1. 求大神翻译古诗
2. 翻译古诗
1.物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流 翻译:风景依旧,但亲人却已逝去,所以觉得万事皆休。
想要说出心中的烦闷,还未开口却已泣不成声。 出处:李清照《武陵春》词 4.多少离恨昨夜梦回中、画梁呢喃双燕惊残梦。
翻译:昨夜的梦里存有多少恨意!高堂上的燕子成双成对,可是梦已残缺难以复原了。 出处:姜帆 《若相惜》 歌词 改写自:李煜《望江南》,前蜀· 牛峤《菩萨蛮》 5.一怀愁绪,几年离索。
山盟虽在,锦书难托 翻译: 满怀抑塞着忧愁的情绪,离别几年来的生活十分萧索。 永远相爱的誓言虽在,可是锦文书信靠谁投托。
出处:陆游《钗头凤》 6.千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。 翻译:再三呼唤,她才肯走出船舱,还抱着琵琶,遮住半边脸庞。
出处:白居易《琵琶行》 8.蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。 翻译:我寻找那人千百次,都没看见他,不经意间一回头,却看见了他立在灯火深处。
出处:辛弃疾 《青玉案 元夕 》。
3. 求英语大神翻译一首诗
To my old fellow students,
I appreciate the time we spent together.
To my lovely fellow students,
I wish you all the best.
To my dearest fellow students,
I hope we cherish our attachment and love
till we get old.
4. 跪求文艺大神翻译此诗句
5. 求英语界大神帮忙翻译,急
Abstract:7a686964616fe78988e69d8331333335313135Hohhot city is located in Central China's the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, a total area of 17224 square kilometers, is a Mongolia nationalityas the main body, the Han majority, full, back, Korea, Ewenki, Daur and other 41 ethnic national historical and cultural city. Settlement and exchange multi-ethnic, causing Hohhot ancient building there is a difference between the region, culture, characteristics. This paper from the Ming and Qing Dynasties building, Mongolian and Tibetan culturebuilding as an example, through field investigation, the data andinterviews, the Hohhot's typical ancient building status and ancient architecture itself characteristics, culture, history, protection, repair and other aspects of analysis。
6. 求英语大神帮忙翻译一首英文古诗
Is it time that takes the affection awayor thoughts that drive the feelings awayThere are words I always loveThe sea is a vast skyThe sky is a vast seaI think I am the seaYou are the sky I look up atI think I am the seaYou are the sky I could never touchI think I am the seaYou are the skyAlways in sightYet never within reach。