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  • 端午节祝福英文

    1. 端午节英语句子

    Dragon Boat Festivalthe Dragon Boat FestivalDragon Boat day例句:端午节也有一种特殊食品,There is a special food for the festival.端午节龙舟竞赛现已发展成为国际性的体育项目。

    The dragon boat has now evolved into an international sports event.我喜欢在端午节喝点雄黄酒。I enjoy drinking realgar wine during the festival.端午节吃粽子,在魏晋时代已经很盛行。

    His ability and fight against corruption antagonized other court officials.人们会以赛龙舟的比赛活动来庆祝端午节,参赛小组划着龙舟朝着鼓声前进,最终达到终点。Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.每到端午节,这里都会举行飞舟竞渡的划龙船比赛。

    Boating competitions are held here during every Dragon Boat Festival.端午节是纪念中国诗人屈原的节日。The Dragon Boat Festival is in memory of a Chinese poet, Qu Yuan.在端午节,我们会吃一些传统的食物。

    We eat the Dragon Boat Festival.谢谢你告诉我有关端午节的情况。Thank you for telling me about Dragon Boat Festival。

    2. 端午节英文祝福语

    Happy Nation's Day Wish you have a wonderful National Day! The great occasion of National Day is happy I wish you a happy National Day. Enjoy your National Day.Happy the Double Fifth Day。

    have some glutinous rice dumplings with your family 。May the happiness and joy accompany with you and who you care。

    3. 端午节英语句子

    Dragon Boat Festival

    the Dragon Boat Festival

    Dragon Boat day



    There is a special food for the festival.


    The dragon boat has now evolved into an international sports event.


    I enjoy drinking realgar wine during the festival.


    His ability and fight against corruption antagonized other court officials.


    Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.


    Boating competitions are held here during every Dragon Boat Festival.


    The Dragon Boat Festival is in memory of a Chinese poet, Qu Yuan.


    We eat the Dragon Boat Festival.


    Thank you for telling me about Dragon Boat Festival

    4. 端午节英文祝福语

    Happy Nation's Day

    Wish you have a wonderful National Day!

    The great occasion of National Day is happy

    I wish you a happy National Day.

    Enjoy your National Day.

    Happy the Double Fifth Day。 have some glutinous rice dumplings with your family 。

    May the happiness and joy accompany with you and who you care。

    5. 端午节英语

    TheEnglishexpressionofChinesetraditionalfestival “清明节” “清明节”依音译为“ChingMing,但“节”则依意译为festival,合起来便是ChingMingFestival,是音译和意译的混合物。

    “春节” “春节”在英文上叫做ChineseNewYear'sDay,是意译,字面的意思就是“中国人的新年”;或SpringFestival,即“春天的节日”;或ChineseRuralNewYear,即“中国农历新年” “端午节” “端午节”的译法和“清明节”一样,“端午”译为DuanWu,节是Festival。 不过,许多人也喜欢称之为DuanWu,节是Festival。

    另外,许多人也喜欢称之为DragonBoatFestival,意为“龙舟节”。 “中秋节” “中秋节”逐字意译为Mid-AutumnFestival,有时则在前边加上Chinese。

    亦有人称之为MoonFestival的。 “重阳节” “重阳节”也和“清明节”、“端午节”一般译法,称为ChungYeungFestival。

    由于我们有时也把“重阳”称为“重九”,所以有些英国人也把我们的这一个节日叫做“Double-ninthDay,”不过还是以前者较多用。 过年celebratethespringfestival春联springfestivalcouplets剪纸paper-cuts年画newyearpaintings买年货doshoppingforthespringfestival;dospringfestivalshopping敬酒proposeatoast灯笼lantern烟花fireworks爆竹firecrackers(peoplescareoffevilspiritsandghostswiththeloudpop。


    )舞龙dragondance(toexpectgoodweatherandgoodharvests)戏曲traditionalopera杂耍varietyshow灯谜riddleswrittenonlanterns灯会exhibitoflanterns守岁staying-up拜年paynewyear'scall;givenewyear'sgreetings;paynewyear'svisit禁忌taboo去晦气getridoftheill-fortune祭祖宗offersacrificestoone'sancestors压岁钱giftmoney;moneygiventochildrenasalunarnewyeargiftcu ,newyear'smoneywasgivenintheformofonehundredcoppercoinsstrungtogetherona day,moneyisplacedinsideredenvelopesindenominationsconsideredauspiciousandgiventorepresentluckandwealth辞旧岁bidfarewelltotheoldyear扫房springcleaning;generalhouse-cleaning年糕nian-gao;risecake;newyearcake团圆饭familyreuniondinner年夜饭thedinneronnewyear'seve饺子jiao-zi;chinesemeatravioli。

    6. 端午节英文短信

    Dano is up, I sent you a love dumplings, the first layer, thoughtful! The second layer, care! The third tier, romantic! The fourth layer, warm! Middle sandwich, sweet! I wish you have a dream, every day there is a good mood!中文:端午到了,我送你一个爱心粽子,第一层,体贴!第二层,关怀!第三层,浪漫!第四层,温馨!中间夹层,甜蜜!祝你梦中有我,天天都有一个好心情! 呼呼~累死我了!快来纳彩我吧!。

