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  • 汉英对照唐诗鉴赏

    1. 我想要20首中英文对照的中国古诗,要耳熟能xiang的

    忆江南 忆江南 江南好 风景旧曾谙 日出江花红胜火 春来江水绿如蓝 能不忆江南 Tune:" Fair South Recalled" Fair southern shore With scenes I much adore; At sunrise riverside flowers more red than fire, In spring green river waves grow as blue as sapphire, Which I can't but admire 昼 卧 抱枕无言语 空房独悄然 谁知尽日卧 非病亦非眠 Depression Hugging my pillow, what to say? My empty room's in silence deep. Who knows I lie in bed all day, Not ill and not even asleep! 问刘十九 绿蚁新醅酒 红泥小火炉 晚来天欲雪 能饮一杯无 An Invitation In bottles green the new brew gleams; In red-clay stove the fire looks fine. At evening snow will fall, it seems. Will you come for a cup of wine? 买花 帝城春欲暮 喧喧车马度 共道牡丹时 相随买花去 贵贱无常价 酬直看花数 灼灼百朵红 戋戋五束素 上张幄幕庇 旁织笆篱护 水洒复泥封 移来色如故 家家习为俗 人人迷不悟 有一田舍翁 偶来买花处 低头独长叹 此叹无人谕 一丛深色花 十户中人赋 Buying Flowers The capital's in parting spring And cabs and steeds are bustling. Peonies are at their best hours And people rush to buy the flowers. They do not care about the price; Just count and buy those that seem nice. For hundred blossoms dazzling red, Twenty-five rolls of silk they spread. Sheltered above by curtains wide, Protected with fences by the side, Roots sealed with mud, with water sprayed, Removed, their beauty does not fade. Accustomed to this way for long, No family e'er thinks it wrong. What's the old peasant doing there? Why should he come to Flower Fair? Head bowed, he utters heavy sigh And nobody understands the why. A bunch of deep-red peonies Costs taxes of ten families kingdom520 2006-10-05 19:14 红鹦鹉 红鹦鹉 安南远讲红鹦鹉 色似桃花语似人 文章辩慧皆如此 笼槛何年出得身 The Red Cockatoo Annam has sent us from afar a red cockatoo; Coloured like peach-tree blossom, it speaks as men do, But it is shut up in a cage with bar on bar Just as the learned or eloquent scholars are. 后宫词 泪湿罗巾梦不成 夜深前殿按歌声 红颜未老恩先断 斜倚熏笼坐到明 The Deserted Her kerchief soaked with tears, she can nor dream nor sleep, But overhears band music waft when night is deep. Her rosy face outlasts the favour of the king; She leans on her perfumed bed till morning birds sing. 暮江吟 一道残阳铺水中 半江瑟瑟半江红 可怜九月初三夜 露似珍珠月似弓 Sunset And Moonrise On The River The last departing rays pave their way on the river; Half its waves turn red and all the others shiver. How I pity the third night of the ninth month, alas! The moon looks like a bow, dewdrops like pearls on grass. 钱塘湖春行 孤山寺北贾亭西 水面初开云脚低 几处早莺争暖树 谁家新燕啄春泥 乱花渐欲迷人眼 浅草才能没马蹄 最爱湖东行不足 绿杨阴里白沙堤 Spring On Lake Qiantang West of Pavilion Jia, north of Lonely Hill, Water brims level with the bank and clouds hang low. Among some sunny trees the first orioles trill; Down from the eaves to peck in mud young swallows go. My eyes seem dazzled by fresh flowers running riot; The horse hooves covered by grass can barely be seen. I cannot tear myself away from east lake so quiet, The bank paved with white sand and shaded by willows green. 惜牡丹花 惆怅阶前红牡丹 晚来唯有两枝残 明朝风起应吹尽 夜惜衰红把火看 The Last Look At The Peonies At Night I'm saddened by the courtyard peonies brilliant red; At dusk but two of them are left and withered. I am afraid they can't survive the morning blast; By lantern light I take a look, the long, long last 大林寺桃花 人间四月芳菲尽 山寺桃花始盛开 长恨春归无觅处 不知转入此中来 Peach blossoms In The Temple Of Great Forest All flowers in late spring have fallen far and wide, But peach blossoms are full-blown on the mountainside. I oft regret spring's gone and I can't find its trace, Without knowing it's come up to adorn this place. 秋兴八首(其一) 玉露凋伤枫树林 巫山巫峡气萧森 江间波浪兼天涌 塞上风云接地阴 丛菊两开他日泪 孤舟一系故园心 寒衣处处催刀尺 白帝城高急暮砧 Ode To Autumn (I) The pearllike dewdrops wither maples in red dye; The Gorge and Cliffs of Witch exhale dense fog around. Waves of upsurging river seem to storm the sky; Dark clouds o'er mountains touch their shadows on the ground. Twice full-blown, asters blown off draw tears from the eye; once tied up, lonely boats tie up my heart homebound. Thinking of winter robes, everywhere tailors ply; I hear at dusk but nearby washing blocks fast pound. 茅屋为秋风所破歌 八月秋高风怒号 卷我屋上三重茅 茅飞渡江洒江郊 高者挂卷长林梢 下者飘转沉塘坳 南村群童欺我老无力 忍能对面为盗贼 公然抱茅入竹去 唇焦口燥呼不得 归来倚仗自叹息 俄顷风定。

