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  • individualism谚语

    1.高人请进 翻译一下

    Rooted in everyday life, proverbs are highly concentrated and centralized embodiments of national language and culture. As the English philosopher Francis Bacon once said: 'Genius

    wit and spirit of a nation are discovered by theirproverbs.' Because of the difference existing in geograph,history,religion and customs, both English and Chinese proverbs deliver different national culture character and information which are closely related with cutural traditions. Language forms a part a culture, but it's also a special kind of culture. The relationship between language and culture is a two-wayed one.

    Sapir, an anthropologist, said in his book LANGUAGE THEORYS, 'Language is a base. People speaking a same language may belong to a race or several races, that is belong to a group in which people physically possess certain common characteristics but are different from other groups. Language。 decides our overall life syle and beliefs at all." Different nationalities bred the unique cultures in the long history. Generally speaking, the main current of British and American culture is individualism (or personal standard), however, Chinese culture (represented by the han culture) is collectivism (or ethics standard). In addition, British and American culture is rather hugely influenced by the religious, whereas the confucianist thought is deeply imprinted in Chinese culture. What's more, long feudal society had also affected Chinese cultural obviously.

    Next, we are going to judge the similarities and differences between English and Chinese proverbs from several aspects.

    2.高人请进 翻译一下

    National culture and cultural information, they and cultural traditions are closely linked, inseparable. Language is part of the culture, but it is a kind of special culture. The relationship between language and culture, is the influence of the relationship between double restricted. Anthropologists Sapir in its "the language of" said: "the language is a base, said a language belongs to a race or several RACES, meaning that belong to physically possess certain characteristics and different from other groups of a group of. Language。

    look. Decide our life and beliefs of the overall style." Different nationalities in the long history bred the unique culture. Generally speaking, the main British and American culture is individualism (or said), and personal standard Chinese culture represented by the han culture () is collectivism (or call for mainline ethics standard). In addition, British and American culture by the religious influence is bigger, but the confucianist thought is in Chinese culture, leaving deep imprint long feudal society of Chinese cultural influence is obvious. Judging from several aspects below the similarities and differences between Chinese proverbs。


    ) I want to be tied to a screws.2) who if game life, he accomplishes nothing; Anyone who cannot control themselves, is always a slave.3) I wish every time memories, don't feel guilty for life.4) a drop of water in the sea is only just never dry up, a person only when he put his and collective enterprise fusion together of the time to most power.5) a flower dress up a beautiful spring, one advanced always alone, they can move mountain and fill seas.-and have advanced.6) we are the masters of the state, should be everywhere in store for the country.7) a man's life is limited, but, serving the people is unlimited, and I will dedicate my limited life to the limitless job of serving the people.8) treat comrades want to like as the spring is warm, and to work to like summer hot, treat individualism like the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, treat the enemy as ruthless as to winter.9)。

    If you are a drop of water, whether you and not an inch of land? If you are a line sunshine, whether you lit up the points dark? If you are a food, whether you has nurtured useful life? If you are a minimum screws, do you always keep in your life's post? If you want to show us what we thought, whether or not you are in him who is the most beautiful day and night the ideal? You now that you are alive, and whether to the future of humanity life to pay you to labor, make the world more beautiful day by day? I want to ask you, for the future brought the??????? In the life of the warehouse, we should not just a endless ZhiFuZhe.10) youth, always is wonderful, but the real youth, only belong to these always to strive for people, will work of labor, always modest man.11) from unity strength, wisdom from the labor, and action from the thought to, from the collective to honor.12) in the work, want to emulate the highest comrade to enthusiasm, in life, to the lowest level of comrade in English.13) all the people's mind, not only his own people, certainly can get of the highest honor and the prestige. Conversely, if the mind only individuals, not people, sooner or later they will be people's decay.14) in the world the most glorious things-labor. The world's most decent people-employees.15) some people said the work busy, don't have the time to study. I think the question is not busy, but what you would like to learn, can squeeze time. To the time to study is there, the problem is we good not good at the crowded, willing to drill.16) a good board, above a eye also have no, but why can a nail in? This is hard to squeeze into by pressure, hard to drilling.17) nail has two advantages: one is crowded jin, a he is. We in the study, also want to advocate the "nails" spirit, good crowded and good at drill.18) I think a revolutionaries should the revolutionary interest in the first place, for the party's business to contribute their all, this is the most happy.Put the problems of others as oneself of difficulty, the comrade of happy as their own happiness.19) the proud, in fact is ignorance. He didn't know he can eat bowls GanFan, he don't know oneself is a drop in the ocean。

