1. 谁有辜鸿铭翻译的《古舟子咏》
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner古舟子咏Samuel Taylor Coleridge塞缪尔·T·柯勒律治第一章他是一个年迈的水手,从三个行人中他拦住一人,“凭你的白须和闪亮的眼睛,请问你为何阻拦我的路程?“新郎家的大门已经敞开,而我是他的密友良朋,宾客已到齐,宴席已摆好,远远能听到笑语喧闹。
但他炯炯的目光将行人摄住——使赴宴的客人停步不前,像三岁的孩子听他讲述,老水手实现了他的意愿。 赴宴的客人坐在石头上,不由自主地听他把故事讲:就这样老水手继续往下说,两眼闪着奇异的光芒。
“船在欢呼声中驶出海港,乘着落潮我们愉快出航,驶过教堂,驶过山岗,最后连灯塔也消失在远方。 “只见太阳从左边升起,从那万顷碧波的汪洋里!它终日在天空辉煌照耀,然后从右边落进大海里。
“它每天升得越来越高,正午时直射桅杆的顶极——”赴宴的客人捶打着胸膛,当听到巴松管嘹亮的乐曲。 这时新娘已跨进大门,她如鲜红的玫瑰一样漂亮;行吟诗人走在她前面,摇头摆尾快乐地歌唱。
赴宴的客人捶打着胸膛,但不由自主地听他把故事讲;就这样老水手继续往下说,两眼闪烁着奇异的光芒。 “这时大海上刮起了风暴,它来势凶猛更叫人胆寒;它张开飞翅追击着船只,不停地把我们向南驱赶。
“桅杆弓着身,船头淌着水,像有人在背后追打叫喊,却总是躲不开敌人的影子,只好低着头任其摧残,船儿在疾驶,狂风在呼啸,我们一个劲儿往南逃窜。 “接着出现了浓雾和冰雪,天气奇寒,冻彻骨髓;如樯的冰山从船旁漂过,晶莹碧绿,色如翡翠。
“冰山射出惨淡的光芒,在飘流的云雾中若明若灭:四周既无人迹也无鸟兽——只有一望无际的冰雪。 “这儿是冰雪,那儿是冰雪,到处都是冰雪茫茫;冰雪在怒吼,冰雪在咆哮,像人昏厥时听到隆隆巨响!“终于飞来了一头信天翁,它穿过海上弥漫的云雾,仿佛它也是一个基督徒,我们以上帝的名义向它欢呼。
“南来的好风仍在船后吹送,但再不见那可爱的信天翁,也不再为了食物或玩耍,水手们一招呼就飞进船中!“我干了一件可怕的事情,它使全船的人遭到了不幸;他们都说我射死了那头鸟,正是它带来了海上的和风。 他们咒骂我,这个恶棍,他不该杀死那头信天翁!“当艳阳高照不再又暗又红,而像上帝头上灿烂的光轮,大家又改口说我做得对,应该射死那带来迷雾的信天翁。
2. 求辜鸿铭翻译的《论语》,英译本
【第一章】 子曰、学而时习之、不亦说乎。
有朋自远方来、不亦乐 乎。人不知而不愠、不亦君子乎。
1. Confucius remarked, “ it is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practice what you have acquired. A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to seek you because of your attainments. But he is truly a wise and good man who feels no discomposure even when he is not noticed of men.” 【第二章】有子曰、其为人也孝弟、而好犯上者鲜矣、不好犯上、而好作乱者、未之有也。君子务本、本立、而道生、孝弟也者、其为仁之本与。
2. A disciple of Confucius remarked,” A man who is a good son and a good citizen will seldom be found to be a man disposed to quarrel with those in authority over him; and men who are disposed to quarrel with those in authority will never be found to disturb the peace and order of the State.“ A wise man devotes his attention to what is essential in the foundation of life. When the foundation is laid, wisdom will come. Now, to be a good son and a good citizen- do not these form the foundation of a moral life?” 【第三章】子曰、巧言令色、鲜矣仁。3. Confucius remarked, with plausible speech and fine manners will seldom be found moral character.” 【第四章】曾子曰、吾日三省吾身、为人谋、而不忠乎、与朋友交、而不信 乎、传不习乎。
4. A disciple of Confucius remarked, “ I daily examine into my personal conduct on three points:--First, whether in carrying out the duties entrusted to me by others, I have not failed in sincerity and trustworthiness; thirdly, whether I have not failed to practice what I profess in my teaching.” 【第五章】子曰、道千乘之国、敬事而信、节用而爱人、使民以时。5. Confucius remarked, “ when directing the affairs of a great nation, a man must be serious in attention to business and faithful and punctual in his engagements. He must study economy in the public expenditure, and love the welfare of the people. He must employ the people at the proper time of the year.” 【第六章】子曰、弟子、入则孝、出则弟、谨而信、凡爱众、而亲仁、行有 馀力、则以学文。
6. Confucius remarked, “ A young man, when at home, should be a good son; when out in the world, a good citizen. He should be circumspect and truthful. He should be in sympathy with all men, but intimate with men of moral character. If he has time and opportunity to spare, after the performance of those duties, he should then employ them in literary pursuits.” 【第七章】子夏曰、贤贤易色、事父母、能竭其力、事君、能致其身、与朋友交、言而有信、虽曰未学、吾必谓之学矣。7. A disciple of Confucius remarked, “ A man who can love worthiness in man as he loves beauty in woman; who in his duties to his parents is ready to do his utmost, and in the service of his prince is ready to give up his life; who in intercourse with friends is found trustworthy in what he says, - such a man, although men may say of him that he is an uneducated man, I must consider him to be really an educated man.” 【第八章】子曰、君子不重、则不威、学则不固。
过则勿惮改。8. Confucius remarked,” A wise man who is not serious will not inspire respect; what he learns will not remain permanent.” “Make conscientiousness and sincerity your first principles.” “Have no friends who are not as yourself.“When you have bad habits do not hesitate to change them.” 【第九章】曾子曰、慎终追远、民德归厚矣。
9. A disciple of Confucius remarked, “By cultivating respect for the dead, and carrying the memory back to the distant past, the moral feeling of the people will waken and grow in depth.” 【第十章】子禽问於子贡曰、夫子至於是邦也、必闻其政、求之与、抑与之与。子贡曰、夫子温、良、恭、俭、让、以得之、夫子之求 之也、其诸异乎人之求之与。
10. A man once asked a disciple of Confucius, saying, “How was it that whenever the Master came into a country he was always informed of the actual state and policy of its government? Did he seek for the information or was it given to him?“ The Master, “ replied the disciple, “ was gracious, simple, earnest, modest and courteous; therefore he could obtain what information he wanted. The Master's way of obtaining information ---well, it was different from other people's ways.” 【十一章】子曰、父在、观其志、父没、观其行、三年无改於父之道、可谓 孝矣。11. Confucius remarked,” When a man's father is living the son should have regard to what his father would have him do; when the father is dead, to what his father has done. A son who for three years after his father's death does。
3. 唐诗 翻译
唐五代• 陈羽