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  • 善有善报英文谚语


    What goes around, comes around 善有善报,恶有恶报

    If you haven't learnt this yet, you better start accepting the fact that your Karma is going to hit you back like a rock.


    What goes around, comes around means if you do good,good things are going to happen to you.

    “善有善报、恶有恶报” 就是说,你若行善,善事也会临幸于你。

    Understanding and appreciating the fact that hurting someone is only going to hurt you back in one form or the other, is the first secret to finding true happiness in life.


    2.善有善报,恶有恶报 英文翻译,多谢了啊

    chickens come home to roost小鸡们白天在院子里刨食,晚上回到鸡舍里睡觉,这中间隔了一定的时间。而如果一个人做了不好的事,也许他不会马上得到报应,但是总有一天他会得到应有的惩罚的,正如鸡总会回家睡觉的。

    例句:You have been too arrogant since getting your new job, and your coworkers now don't like you. The chickens have come home to roost. (你接手新工作之后表现得太傲慢了,同事们现在都不喜欢你,遭报应了吧。)

    3.这句话怎么翻译 这是一句谚语 善有善报 礼尚往来 我想知道按单词的意

    one good turn deserves another吧 GOOD没有S冠词是ONE后面动词DESERVES也加了S GOOD TURN指善zd行DESERVE在牛津里的解释 to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have因你的行为或者品德为你赢回得或者被给与。

    .ANOTHER指另一个其实后面应该是省略了ANOTHER GOOD TURN 就是另一个善举答字面意思就可以理解为一个善举赢得(值得。)