    20) I wish to be high mountains of rock loose, don't do beside the river shore of the willows. I wish in the middle of the storm exercise myself, not willing to go quietly spend your life day.21) a person's role for the revolutionary cause for, such as machine one of the screws. The machine because there are a myriad of screw connection and fixed, became a solid overall, only then can function properly, it can play a great deal of work. Screws are small, its effect is not estimate. I would never do a screws. Screws to often maintenance and cleaning, just won't rust. People thought also is such, want to often check, just won't go wrong.。


    雷锋名言: 1、我愿永远做一个螺丝钉 译文:I would like to be a screw forever。

    2、谁要是游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不能主宰自己,永远是一个奴隶。 译文:Who if the game of life, he will accomplish nothing; Who can not dominate their own, always a slave. 3、人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限为人民服务之中去。

    译文:Human life is limited, but, to serve the people is unlimited, I want to put the limited life, into the unlimited service to the people 4、把别人的困难当成自己的困难,把同志的愉快看成自己的幸福。 译文:We should regard the difficulties of others as our own and the happiness of comrades as our own. 5、谁要是游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不能主宰自己,永远是一个奴隶。

    译文:Who if the game of life, he will accomplish nothing; Who can not dominate their own, always a slave. 6、一滴水只有放进大海里才永远不会干涸,一个人只有当他把自己和集体事业融合在一起的时候才能最有力量。 译文:only a drop of water into the sea will never dry up, a person only when he put himself and the collective cause of the time to be most powerful. 7、一朵鲜花打扮不出美丽的春天,一个人先进总是单枪匹马,众人先进才能移山填海。

    7、我们是国家的主人,应该处处为国家着想。 译文:A flower dress not a beautiful spring, a person advanced always single-handedly, all advanced to move mountains and fill the sea. We are the masters of the country, should be everywhere for the sake of the country. 8、人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务之中去。

    译文:Human life is limited, but, to serve the people is unlimited, I want to put the limited life, into the unlimited service to the people. 9、对待同志要像春天般的温暖,对待工作要像夏天一样火热,对待个人主义要像秋风扫落叶一样,对待敌人要像严冬一样残酷无情。 译文:Treat comrades as warm as spring, treat work as hot as summer, treat individualism as the autumn wind sweeping leaves, treat the enemy as cruel as winter.。


    最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:ykjg2005 第四专题加强道德修e68a84e8a2ad3231313335323631343130323136353331333433623763养锤炼道德品质一、教学目标:通过本章学习,使大学生认识到在成长成才中要具有什么样的道德,为什么要具有这样的道德,以及了解道德品质的形成与发展;帮助大学生树立社会主义道德观,特别是社会主义荣辱观,解决大学生在树立社会主义道德观、荣辱观的过程中所遇到的各种实际问题,提高他们道德修养的自觉性,促进他们健全人格和高尚品质的养成,不断提升道德境界。






    “个人分餐制”的结果就是你只能吃自己盘子里的,不可能共享食品。哈哈,我说的不错吧!So to eat Chinese food is happier than to eat Western-style food. And I want to ask you a question. Do you like the free thing? I think nobody don't like the free thing. Ok! Suppose I invite you to eat the delicious Chinese food, then I pay the bill. This is equivalent to that you have enjoyed a delicious Chinese food free. So you will be very glad. Have strengthened the relation between us in the happy atmosphere.因此,吃中餐比吃西餐更能让人愉悦。



    Secondly, Occidentals eat for the health; Chinese eat for the friendship. Occidental advocate individualism and independence is strong. So Occidental express that respect for each other's independence through the way go Dutch. Chinese like making friends and solidarity. Chinese value the interpersonal relationships and friendship very much. There are a lot of folk adages in China, for example “Depend on parents at home, leave home and depend on the friend!”,“Handle affairs is easy if you have many friends!”, another sentence is the more violent: “Insert the knife into both sides of the rib for friend!!!”.其次,西方人聚餐是身体的需要;中国人聚餐是为了友谊。西方人倡导个人主义,独立性很强。