    2. 帮忙找找 中 英文诗歌 对比 鉴赏

    尽管我年轻无辩 本.琼生 如我之年青,无法细辨, 死亡的本意和爱的真谛, 尝闻二者皆带箭头, 双双的目标是人的心脏。

    复又听说,各有德性, 爱伤于火,死伤于冰; 我似恍然有所觉悟, 感受的极端结果却一途。 恰如断壁残垣, 或灰飞或塌坍; 又好比我之消亡, 似潮退又似闪电; 因知爱之燃烧的箭杆, 亡我之速有如死神冰冷的魔手; 惟有爱火的炽热尚存, 惊散坟墓中寒气逼人的霜雾。

    Though I am Young and Cannot Tell Ben Jonson Though I am young, and cannot tell Either what death or love is well, Yet I have heard they both bear darts, And both do aim at human hearts. And then again, I have been told Love wounds with heat, as Death with cold; So that I fear they do but bring Extremes to touch, and mean one thing. As in a ruin we it call One thing to be blown up, or fall; Or to our end like way may have By a flash of lightning, or a wave; So love's inflamed shaft or brand May kill as soon as Death's cold hand; Except Love's fires the virtue have To fright the frost out of the grave. 整首诗是一种‘虚拟’理念的对比思考,没有具体的情景。比喻的事物也 以抽象概念和事物的一般类别居多,比如热,冷,生,死,人心,箭头,感觉 (TOUCH),断壁残垣,闪电浪潮,坟墓等。

    这种思辩性的理念诗歌,在 中文中是几乎不见的。汤显祖《牡丹亭题词》中有:“情不知所起,一往而深, 生者可以死,死可以生。

    生而不可死,死而不可变生者,皆非情之至也。”似 乎比较类似生死的思考。

    但这仍旧是一种模糊性的感性思维,而不是理性的思 辩。 爱情与死亡在诗歌中最常见的结合方式,大约是用死亡来表达爱情的强度 和极限了。

    生命的极限是死亡,人的情感之深之久,用生命的极限来衡量,是 很容易理解的。这倒是中英诗歌中都有的。

    比如《诗经》中便有: …… “生死契阔”, 与子成说。 执子之手, 与子偕老。

    …… 毂(车应为禾)则异室, 死则同穴。 谓予不信, 有如皎日。

    脍炙人口的元好问《迈陂塘》有:“问世间,情是何物,直教生死相许? 天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑。欢乐趣,离别苦,离中更有痴儿女。

    君应有 语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去?”情是何物生死相许,似有问,但 无答,更无辩。只是一种情的表达。

    英文诗歌中也有相应的以死相许的爱情誓 言,但更突出的,是将死亡和爱情做为两种抽象理念的关系,来对应关联。因 此英文中才会有“只要上帝允许,在死后我爱你将只会更加深情。”

