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  • 表达鼓励的诗词

    1.Money is a great traveler in the world.-金钱是世界上伟大的旅行家.

    2.Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨.

    3.With money a donkey was obtained a priest.有了钱,驴子也能当牧师.

    4.Where money talks arguments are of no avail.-钱说话的地方,讲理是没有用的.

    5.Money buys everything except brain.除了智慧以外,金钱什么都能买到.

    6.Money isn't everything.金钱并非一切(意为:金钱并非万能的).

    7.Money is a good servant but a bad master.-要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶.

    8.Money does not grow on tree.金钱不长在树上(意为:钱不容易挣).9.Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金.

    10.Money is round,and rolls away.金钱圆溜溜