    中国有很多谚语,比如:“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友!”.“朋友多了好办事!”,还有一句更猛的:“为朋友两肋插刀!!!”Therefore, friend's position is important in Chinese's mind. The purpose that Chinese don't go Dutch is doesn't want to destroy the friendship between the friends. Dutch treatment is the stingy behavior in China, is unfavorable to the friends' solidarity and is unfavorable to keeping the harmonious interpersonal relationship.因此,在中国人的头脑中把朋友放在很重要的位置。中国人不采用各自付账的方式不会损害朋友间的友谊。

    相反,各付己账被认为是小气的行为,这不利于朋友的团结,也不利于保持和谐的人际关系。Third, it is only simple “Have a meal!” that Occidental entertain guests. It is not purpose that Chinese entertain guests, but it is the means. In Americans' idea, “Have a meal” definition is to add fuel to the body for keeping health and normal life activity. Thus resist the attack of disease. That is to say, there is no any additional value.第三,西方人接待客人“吃饭”很简单,不像中国人接待客人那样带有意图。


    In the Chinese idea, “Have a meal” not only is for maintaining the health of the body, but also is a kind of life enjoyment, even is the means to promote friendship between the friends. After enjoying the sumptuous delicious food, you are glad, I am glad too, everybody is glad. The friendship between the friends has been strengthened in this kind of atmosphere.而在中国人的头脑中,“吃饭”不仅仅是保持身体健康,还是一种生活的享受,甚至是增进友谊的助推剂。在享用完美味的盛宴之后,你开心,我也开心,每个人都很开心。

    朋友间的友谊就在这样的氛围中加深了。Chinese are a nation liking treat very much. Generally speaking, one party who propose treat will pay the bill in China. But purposes are different. For example you help me to do a thing, I will invite you to dinner in order to express thankfulness to you, certainly, I will pay the bill. Suppose I am a company manager, you are another company manager. I talk about the business with you, and I will say: “Let's have a meal together!”. Certainly, I will pay the bill. My purpose is that congratulates business' success, promote the friendship between us, even the friendship and cooperation between two companies.中国是个非常好客的国家。





    英语习语折射着英语语言民族在地理、历史、宗教信仰、生活习俗等方面丰富的文化信息和独特的文化特色。准确掌握英语中的习语, 能帮助我们深刻理解英语词汇中的文化内涵及文化差异, 从而更加准确、传神地使用英语。

    一、引言 语言是人在劳动中创造的,习语是语言特征的集中反映,它来自于普通百姓的生产劳动和生活经历,是语言的精华、语言的缩影;语言是一个任意的符号系统,习语是人在长期的语言实践中约定俗成的;语言是以交际为目的的,习语的起源就是在口头交际中使用最频繁的俚语和俗语;语言是人类智慧的表现,习语比较集中地反映出语言的修辞手段和表现手法(其中相当一部分是文学巨匠的精彩词句);语言是为人类各种活动服务的,而习语恰好生动地反映出人类生活的方方面面。 广义的习语包含比喻性词组、俚语、格言、俗语、谚语、典故等,是语言发展的结晶。


    而对英语习语的学习有助于我们掌握英语本族语者的真实语言,了解语言背后所隐藏着的丰富而有趣的文化信息。二、英语习语中隐含的历史背景 1、罗马人的痕迹 公元前49年,罗马执政庞贝和元老院共谋进攻恺撒。


    在渡河时他说"The die is cast."骰子已经掷下, 表明义无反顾。过了河,他还烧毁了渡船,( burn the boats) 逼得士兵毫无退路,只好勇往直前, 打败了敌人。

    就是这样一段历史故事, 在英语中留下了几个常见的习语: cross the Rubicon( 渡过鲁比肯河) 喻意决定冒重大危险, 采取断然行动; burn one's boats( 烧掉自己的船) 表示破釜沉舟的决心; The die is cast. ( 骰子已经掷下) 预示着事情已经决定, 再也不能改变。 2、条顿人的征服 条顿人, 即居住在西北欧的3个日耳曼部落, 他们是盎格鲁人、萨克逊人和朱特人。

