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  • 希腊神话谚语英文解释


    1.An Apple of Discord争斗之源;不和之因;祸根

    An Apple of Discord直译为"纠纷的苹果",出自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事


    The Heel of Achilles 亦作The Achilles' Heel唯一弱点;薄弱环节;要害

    The Heel of Achilles直译是"阿基里斯的脚踵",是个在欧洲广泛流行的国际性成语。它源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事。


    The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细

    The Trojan Horse直译"特洛伊木马",是个国际性成语,在世界各主要语言中都有。来自拉丁语equns Trojanus.这个成语甚至还进入到汉语词汇中。









    Curly tai is a bogs fairy.


    One day, she met is in the woods hunting Apollo, her for the handsome deeply fascinated by god, fell madly in love with him.


    But, Apollo even nor see her once guided went.


    Curly Thai eagerly look forward one day to say to her, Apollo can but she was never met him.


    So she can only every scanned the sky, watching Apollo drove resplendent and magnificent day car across the sky.


    She gazed at the Apollo trip, until he down the mountain.


    Every day, every day, she so sat there, the hair is messy, pale.


    A sunrise, she then hope toward the sun.


    Later, the gods have mercy on her, put her into a big flower golden sunflowers.


    Her handsome turned toward the sun, forever anxle daily to follow him, and he complained of her undying love.


    1.Thanks to her agent,a veritable Pygmalion,she was transfomed from an ugly duckling into a Hollywood beauty.皮格马利翁(Pygmalion)是塞浦路斯国(Cyprus)国王,也是一位雕刻家。


    例句中Pygmalion正是取了该意。1968年罗森塔尔(R.Rosenthal)与雅各布森(K.Jacobson)发表了一份名为《教室中的皮格马利翁》(Pygmalion in the Classroom)的研究报告。





    心理学上的“皮格马利翁效应”指的就是这种情形。2.The present school curriculum seems to some students a procrustean bed.句中的procrustean是形容词,由专有名词派生而来。


    如果受害人身高超过床榻,柏鲁克洛斯德就截断其下肢;如果受害人身高短于床榻,他就抻长其下肢,使其与床榻齐长。procrustean 现在喻指“强求一致的;削足适履的”; procrustean bed喻指“强求一致的制度或政策”。

    例句中procrustean bed正是取了该意。钱智修在1919年10月出版的《教育杂志》第11卷10号发表一篇译文“问题教授法”(Problem method)。


    3.The Argus-eyed examiner certainly contributed to the honesty of the candidates.Argus是希腊神话中的百眼巨人,译为阿耳戈斯。他受命护卫宙斯(Zeus)所钟爱的少女——艾奥(Io),后被众神的使者赫耳墨斯(Hermes)所杀。

    他的眼睛被放在了孔雀的尾巴上。Argus 现在喻指“机警之人”;Argus-eyed 喻指“机警的;目光锐利的”。

    例句中Argus-eyed 正是取了该意。有目光敏锐的监考者在场,考生的诚实程度也随之有所提高。

    4.The preparation of the Oxford English Dictionary was a Herculean task.句中的Herculean是形容词,由专有名词Her-cules派生而来。Hercules是宙斯(Zeus)与阿尔克墨涅(Alcmene )之子,译为赫拉克勒斯。



    5.Tired of political dodges,the would-be candidate decided to cut the Gordian knot by announcing that he would run.句中的Gordian是形容词,由专有名词Gordian派生而来。Gordian是弗里吉亚国(Phrygia)国王,译为戈尔迪。

    他打了一个复杂难解的结,被称为“戈尔迪的结”(Gordian knot)。当马其顿国王亚历山大听到神谕允诺,解开此结者将成为下一个亚洲之王时,在无法解开此结的情况下,他挥舞利剑将其斩开。

    Gordian knot现在喻指“难办的事,复杂的问题”;cut the Gordian knot 喻指“快刀斩乱麻式地解决复杂问题”。例句中cut the Gordian knot正是取了该意,“这位竞选者厌倦了躲躲闪闪的方式,决定直截了当地宣布参加竞选。”

    6.He was thought of as a titan of the American automobile industry.Titan是天神马拉诺斯(Uranus)与大地女神盖亚(Gaea)之子,译为泰坦,是一位巨神。Titan现在喻指“巨物;巨人,有成就的人”。

    例句中的titan取“有成就的人”之意,“他被认为是美国汽车工业的巨头。”7.The multimillionaire wondered, with satisfaction, if he truly had the Midas touch.迈达斯(Midas)是弗里吉亚国(Phrygia)国王,他要求神赐予他一种特殊的魔力,能把他触摸到的一切变成黄金。

