China is a big country land, the ocean is a big country.While the 21st century is the century marine,has 3 million square kilometers of China marine territory, exercise effective jurisdiction andcontrol over marine territory is particularly important, pay attention to ocean, facing theocean, the ocean economy, strengthen the consciousness of Seapower, safeguard China'ssovereignty and dignity, and this is the main task for today's coastal defense construction.The middle of Taizhou, is located in China's coastal areas, has a very long coastline andisland resources. From the Ming weisuo system to the modern battle of yijiangshan Island,Taizhou city in China's coastal defense construction has been in a foot position and plays animportant role. Therefore, we can combine the Red tourism resources through static museumconstruction, dynamic development of tourism study subject lines, highlighting the theme ofcoastal tourism in Taizhou, enhance the themes of marine tourism in Taizhou.更多追问追答追问
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