    约在公元449 年, 他们开始征服不列颠。他们的入侵给英语带来了极大的影响, 并最终形成盎格鲁-萨克逊语, 即现代英语的起源。

    条顿人的征服对英语的影响是全面的, 起决定作用的, 从很多英语习语还可以找到条顿人征服的影子。如cut someone to the quick 意为"大伤某人的感情", quick 这里指"皮肉",这个解释源于古撒克逊语。

    Go through fire and water是"赴汤蹈火"的意思, 源自盎格鲁- 撒克逊时期的中世纪判罪法。 3、斯堪的纳维亚风暴 公元790年开始,斯堪的纳维亚人入侵英国,并在英国大批定居,他们讲的是北日耳曼语, 是现在的瑞典语、芬兰语、挪威语和冰岛语的前身。


    斯堪的纳维亚各族语言对英语的渗透特别深入。最常用的习语rain cats and dogs, 来自北欧神化:古代斯堪的纳维亚人的主神是奥丁(Odin),狗(dog)和狼(wolf)象征"风",猫(cat)象征"雨",所以该习语喻指"狂风暴雨"。

    4、诺曼底登陆 公元1066年,诺曼底公爵威廉入侵英国,并建立了诺曼底王朝。这一事件对英国的影响巨大。

    它使法语成为现代英语的三大来源之一。同时,法国文化逐渐向英国社会渗透, 影响着英语及其习语。

    如: return to one's mutton 原是直译自法国田园诗中的一句: 多情的男女牧羊人在牧场上谈情说爱、海阔天空,最终还得回到现实,回到自己的羊群中来。因此,这一习语比喻"回到实际问题,言归正传"。

    三、英语习语体现自然地理环境特征 生活在不同自然环境中的人会形成不同的文化, 每种文化因其地域、气候环境的特点而具有不同的特征, 习语恰恰包含了独特的文化基因。


    1.大部分英国人具有与他人格格不入的孤傲特质。孤傲(exclusiveness)是英国人最明显的性格特征,他们不愿意和别人多说话,从来不谈论自己,感情不外露,更不会喜形于色。其它国家的人很难了解英国人的内心世界。原因有二。第一,英国是一个岛国,英吉利海峡(English Channel)割断了它和外部世界的联系,英国人甚至不把自己看作是欧洲人。第二,英国人对本民族的历史感到非常骄傲和自豪。其中,詹姆斯钦定本圣经(King James Authorized Version of the Bible)和莎士比亚的戏剧对西方及世界文化产生了巨大的影响。英国议会(Parliament)是欧洲最古老的议会,英国是世界上第一个完成工业革命(Industrial Revolution)的国家。特殊的地理位置和与众不同的祖国文明史使得英国人形成了现在的性格特点。

    2.大部分英国人有守旧而又不愿接受新生事物的保守思想。英国人的保守(conservativeness)为世人所知,英国人却认为他们的做事方式是最好的,最合理的。有人说,英国人需要20至40年的时间才能接受美国目前的新生事物,此话虽然有一点夸张,但也不无道理。英国人直到现在也没有采用世界通用的米制(metric system),仍然使用英里(mile),直到1971年才将货币单位改为十进制(decimal system)。英国是世界上为数较少的保持君主制(monarchy)的国家之一,其保守性可见一斑。当美国人发明中央空调(central heating)的时候,英国人以对身体有害为由拒绝接受这种新生事物,继续使用壁炉(fire place)和电炉(electric stove)。

    3.大部分英国人具有讲究文明用语和礼貌的好习惯。英国人总是为别人着想,他们不会要求别人做不愿意做的事情。如果他们不得不要求别人做什么事的时候,说得非常客气,诸如:“I know the trouble I am causing you,but would you mind…?”或“I don't really like to ask you,but…”等等。在日常生活中,如果要麻烦别人,通常说excuse me,如果无意识地干扰了别人,要说sorry。要求别人重复,一般不说what,而是说pardon或sorry。please和thank you是经常挂在嘴边的用语。在公共场所人们不会大声喊叫,他们认为那是不文明的行为。

    4.酷爱独居和个人自由的天性。也许是由于缺乏空间的缘故,英国人的性格特点中有喜欢独居(privacy)和个人自由(individualism)的因子。在英国,人们恪守着这样一句名言:My home is my castle。The wind can come in,but the Kings and Queens and human beings can never come in without my permission。当英国人搬到新家,他会在自己的房屋周围树起篱笆(fence),以便和邻居隔开。




