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  • 万圣节祝福语英语


    1.You never know what might happen on halloween. Wait untill dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have a howlingHalloween!

    2.Wish you a spooktacular halloween. Have a groovy Halloween!!

    3.Trick or treat what it will bee? Wishing you a happy halloween!!

    4.Wish them tons of joys with this bright card.

    5.It's Halloween 。 time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! Hope it's lit up with smiles for you! Happy Halloween!

    6.My Halloween's happy when I freak out with you! Happy Halloween to you 。my friend!

    7.It's hell lot of fun when I'm with you! Happy Halloween to you!

    8.Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun 。 just as mine.

    9.Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!

    10.Thank you for making my Halloween so special.

    11.Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!

    12.Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glowing as you are!



    万圣节祝福语e one day that is universal rejoicing。 The birth of the Jesus is to have a story of, Jesus is because of wearing the Holy Ghost to become the 孕 , living from the second of woman's Mali of 童 of。

    The absolute being even sends the emissary to add the row of 伯 to instruct explicitly in a dream about 瑟 , call he not important cause for Mali second single pregnancy but don't want her, want to marry with her on the contrary, rise that child to be named" Jesus", the meaning want the 祂 to save out from the crime the common people When the Mali is second to face the dish soon, the government of Rome descended the order, all people arrive the Bethlehem and must declare the household register。 Invite the 瑟 and Malis second have to follow instructions。

    When they arrive the Bethlehem, the color of the sky has already faint, helpless two people can not find out the hotel 渡宿 , only have a shed for horses and can reside temporarily。 At this time, the Jesus was born!The 於 is a Mali second only on the manger, born the Jesus。

    The 后 naissance of the artificial memorial Jesus, settle December then 25 is a Christmas festival, hope the Catholic mass year by year, celebrate the Jesus to be born。 The Christmas festival woulds be the naissance that the 於 celebrates the Jesus on December 25th, but the true naissance day knows for no one。

    19 centuries, the Christmas card of popular, the emergence of the Santa Claus, the Christmas festival also starts spread。 圣诞节的由来 在很早很早以前的欧洲,有个地方名叫“鸭母吃的蛋”,就是现在的“阿姆斯特丹”。


    于是当地人就想了一个方法:他们定了一个节日叫“剩蛋节”,他们会在这一天尽力将剩蛋清光。 首先在“剩蛋节”当天,“鸭母吃的蛋”的邻近地区居民会在自己个人的床头挂上一只袜子,然后“鸭母生的蛋”市政府会派出身着红色反光服饰的人(怕被飞机撞)挨家挨户的将蛋放入袜子中(其实袜子是要放蛋的,后来才变成放礼物)。

    而后为了给民众惊喜,所以改成从烟囱爬入,但这样又造成不少的死伤(烧伤、呛伤,加上又不懂得冲、脱、泡、说B送的处理法),所以渐渐的没有年轻人要做了,最后只剩下一些嫌自己活太长的老公公继续做下去,于是人们称他们为“发剩蛋的老公公”,简称“剩蛋老公公”。 尽管每户人家都发了蛋,但还是会剩下多余的蛋。

    于是他们就将那些蛋作成装饰品挂在树上,以招揽观光客及美化环境,这就是“剩蛋树”的由来。 由于当地人总喜欢小赌一番,所以后来在“剩蛋节”之前几天,民众会互寄“剩蛋卡”,猜对方这次会收到几颗剩蛋;而猜错和被猜中的人就要像蛇一样,一口气将所有的蛋吞下。