    的诗句: 葡萄牙十四行诗 (第43首) 伊丽莎白.勃郎宁 我究竟怎样爱你?让我细数端详。 我爱你直到我灵魂所及的深度、广度和高度,我在视力不及之处 摸索着存在的极致和美的理想。

    我爱昵象最朴素的日常需要一样, 就象不自觉地需要阳光和蜡烛。 我自由地爱昵,像人们选择正义之路, 我纯洁地爱昵,像人们躲避称赞颂扬。

    我爱你用的是我在昔日的悲伤里 用过得那种激情,以及童年的忠诚。 我爱你用的爱,我本以为早以失去 (与我失去的圣徒一同);我爱你用的笑容、眼泪、呼吸和生命!只要上帝允许, 在死后我爱你将只会更加深情。

    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints--I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. “IF GOD CHOOSE, I SHALL BUT LOVE THEE BETTER AFTER DEATH”读来不仅有震撼人心的 力量,而且有一种超越死亡限制的升华感觉。这也是东西方文化之差异在文学 作品中的一个表现。

    即西方文化中有宗教和超越现世的世界,因此可以说死后 更加爱你。另外,这首著名诗词对爱情的描写有许多与众不同。

    王佐良的评说: “‘我自由地爱你……’,这就使情诗脱出了一般卿卿我我的格局,而结尾处 反顾童年的激情,前瞻死亡之并非终结,更使意境深远起来。”(见《英国诗 史》)其实,意境深远还是中式的评语,思辩的理性情感,才是此诗的特点。

    据说勃郎宁夫人在婚前的恋爱中写下这40多首爱情十四行诗,直到婚后才悄 悄放入丈夫口袋,并说如果他不喜欢就烧掉它们。勃郎宁读后说,我决不敢私 藏自莎士比亚以来无论任何语言中最美的十四行诗。

    因此,这些诗得以印行。 勃郎宁夫人的自谦自守,倒是很类似中国传统女性的德行。

    如果说《虽然我年轻无辩》和《在死后我爱你将更加情深》还是借用死亡 的生命终极含意来比喻爱情的深厚,那么罗赛蒂的《歌》,则是一种神秘主义 情调的展现,而很难说作者表达了什么: 歌 克里斯蒂娜。罗赛蒂 在我死了以后,亲爱的, 不要为我唱哀歌; 不要在我头上栽种玫瑰, 也不要栽种成荫的松柏; 。

    3. 帮忙找找 中 英文诗歌 对比 鉴赏

    尽管我年轻无辩 本.琼生 如我之年青,无法细辨, 死亡的本意和爱的真谛, 尝闻二者皆带箭头, 双双的目标是人的心脏。

    复又听说,各有德性, 爱伤于火,死伤于冰; 我似恍然有所觉悟, 感受的极端结果却一途。 恰如断壁残垣, 或灰飞或塌坍; 又好比我之消亡, 似潮退又似闪电; 因知爱之燃烧的箭杆, 亡我之速有如死神冰冷的魔手; 惟有爱火的炽热尚存, 惊散坟墓中寒气逼人的霜雾。

    Though I am Young and Cannot Tell Ben Jonson Though I am young, and cannot tell Either what death or love is well, Yet I have heard they both bear darts, And both do aim at human hearts. And then again, I have been told Love wounds with heat, as Death with cold; So that I fear they do but bring Extremes to touch, and mean one thing. As in a ruin we it call One thing to be blown up, or fall; Or to our end like way may have By a flash of lightning, or a wave; So love's inflamed shaft or brand May kill as soon as Death's cold hand; Except Love's fires the virtue have To fright the frost out of the grave. 整首诗是一种‘虚拟’理念的对比思考,没有具体的情景。比喻的事物也 以抽象概念和事物的一般类别居多,比如热,冷,生,死,人心,箭头,感觉 (TOUCH),断壁残垣,闪电浪潮,坟墓等。

