night than go to bed with a dragon.


    It is located near Lungshan Temple.


    perennial Eurasian gentian with sky-blue funnel-shaped flowers of damp open heaths.


    bipedal herbivore having 10 inches of bone atop its head; largest bone-headed dinosaur ever found.


    St George braved the dragon.


    Dragons are the coinage of the brain.


    Even a dragon(from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt- Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.



    Any of several marine fishes of the family Trachinidae, having venomous spines on the gill cover and first dorsal fin. 龙鳖龙鳖科的几种海鱼之一,在鳃盖和第一背鳍上的许多毒刺Of or suggestive of a dragon. 龙的或似龙的We engraved a dragon entwining around the stone pillar. 我们把一条盘龙雕刻在石柱上。

    Better to sit up all night than go to bed with a dragon. 与其e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333335303539跟龙一块儿上床,宁可坐着熬一整夜。It is located near Lungshan Temple. 在龙山寺附近。

    perennial Eurasian gentian with sky-blue funnel-shaped flowers of damp open heaths. 欧亚的多年生龙胆,花天蓝色、漏斗状,主要见于潮湿开阔的石南丛生的荒地上。bipedal herbivore having 10 inches of bone atop its head; largest bone-headed dinosaur ever found. 两足食草性恐龙,头顶上有10英寸长的骨头;已经发现的最大的骨冠龙。

    St George braved the dragon. 圣乔治勇敢面对那条龙。Dragons are the coinage of the brain. 龙是想像的产物。

    Even a dragon(from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt- Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies. 强龙难压地头蛇。


    1.February, dragons looked up


    2. Don't go to provoke dragon, no matter you are what bibcock not lesbian horsetail: the strength not marketable lu fish jumped the goal

    千万不要去招惹龙,无论你是什么 龙头不拉拉马尾:用力不对路(比喻力气或功夫没用在,点子上) 鲁鱼跳龙门


    龙生龙,凤生凤:Dragons beget dragons. Phoenix beget phoenix.强龙斗不过地头蛇。

    A mighty dragon cannot subdue a local snake.龙头蛇尾:dragon head, snake tail.望子成龙:Hoping one's son will become a dragon.画龙点睛:make the finishing point 龙飞凤舞:lively and vigorous in calligraphy。.。


    鳌愤龙愁 笔底龙蛇 扳龙附凤 白龙鱼服 笔走龙蛇

    乘龙佳婿 乘龙快婿 乘龙配凤 成龙配套 藏龙卧虎

    禅世雕龙 车水马龙 鼎成龙去 鼎成龙升 打凤捞龙

    打凤牢龙 打虎牢龙 鼎湖龙去 雕龙画凤 大水冲了龙王庙

    得婿如龙 二龙戏珠 凤表龙姿 风从虎,云从龙 凤附龙攀

    附凤攀龙 凤骨龙姿 风虎云龙 凤狂龙躁 飞龙乘云

    伏龙凤雏 凤楼龙阙 放龙入海 伏虎降龙 飞龙在天

    凤毛龙甲 凤髓龙肝 凤舞龙飞 凤舞龙蟠 凤箫龙管

    凤臆龙鬐 凤翥龙蟠 凤子龙孙 凤翥龙骧 凤翥龙翔

    贯斗双龙 龟龙鳞凤 龟龙麟凤 龟龙片甲 虎步龙行

    虎变龙蒸 虎超龙骧 虎斗龙争 鹤骨龙筋 虎踞龙盘

    虎据龙蟠 虎踞龙蟠 虎窟龙潭 画龙不成反为狗 画龙点睛

    画龙点晴 火龙黼黻 活龙活现 画龙刻鹄 虎略龙韬

    黄龙痛饮 活龙鲜健 骇龙走蛇 虎卧龙跳 虎穴龙潭

    虎掷龙拿 踞虎盘龙 酒虎诗龙 蛟龙得水 酒龙诗虎

    蛟龙戏水 矫若惊龙 矫若游龙 骥子龙文 跨凤乘龙





    鳌愤龙愁 笔底龙蛇 扳龙附凤 白龙鱼服 笔走龙蛇 乘龙佳婿 乘龙快婿 乘龙配凤 成龙配套 藏龙卧虎 禅世雕龙 车水马龙 鼎成龙去 鼎成龙升 打凤捞龙 打凤牢龙 打虎牢龙 鼎湖龙去 雕龙画凤 大水冲了龙王庙 得婿如龙 二龙戏珠 凤表龙姿 风从虎,云从龙 凤附龙攀 附凤攀龙 凤骨龙姿 风虎云龙 凤狂龙躁 飞龙乘云 伏龙凤雏 凤楼龙阙 放龙入海 伏虎降龙 飞龙在天 凤毛龙甲 凤髓龙肝 凤舞龙飞 凤舞龙蟠 凤箫龙管 凤臆龙鬐 凤翥龙蟠 凤子龙孙 凤翥龙骧 凤翥龙翔 贯斗双龙 龟龙鳞凤 龟龙麟凤 龟龙片甲 虎步龙行 虎变龙蒸 虎超龙骧 虎斗龙争 鹤骨龙筋 虎踞龙盘 虎据龙蟠 虎踞龙蟠 虎窟龙潭 画龙不成反为狗 画龙点睛 画龙点晴 火龙黼黻 活龙活现 画龙刻鹄 虎略龙韬 黄龙痛饮 活龙鲜健 骇龙走蛇 虎卧龙跳 虎穴龙潭 虎掷龙拿 踞虎盘龙 酒虎诗龙 蛟龙得水 酒龙诗虎 蛟龙戏水 矫若惊龙 矫若游龙 骥子龙文 跨凤乘龙 亢龙有悔 龙断可登 麟凤龟龙。


