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  • 英语母校祝福

    1.英文感恩母校的句子, 带中文翻译

    1. 学校是圣洁的地方,有它我们才能迈向梦想的天堂.

    【School is holy place, it can we achieve the dream of heaven.】


    【Alma mater, you is my another mother, i love you, as the stars were guarding the moon.】


    【My alma mater, i will submit to you to me hard, and wakes you, i can thrive.】


    【Thank you, my alma mater. entering the first day, you will bear me out a second, the mother to her duties.】


    【For you, my school. have you, my youth no longer alone.】


    【My school, is it you let me feel youthful vitality, and since then, thank you for giving me the love.】



    Here is my place, give me knowledge of place, give me strength. I will use my knowledge here continue to struggle, continue to struggle. Please look at Alma mater, I will create a brilliant achievement for our Alma mater!



    我会用我在这里学到的知识继续拼搏,继续奋斗。请母校看着,我一定会创造出辉煌的成就给母校增光!Here is my place, give me knowledge of place, give me strength. I will use my knowledge here continue to struggle, continue to struggle. Please look at Alma mater, I will create a brilliant achievement for our Alma mater!。


    Dear XXX,

    I am lucky to have a teacher like you. and no matter what kind of person i will become, you will always have your influence on me. You taught me how to study, how to live and even how to be a man. From you I learned what kind of person i want to be and what should i get from life. this means everything to me.


    Dear teacher:

    I will soon study in the XX school. Thanks for you teaching me for so many years. I will bear in mind you to teach me.I think of very much in the time of the Y school. I will stduy hard. I will recompense you. As you has often remarked, one is never too old to learn.I will often come back to see you.








    My Deepest Gratitude for You The world we lived in decided that we have to learn to help each other and get help from others.We as human beings have interacted each other no matter in which stage of history.And,also,we have to learn how to express our gratitude to our loved ones who have been caring us all the way. I want to thank my parents,who made me who I am,who shored my entire life up,who loved me with their life,who sacrificed for me through thick and thin.From the very beginning of my life to now,from the very simple words to the fundamental truth about life,they are forging their love for me. I want to thank my classmates,who are always friendly to me,who take me for their own brother,who share their delight with me and stay with me to brave the trouble that I shoule have done myself,who will always be honest with me. I want to thank my teachers,who reclaim me from the wrong way that led to inevitable failure,who treat me with care and respect,who give me the most extraordinary love that more than I can imagine,who define what it means to sacrifice.The sacrifices that without hezitation of repaying. I want to thank all the wonderful people,who are loving and being loved.。


    Thank you for making learning not a job but a joy.


    I could have achieved no success without you unselfish dedication.


    Whatever chaos reigned outside, we knew we'd find order, justice and chance to learn inside your classroom and tolerance and laughter. And excitement.


    I'm not your best student, but you're my most admirable teacher. On this special holiday, I, a student of yours, wish you youth forever.



    Dear Alma Mater: Hello! Sky is nothing, why should it give me comfort? Is to it. The earth is always silent, why should it give me strength? It is strong. Alma mater, ah, standing on the tail of the fifth grade, I confess to you gently. I still remember, when suddenly came that summer, my fifth grade this end. New classrooms, new teachers, new opportunities, new challenges. If the smoke ho past, past and Lilikeshuo. If this move 5 years compared with the wealth of happiness, then I must be as rich with Bill Gates •; if the moment I give up your attachment and turned into a treasure, then, I will more than Bill Gates • rich. Moving, always think too much but too little to say, where I met many friends, and witnessed many wonderful, to give and how do you convert in the end, I broke off the fingers forget 5 years is still no answer. "Difficulties and hardships greatness" This is your teachings. If there is Arabian Nights, it's deep in the night, there will be one thousand and one had to go to me; If there are thousands of why, after the question mark that it is those many hundreds of thousands of knowledge of the heart; if Milky Way really have nine days, then we have a responsibility for teaching and educating people on top of this; If there is lighted, then who said that burning the candle light, not one of selfless dedication candle? Yes ah, you bring strict father's discipline, bring you their loving care, to bring you more understanding of his brother. The greatest person in the world, parents, greater than the parent is the teacher! Actions may not be spectacular, just a point to mention the time lost; may not harvest more than just sound sincere gratitude, but so what? When you stand on the podium three feet, this beautiful scenery, you have the touch of how rich and gaudy. Alma mater, ah, your good lots to talk about, endless, it can be roadside willow tree, a fallen leaf on the ground, it can be hard sweat and tears of happiness, but also share spiritual sense of belonging. Letter to you is a welter of poems, my thoughts gently tell. Letter to you is a lesson of lush trees, section full of the fruits of effort every night. Letter to you is a thick diary, recorded laughter and tears, parting with the meet. Letter to you is a spotless white, who was willing to draw a blueprint for a more magnificent. Alma mater, you are piece of the sky, let the young Bluebird can see hope. Alma mater, you are that piece of earth, so delicate flowers also know what is strong. 5 years, twists and turns in the crowd, searching, and everyone found their end. I'm on the road of life drifting away, you do not say anything, just off a green plum, will be leaving my care, waiting for spring next year. You do not know in my heart sinking, the seeds of gratitude, had Weiran trees. 。

