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  • 祝福妈妈生日的英文


    darling mom:this is a special day for you as well as for me. Here I wanna give my deepest love to you for your devotion to me and our family.Your son/daughter wishes you a happy birthday and a happy healthy long life!亲爱的妈妈:今天对你是个不同寻常的日子,对我也是。



    M-O-T-H-E-R “M”is for the million things you gave me, “M”代表您奉献给我们无数的东西 “O”means only that your growing old, “O”仅代表您在慢慢老去 “T”is for the tears you shed to save me, “T”代表您为我流下的眼泪 “H”is for your heart of Purest gold, “H”代表您的心可比为纯洁的金子 “E”is for your eyes,with love-light shining, “E”代表您的眼睛散发着爱的光芒 “R”means right ,and right you`ll always be, “R”代表正义总在站在您那边 Put them all together ,they spell 将他们连起来,他们就是 “MOTHER”, 母亲 A word that mean the world to me. 这个词包含您带给我们的世界Happy birthday to you !祝您生日快乐。



    “M”is for the million things you gave me,


    “O”means only that your growing old,


    “T”is for the tears you shed to save me,


    “H”is for your heart of Purest gold,


    “E”is for your eyes,with love-light shining,


    “R”means right ,and right you`ll always be,


    Put them all together ,they spell




    A word that mean the world to me.


    Happy birthday to you !



    妈妈祝您生日快乐Mom I wish you a happy birthday我小的时候,一直想报答妈妈对我的养育之恩.从小时候起,妈妈就不在我的身边,所以我写这篇作文,就是希望妈妈可以看到。

    When I was a child, always wanted to repay my mother for my upbringing. Since I was a child, my mother is not on my side, so I write this composition, is the hope that she can see.因为12月18日就是妈妈的生日,我写这篇作文的时候妈妈还不知道,我在这时要祝福妈妈,生日快乐!Because December 18th is my mother's birthday, I wrote this essay when the mother does not know, at this time I want to bless my mother, Happy birthday!我只有每年放暑假和寒假才能见到妈妈.妈妈祝您生日快乐!I am only a year on the summer and winter vacation to see mother. Mom I wish you Happy birthday!妈妈,生日快乐Mom, happy birthday妈妈,我想为你唱支歌,歌颂你这么多年来的养育之恩,但女儿很无能,没有那么好的歌喉;Mom, I want to sing a song for you, praise you for so many years of upbringing, but her daughter is very incompetent, not so good;妈妈,我想为你画幅画,描绘你这么多月来对我的关心与疼爱,但女儿很无用,没有那么好的技术;Mom, I want to draw a picture for you, so many months to describe your care and love for my daughter, but it is useless, not so good technology;妈妈,我想为你写篇诗,赞美你这么多天来对我的辛勤教育,但女儿还得对你说抱歉,我没那么好的文采。Mom, I want to write a poem for you, praise you hard on my education so many days, but her daughter had to say sorry to you, I don't have a good literary talent.但是,妈妈在你的节日到来之前,我要第一个祝福你,为你送去我最最最最真诚的爱;我要亲手把我做好的康乃馨放在你的床前。

    But, mom before your holiday, I want to be the first to wish you, send my most sincere love for you; I want to put my best carnations on your bed before hand.妈妈,我最钟情于流星雨,我曾对你说过:‘流星雨有求必应’,我愿意等到流星雨慢慢地划过天际,守在星空之下,默默地许下在内心珍藏很久的愿望,让它载着我的祝福在你枕边,伴你三百六十五天,我会把您的名字刻在星星上,永远得到它的眷顾。Mom, I am most interested in the shower, I have said to you: 'I am willing to grant whatever is requested, the meteor shower meteor shower' wait slowly across the sky, keep in the starry sky, silently make long cherished wish in my heart, let it carry you in bed with my blessing, you three hundred and sixty-five days, I will take you the name written in the stars, always get it.我合上双手,向上天虔诚得祷告,愿妈妈I closed my hand, pray to God reverently, like my mother永远 年轻幸福|Forever young and happy |事事如意|All the best |工作顺利|| work smoothly心想事成|Horse |开开心心!Happy!妈妈!祝你生日快乐!My mother! I wish you a happy birthday。


    Dear mother;how fine are you?Today is mother`s day,I have many words want to talk to you.Thank you so much for bringing me up .Caring for me.concerning about me so many years.once you had pay my learning.my life and feeling.You let me know the sweat to redouble their efforts and never let you to my expectation.In this mother's day I wish mom of health,forever young亲爱的妈妈;今日还好吗?今天是母亲节、我有很多的话想对你说,谢谢你这么多年对我的抚养、对我的关心、对我的呵护.曾经你为了我的生活、学习、感情上付出了很多.你们的汗水让我知道要加倍努力、不辜负你们对我的期望.在这母亲节之际我祝妈妈身体健康、永远年轻。