    这种思辩性的理念诗歌,在 中文中是几乎不见的。汤显祖《牡丹亭题词》中有:“情不知所起,一往而深, 生者可以死,死可以生。

    生而不可死,死而不可变生者,皆非情之至也。”似 乎比较类似生死的思考。

    但这仍旧是一种模糊性的感性思维,而不是理性的思 辩。 爱情与死亡在诗歌中最常见的结合方式,大约是用死亡来表达爱情的强度 和极限了。

    生命的极限是死亡,人的情感之深之久,用生命的极限来衡量,是 很容易理解的。这倒是中英诗歌中都有的。

    比如《诗经》中便有: …… “生死契阔”, 与子成说。 执子之手, 与子偕老。

    …… 毂(车应为禾)则异室, 死则同穴。 谓予不信, 有如皎日。

    脍炙人口的元好问《迈陂塘》有:“问世间,情是何物,直教生死相许? 天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑。欢乐趣,离别苦,离中更有痴儿女。

    君应有 语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去?”情是何物生死相许,似有问,但 无答,更无辩。只是一种情的表达。

    英文诗歌中也有相应的以死相许的爱情誓 言,但更突出的,是将死亡和爱情做为两种抽象理念的关系,来对应关联。因 此英文中才会有“只要上帝允许,在死后我爱你将只会更加深情。”

    的诗句: 葡萄牙十四行诗 (第43首) 伊丽莎白.勃郎宁 我究竟怎样爱你?让我细数端详。 我爱你直到我灵魂所及的深度、广度和高度,我在视力不及之处 摸索着存在的极致和美的理想。

    我爱昵象最朴素的日常需要一样, 就象不自觉地需要阳光和蜡烛。 我自由地爱昵,像人们选择正义之路, 我纯洁地爱昵,像人们躲避称赞颂扬。

    我爱你用的是我在昔日的悲伤里 用过得那种激情,以及童年的忠诚。 我爱你用的爱,我本以为早以失去 (与我失去的圣徒一同);我爱你用的笑容、眼泪、呼吸和生命!只要上帝允许, 在死后我爱你将只会更加深情。

    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints--I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. “IF GOD CHOOSE, I SHALL BUT LOVE THEE BETTER AFTER DEATH”读来不仅有震撼人心的 力量,而且有一种超越死亡限制的升华感觉。这也是东西方文化之差异在文学 作品中的一个表现。

    即西方文化中有宗教和超越现世的世界,因此可以说死后 更加爱你。另外,这首著名诗词对爱情的描写有许多与众不同。

    王佐良的评说: “‘我自由地爱你……’,这就使情诗脱出了一般卿卿我我的格局,而结尾处 反顾童年的激情,前瞻死亡之并非终结,更使意境深远起来。”(见《英国诗 史》)其实,意境深远还是中式的评语,思辩的理性情感,才是此诗的特点。

    据说勃郎宁夫人在婚前的恋爱中写下这40多首爱情十四行诗,直到婚后才悄 悄放入丈夫口袋,并说如果他不喜欢就烧掉它们。勃郎宁读后说,我决不敢私 藏自莎士比亚以来无论任何语言中最美的十四行诗。

    因此,这些诗得以印行。 勃郎宁夫人的自谦自守,倒是很类似中国传统女性的德行。

    如果说《虽然我年轻无辩》和《在死后我爱你将更加情深》还是借用死亡 的生命终极含意来比喻爱情的深厚,那么罗赛蒂的《歌》,则是一种神秘主义 情调的展现,而很难说作者表达了什么: 歌 克里斯蒂娜。罗赛蒂 在我死了以后,亲爱的, 不要为我唱哀歌; 不要在我头上栽种玫瑰, 也不要栽种成荫的松柏; 。

    4. 英文诗词从哪些方面赏析

    英文诗歌赏析技巧(转) Appreciation of English Poetry 诗以高度凝结的语言表达着人们的喜怒哀乐,用其特有的节奏与方式影响着人们的精神世界。

    诗讲究联想,运用象征、比喻、拟人等各种修辞手法,形成了独特的语言艺术。 英诗浩如烟海,篇幅长短不一。

    为使大家了解英诗,并能欣赏,请大家学习以下四个方面的内容:诗的格律、诗的押韵、诗的体式、诗的评判。 一、诗的格律 格律是是每个音步轻重音节排列的格式,也是朗读时轻重音的依据。


