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  • 英语下雨谚语


    早霞不出门,晚霞行千里——Red sky at night,sailor'sdelight.Red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.

    日晕三更雨,月晕午时风——Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.

    月明星稀——When the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.

    蚂蚁搬家,天将雨——When ladybugs swarm,expect a day that's warm.

    蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹——If bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day

    回答者:畅安希 - 一派掌门 十三级 1-28 20:40


    英语天气谚语~实用]英语天气谚语~实用[/glow]早霞不出门,晚霞行千里——Red sky at night,sailor'sdelight.Red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.

    日晕三更雨,月晕午时风——Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.

    月明星稀——When the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.

    蚂蚁搬家,天将雨——When ladybugs swarm,expect a day that's warm.

    蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹——If bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day.

    回答者:鞒鞒 - 经理 五级 1-28 20:41


    A snow year, a rich year.


    A sound mind in a sound body.


    Measure for measure.


    Red clouds in the east, rain the next day。

    After a storm comes a calm weather,亦作After black clouds comes clear weather,

    All clouds bring no storms

    Don't worry. all clouds bring no storms!

    There is something in the wind.

    It's rianing cats and dogs.

    Rian before seven, find before eieven.

    A good winter brings a good summer.

    Tall trees catch much wind.


    早霞不出门,晚霞行千里——e68a84e79fa5e9819331333363366234Red sky at night,sailor'sdelight.Red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.

    日晕三更雨,月晕午时风——Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.

    月明星稀——When the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.

    蚂蚁搬家,天将雨——When ladybugs swarm,expect a day that's warm.

    蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹——If bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day

    回答者:畅安希 - 一派掌门 十三级 1-28 20:40


    英语天气谚语~实用]英语天气谚语~实用[/glow]早霞不出门,晚霞行千里——Red sky at night,sailor'sdelight.Red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.

    日晕三更雨,月晕午时风——Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.

    月明星稀——When the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.

    蚂蚁搬家,天将雨——When ladybugs swarm,expect a day that's warm.

    蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹——If bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day.

    回答者:鞒鞒 - 经理 五级 1-28 20:41


    A snow year, a rich year.


    A sound mind in a sound body.


    Measure for measure.

    4.关于雨 英语的谚语不得少于五句,加中文

    It never rains but it pours 祸不单行

    好雨知时节 Good rain know season

    星星稀,好天气 Stars dilute, good weather

    泥鳅跳,雨来到 Loach jump, the rain came

    泥鳅静,天气晴 Loach static, sunny weather

    云绞云,雨淋淋 LinLin wringing cloud, the rain clouds

    云向东,有雨变成风 YunXiangDong, have rain into the wind

    云低要雨,云高转晴 Cloud low to rain, cloud high clearing up

    直闪雨小,横闪雨大 The rain is small, straight flash flash rain

    急雨易晴,慢雨不开 Torrential rains YiQing, slow rain will not open

    炸雷雨小,闷雷雨大 Fry the thunderstorm small, stuffy thunderstorm

    乌云拦东,不下雨也有风 Dark clouds block east, no rain also have wind

    小暑一声雷,倒转做黄梅 Slight heat a loud thunder, overturned do huangmei

    (乱云天顶绞,风雨来不小 Disorderly yuntian top ground, rain to considerable)


    早霞不出门,晚霞行千里——e68a84e79fa5e9819331333363366234Red sky at night,sailor'sdelight.Red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.日晕三更雨,月晕午时风——Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.月明星稀——When the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.蚂蚁搬家,天将雨——When ladybugs swarm,expect a day that's warm.蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹——If bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day回答者:畅安希 - 一派掌门 十三级 1-28 20:40英语天气谚语~实用英语天气谚语~实用]英语天气谚语~实用[/glow]早霞不出门,晚霞行千里——Red sky at night,sailor'sdelight.Red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.日晕三更雨,月晕午时风——Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.月明星稀——When the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.蚂蚁搬家,天将雨——When ladybugs swarm,expect a day that's warm.蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹——If bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day.回答者:鞒鞒 - 经理 五级 1-28 20:41一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。

    A snow year, a rich year.瑞雪兆丰年。A sound mind in a sound body.有心栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成荫。

    Measure for measure。.。


    早霞不出门,晚霞行千里——Red sky at night,sailor'sdelight.Red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.

    日晕三更雨,月晕午时风——Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.

    月明星稀——When the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.

    蚂蚁搬家,天将雨——When ladybugs swarm,expect a day that's warm.

    蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹——If bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day

    回答者:畅安希 - 一派掌门 十三级 1-28 20:40


    英语天气谚语~实用]英语天气谚语~实用[/glow]早霞不出门,晚霞行千里——Red sky at night,sailor'sdelight.Red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.

    日晕三更雨,月晕午时风——Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.

    月明星稀——When the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.

    蚂蚁搬家,天将雨——When ladybugs swarm,expect a day that's warm.

    蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹——If bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day.

    回答者:鞒鞒 - 经理 五级 1-28 20:41


    A snow year, a rich year.


    A sound mind in a sound body.


    Measure for measure.


    朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里. 蚂蚁搬家蛇过道,燕子低飞风雨到. 天上勾勾云,地上雨淋淋 东虹日出西虹雨,南虹北虹卖儿女. 四季东风是雨娘。 东风是个精,不下也要阴。 云下山,地不干。 云绞云,雨淋淋。 黑云接驾,不阴就下。 云低要雨,云高转晴。 天色亮一亮,河水涨一丈。 红云变黑云,必有大雨淋。 天上豆英云,地上晒死人。










    云向东,有雨变成风,云向南,水涟涟,云向西,下地披 衣。

    时雨时晴,几天几夜不停。 乌云拦东,不下雨也有风。

    乱云天顶绞,风雨来不小。 朝有破紫云,午后雷雨临。

    可以在 翻译


    After rain comes fair weather .

    雨过天晴; 否极泰来。

    After rain comes fair sunshine.

    雨过天晴; 否极泰来。

    as right as rain

    完全正常; 一切顺利; 完全令人满意

    come in when it rains

    避开不愉快的事; 有心眼, 知道保护自己

    go in when it rains

    避开不愉快的事; 有心眼, 知道保护自己

    It never rains but it pours.

    不下则已, 一下倾盆; 不来则已, 一来便接踵而至(尤指坏事)。

    Small rain lays great dust .

    小雨可以?大尘; 小物有大用。

    The rain comes down in torrents (=rain in torrents) .

    下倾盆大雨; 大雨; 大雨滂沱。

    rain in

    涌进, 纷纷而至

    rain in torrents


    rain off (=rain out)




    向某人诉苦, 怨自己运气不佳

    rain or shine

    不论晴雨, 风雨无阻

    无论如何, 在任何情况下