    。 Miss the morning rush to such a pace and on from the first floor, again and again. Remember leaning on the railing overlooking the recess, watching strange back, watching the same strange cloud. Tuotang miss, miss doing questions, praise miss, miss criticism. Miss the tears, for whom the memory of tears, remember why they cry. Let all the time quietly sewing, we have not yet before the recall. 5 I wish: his alma mater is always full of life, always shine, more than a year a good year!。


    小 学 毕 业 感 言 六年的小学生活过去了,我们即将离开亲爱的母校。


    我们有太多太多的依恋与感恩。 感谢同学,这六年来,我们一直生活在一起。


    让我为你们灿烂的前途祝福! 感谢敬爱的老师!是你们,让我学到了许多的知识。尽管你们总是把对我们的爱深深埋在心里,尽管你们每天尽力扮出严肃的样子,但是,我还是从你们的眼神里发现了你对我们的爱! 数学老师?老师,您严谨细致,您的每一次的谈话都会敲醒我们沉睡的警钟,您的温柔和蔼总是让我们动容。

    英语老师?老师,您总是在课堂上穿插一些人生哲理,让我们受益终生。 体育老师?老师,您在我们眼中亲切活泼。

    我们的班主任?老师,您的金玉良言我们现在还记得,您对我们的关心与呵护让我们舍不得离开您! 感谢你们,亲爱的老师们!您幽默新潮的语言深深地吸引着我们,您办公桌上的一大沓作业带给了我们激励与感动,您的每一次鼓励都给予了我们莫大的支持! 师恩如山,老师,你们给予了我们生命的色彩,我们将永远铭记!请允许我们道一声:“老师,您辛苦了!” 感谢母校,感谢哺育了我们六年的成长摇篮!那宽敞明亮的教室,那高大挺拔的玉兰,那日夜为我们操劳的母校领导们!感谢你们!校园里的每一条路,都留下了我们的汗水和足迹。校园内的每一朵花,都即将变成最美好的记忆! “雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”,请老师相信我们,我们会在以后的学习中加倍努力,取得更好的成绩! 真心地祝愿老师们身体健康,真诚地祝福我们的母校更加辉煌!不够的话,下面几段可以添进去 岁月匆匆,花开花落。



    在这里,我们受到了严格的教育;在这里,我们养成了遵守纪律、团结友爱的好作风;在这里,我们获得了知识,懂得了道理,们在这里茁壮成长。 忘不了,敬爱的老师。


    就是我心中的春雨,您就是我心中的阳光……将永远感谢您。 忘不了,亲爱的同学。

    我们并肩走过了六年,在这六年中,我们一起度过了一段美好的岁月,送给了我一颗友谊的种子,播进我的心田。在朝夕相处中,我们一道成长,转眼间,却要分开,心中怎能平静呢?那么,就请记住们在一起的每一分钟,让友谊地久天长! 将珍惜剩下的每一分,每一秒,不让这六年成为遗憾。

    在母校里,留下美好的回忆;给,留下美好的印象;给同学,留下美好的记忆。翻译:Small learning industry sense of words Six years of primary school life has passed, we are about to leave my dear alma mater. At this time, we found that, "graduation " is not a light noun, but a heavy nostalgia. For the students find it difficult to tear apart, to be good at giving systematic guidance teacher, for gazing at the campus. We have too much love and gratitude.For students, this six years, we have been living together. We left too much precious memories - we have been troubled by the small contradiction between us, occurs in the episode, our common planning activities of class, we talk about those distant ideal。

    。. The ordinary and simple things such as water, in six years time, I will become unforgettable memories! Games together we cry, a singing contest in our concerted efforts, under the flag of our solemn oath! Six years be together morning and night friendship is deep, is difficult to separate, the classmates, I will remember you all those innocent smile. Let me give you a splendid future!Thanks to my teacher! Is you, let me learn a lot of knowledge. Although you always turn on our love deep in my heart, though you every day to play serious way, but from your eyes I found your love for us!The math teacher? Teacher, you very carefully, every time you talk will awaken us sleeping alarm, your gentle always make us deeply.English teacher? Teacher, you are always in class with some philosophy of life, let us for a lifetime.A PE teacher? Teacher, your kind lively in our eyes.Our teacher? Teacher, your invaluable advice 。