    以下是五种常见格式: 1.抑扬格(轻重格)Iambus:是最常见的一种格式,每个音步由一个非重读音节加一个重读音节构成。 As fair / art thou / my bon/nie lass, So deep / in luve / am I : And I / will luve / thee still,/ my dear, Till a` / the seas / gang dry: 注: art=are thou=you luve=love thee[thou的宾格] bonnie=beautifl a`=all gang=go 上例中为四音步与三音步交叉。

    2.扬抑格(重轻格)Trochee:每个音步由一个重读音节加一个非重读音节构成。 下例中为四音步扬抑格(少一个轻音节)。

    Tiger!/ Tiger!/ burning / bright In the / forests / of the / night 3. 抑抑扬格(轻轻重格)Anapaestic foot: 每个音步由两个非重读音节加一个重读音节构成。如:三音步抑抑扬格 Like a child / from the womb, Like a ghost / from the tomb, I arise / and unbuild / it again. 4. 扬抑抑格(重轻轻格)Dactylic foot: 每个音步由一个重读音节加两个非重读音节构成。

    如:两音步扬抑抑格 ˊTouch her not / scornfully, ˊThink of her / mournfully. 5.抑扬抑格(轻重轻格)Amphibrach:每个音步由一个非重读音节加一个重读音节再加一个非重读音节构成。如:三音步抑扬抑格) 下例中双音步为抑扬格。

    O hush thee / my baby / thy sire was / a knight. 在同一首诗中常会出现不同的格律,格律解析对朗读诗歌有一定参考价值。现代诗中常不遵守规范的格律。

    二、诗的押韵 押韵是指通过重复元音或辅音以达到一定音韵效果的诗歌写作手法。 1. 尾韵:最常见,最重要的押韵方式。

    1) 联韵:aabb型。 I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For, so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flight. 2) 交叉韵:abab型。

    Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea, 3)同韵:有的诗押韵,一韵到底,大多是在同一节诗中共用一个韵脚。如下例就共用/i:p/为韵脚。

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. 2.头韵:是指一行(节)诗中几个词开头的辅音相同,形成押韵。下例中运用/f/、/b/与/s/头韵生动写出了船在海上轻快航行的景象。

    The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free, We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea. 3.内韵(同元音):指词与词之间元音的重复形成的内部押韵。 下面一节诗中/i/及/iη/重复照应,呈现出一派欢乐祥和的气氛。

    Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king; Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring, Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing: Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo! 三、诗的体式 有的诗分成几节(stanza),每节由若干诗行组成(每行诗均以大写字母开头);有的诗则不分节。目前我们常见的诗体有: 1. 十四行诗 (Sonnet),源于中世纪民间抒情短诗,十三、十四世纪流行于意大利,意大利彼特拉克(Petrarch)为代表人物,每行十一个音节,全诗一节八行,加一节六行,韵脚用abba, abba, cdcdcd (cdecde)。

    前八行提问,后六行回答。 后来,怀亚特(Thomas Wyatt,1503-1542)将十四行诗引人英国,五音步抑扬格,全诗三个四行一个二行,前三节提问,后二句结论。

    斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser,1552-1599)用韵脚 abab, bcbc,cdcd,ee。莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)用韵脚abab,cdcd,dfdf,gg,称英国式或莎士比亚式。

    Sonnet 60 Like as the waves make towards the pibbled shore, So do our minutes hasten to their end; Each changing place with that which goes before, In sequent toil all forwards do contend, Nativity, once in the main of light, Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crowned, Crooked eclipses against his glory fight, And time that gave doth now his gift confound. Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth And delves the parallels in beauty's brow, Feeds on the rarities but for his scythe to move. And nothing stands but for his scythe to move. And yet to times in hope my verse shall stand, Praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand. Notes: 1. pibbled : pebbled 铺着卵石的 2.In sequent toil all forwards do contend: Toiling and following each othe, the waves struggle to press forward. 波浪前推后涌,一个个在奋勇争先。此处是比喻,指时光不停息地流逝。