    现在Midas喻指“大富翁;善于赚大钱之人”。 the Midas touch喻指“赚大钱的本领”。

    例句中 the Midas touch正是取了该意,“这位大富翁志得意满,思量着自己是否真正具备了赚大钱的本领。”8.Vietnam was President Johns。



    就是本来其神性跟希腊宗教毫无关系的罗马 诸神,后来也都分别把他们对比作希腊奥林匹斯诸神,所以自古“希腊、罗马神话”就 被混为一谈。古希腊有名的一句谚语“光明来自东方”,这本来是形容古老的亚非文化 对古希腊文化的影响,如今可以原封不动地移用到希腊文化对罗马文化的影响上。

    希腊化文化以排山倒海之势涌进了罗马,结果使武力征服者的罗马人变成了被征服者 ,因而也曾经惹起一些民族主义者的反抗。如大加图和瓦罗都反对希腊学术。

    特别是加 图写了一本关于医学和农业的书,来以此证明罗马人比希腊人高明,他憎恶和蔑视希腊 人和希腊文化,认为希腊人的著作只配供查阅而不配供研究。然而他的著作却大量地运 用了希腊人的资料。

    (25)(注:参阅M.P.加图:《农业志》及译者王阁森之译文,商务 印书馆1986年版,第7页。)但是大多数罗马人都努力把希腊人的学问吸收过来。

    正如罗 马大诗人贺拉斯所歌颂的:“被征服者希腊反而战胜了征服者罗马,使粗野的拉丁民族 迈向文e5a48de588b67a686964616f31333166326264明开化。”的确,罗马人继承了希腊文化遗产,接着再由罗马远征军把她传遍世 界各地,使罗马人在人类文明史上建下不朽之功。


    An Apple of Discord争斗之源;不和之因;祸根

    Helen of Troy 直译"特洛伊的海伦",表示a beautiful girl or woman; a beauty who ruins her country或a terrible disaster brought by sb. or sth. you like best的意思。

    The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细

    A Penelope's Web亦作The Web of Penelope故意拖延的策略;永远做不完的工作

    The Augean Stable(s)肮脏的地方;藏垢纳秽之所;积弊

    A Gordian Knot难解的结;难题;难点

    between Scylla and Charybdis:进退维谷;腹背受敌


    Long long ago,there was a naiad called 库尔采 who had a crazy crush on God of sun - Apollo.Every morning the sun arose from the east,she started to watch him with fixed eye,from morning to night,she didn't look back until the God of sun had set.As time go by,the naiad rooted at her feet,and her face turned into a beautiful flower named "sunflower".