    3.in the main of light:。

    5. 求英文版的唐诗

    唐诗三百首 300 Selected Poems of the Tang Dynasty Mrs. Innes Herdan 李白 清平调三首之一 云想衣裳花想容 春风拂槛露华浓 若非群玉山头见 会向瑶台月下逢 Li Bai A SONG OF PURE HAPPINESS I Her robe is a cloud, her face a flower; Her balcony, glimmering with the bright spring dew, Is either the tip of earth's Jade Mountain Or a moon- edged roof of paradise. 孟浩然 春晓 春眠不觉晓 处处闻啼鸟 夜来风雨声 花落知多少 Meng Haoran A SPRING MORNING I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, Everywhere round me the singing of birds -- But now I remember the night, the storm, And I wonder how many blossoms were broken. 李白。

    镜湖三百里 菡萏发荷花 五月西施采 人看隘若耶 回舟不待月 归去越王家 Li Bai BALLADS OF FOUR SEASONS: SUMMER On Mirror Lake outspread for miles and miles, The lotus lilies in full blossom teem. In fifth moon Xi Shi gathers them with smiles, Watchers o'erwhelm the bank of Yuoye Stream. Her boat turns back without waiting moonrise To yoyal house amid amorous sighs。.。

    6. 英语诗歌鉴赏

    "National Song"

    Of the motherland,

    You have gone through an extraordinary 55 years,

    As long a baby has become the prime of life,

    Today, you are full of vitality, and the distribution of vigor and

    You have all kinds of hardships, there were laughter.

    After a rough and rugged, tomorrow will be better.

    In the past 55 years,

    You earthshaking changes have taken place,

    Your growing prosperity of the people.

    Your strength is growing stronger and stronger.

    With the combination of the Chinese people the world is your heart ah!

    You won the respect of the world's attention.

    Now you are our emotions and work hard,

    Entering the new century,

    Today, in celebrating this festival,

    From the heart, I say to you,

    Mother, hello!

    7. 求英文版的唐诗


    300 Selected Poems of the Tang Dynasty

    Mrs. Innes Herdan

    李白 清平调三首之一





    Li Bai


    Her robe is a cloud, her face a flower;

    Her balcony, glimmering with the bright spring dew,

    Is either the tip of earth's Jade Mountain

    Or a moon- edged roof of paradise.

    孟浩然 春晓





    Meng Haoran


    I awake light-hearted this morning of spring,

    Everywhere round me the singing of birds --

    But now I remember the night, the storm,

    And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.







    Li Bai


    On Mirror Lake outspread for miles and miles,

    The lotus lilies in full blossom teem.

    In fifth moon Xi Shi gathers them with smiles,

    Watchers o'erwhelm the bank of Yuoye Stream.

    Her boat turns back without waiting moonrise

    To yoyal house amid amorous sighs.

    8. 求英文诗,经典,著名,最好中英对照,但一定要有英文~

    The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary;

    天冷、阴暗、沉闷; 下着雨,风也刮个不停;

    The vine still clings to the moldering wall,


    But at every gust the dead leaves fall


    And the day is dark and dreary.


    My life is cold and dark and dreary;


    It rains and the wind is never weary;


    My though still cling to the moldering past,


    But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,


    And the days are dark and dreary.


    Be still, sad heart!And cease repining;


    Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;


    Thy fate is the common fate of all,


    Into each life some rain must fall,


    Some days must be dark and dreary.


    9. 求一首唐诗,要中英互译,谢谢




    花间一壶酒, 独酌无相亲;

    举杯邀明月, 对影成三人。

    月既不解饮, 影徒随我身;

    暂伴月将影, 行乐须及春。

    我歌月徘徊, 我舞影零乱;

    醒时同交欢, 醉后各分散。

    永结无情游, 相期邈云汉。


    Li Bai


    From a pot of wine among the flowers

    I drank alone. There was no one with me --

    Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon

    To bring me my shadow and make us three.

    Alas, the moon was unable to drink

    And my shadow tagged me vacantly;

    But still for a while I had these friends

    To cheer me through the end of spring。.

    I sang. The moon encouraged me.

    I danced. My shadow tumbled after.

    As long as I knew, we were boon companions.

    And then I was drunk, and we lost one another.

    Shall goodwill ever be secure?

    I watch the long road of the River of Stars.