    8.希腊神话perseus英文版 大意

    once there was a king named Acrisius, he had a beautiful daughter named Danae. The oracle of Apollo told Acrisius that Danae's son would one day kill him. Acrisius could not let that happen, so he locked Danae in a bronze tower so that she would never marry or have children.The tower had no doors, but it had one very small window. Danae was very sad, but one day a bright shower of gold came through the small window. A man appeared, he had a thunderbolt in his hand and Danae knew he was a god, but she didn't know which. The man said, "Yes, I am a god and I wish to make you my wife. I can make this dark prison a wonderful sunny land with many flowers " All happened as he said, the horrible prison became fields almost as wonderful as the Elysian Fields themselves, but one day Acrisius saw light coming out of the small window. He told his men to tear down one of the walls. He walked into the tower and saw Danae with a baby on her lap, smiling she said, "I have named him Perseus." Acrisius was furious, he shut Danae and baby Perseus up in a large chest and cast them out to sea.Somehow they got safely to the island of Seriphos where Polydectes was king. The kings brother who was a fisherman, caught them in his net and pulled them to shore, his name was Dictys. Perseus grew up to become a strong young man. Polydectes heard about Danae and wanted her to marry him, but she rejected him. Polydectes would have married Danae by force if Perseus wasn't there to protect her.Polydectes decided on a plan to get rid of Perseus. Polydectes pretended to be marrying a daughter of a friend of his. Everybody had to bring a present, including Perseus. Polydectes pretended to be furious when Perseus arrived empty-handed, for he was not only very strong and brave but very poor. "What, no wedding present?" yelled Polydectes. " I don't have any money." exclaimed Perseus. " That's what you get for a lazy good-for-nothing." said Polydectes. Perseus was furious. "I can bring you any present in the world, anything." he said. "Then bring me the head of the gorgon Medusa!" replied Polydectes. "Fine!" said Perseus.So he went of on his perilous voyage. For days he wandered, searching for the gorgons lair. One night in an unknown country he realized how hopeless things were. The gorgons were horrible, instead of hair they had black serpents that writhed on their head, they had brazen hands that could have squashed poor Perseus, but worst of all if you looked a gorgon you were instantly turned to stone.Then suddenly a tall woman and a young man with winged sandals appeared. The man said, "I am Hermes and this is our sister Athena. Yes, you are a son of Zeus. We have some things that may help you in slaying Medusa. Here are my winged sandals and the sickle which Cronos used to overpower Uranus and Zeus used against mighty Typhoeus." "And here is a gifts from me." said Athena, "Use this shield to reflect the image of Medusa so you won't be turned to stone." "You must find the Graeae and get them to tell you how to get to the Nymphs of the North, they will give you the cap of darkness and give you a magic wallet and tell you how to get to the Gorgons' lair." Hermes said.So Perseus went to the cave of the Graeae. The Graeae were strange women, there were three of them having only one eye for all three of them which they constantly fought over. Perseus hid behind some bushes and watched them. When one took out the eye to give to another Perseus sprang from his hiding place and snatched the eye from them. Then he said, "I have your eye and if you don't tell me how to find the Nymphs of the North you shall never have it back!" So they reluctantly told them how to find the Nymphs of the North. He gave them back their eye and flew off on his winged sandals.The kindly Nymphs of the North gave him the Cap of Darkness which has the power to make it's wearer invisible and the magic wallet. They told him how to reach the gorgons' lair. Perseus went farther north until he found an island surrounded by rocks and statues which used to be men.Perseus raised his shield and saw Medusa and her sisters asleep, he put on the Cap of Darkness and flew down. He swung the sickle and felt it tearing through sinew and bone. Still looking into the shield, he put Medusa's head in the magic wallet. Medusa's sisters woke up and attacked Perseus. He flew quickly away on his winged sandals and was not hurt.On his way back to Seriphus he had many adventures, one was that when he saw the Atlas holding up the sky Perseus was 。


    1、Pandora's box(潘朵拉的盒子) :普罗米修斯(Prometheus)为人类盗来了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)。

    Zeus决定惩罚人类,于是他命令火神造出一个美貌的女人 Pandora,让她去勾引Prometheus的弟弟埃比米修斯(Epimetheus)。结果Epimetheus上当,接近了 Pandora,Pandora于是就将手中的盒子打开,放出了里面的罪恶、灾难、疾病、不幸,只留下了“希望”在盒子里。

    于是Pandora's box就成了“灾难的根源”的代名词。2、the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑):Damocles是叙拉古王朝的一位大臣,非常羡慕帝王的荣华富贵。

    一天,国王让他坐在王位上,在 Damocles的头上用一根头发悬一把利剑,告诉他王权的危险就象那把剑一样,随时可能降临。因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发。

    3、Damon and Pythias :Damon和Pythias是好朋友。Pythias出事被判了死刑,为了使他能够回家探视亲人,Damo留在牢中作人质,如果Pythias不按时返 回,就处死Damon。

    当期限满,临处刑之际,Pythias及时赶回。国王深受感动,将二人全部释放,因此,Damon and Pythias意思就是“生死之交”。

    4、Penelop's web:源自史诗《奥德赛》(Odyssey)。泊涅罗珀(Penelop)是奥底修斯(Odysseus)的妻子,以忠贞而著称。

    特洛伊战争持续 了十年,Odysseus在返家的途中又耽搁了十年。在这漫长的二十年中,许多王公贵族向Penelop求婚,她都托辞说必须等织完布后才能予以考虑,一 到晚上,她又将白天织好的布再拆开。

    因此Penelop's web就成了一项永远也完不成的工作。5、apple of discord:意思是“不和的根源、发生纠纷的事端”。

    佩琉斯和忒提斯举行婚礼时忘记了邀请不和女神厄里斯(Eris)。这位女神大为恼火,留下 一个刻有“献给最美者”的金苹果,引起了雅典娜、赫拉和阿芙罗狄忒的纷争。

    此事导致漫长的特洛伊战争(Trojan War)。扩展资料:希腊神话文献记载最早的几部参考文献当推荷马的两部史诗:《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》。



    其中包括了对普罗米修斯, 潘多拉以及五个时代的描写。这些诗篇给予了在那个危险的时期最好生活方式的建议和全貌。



