After-sales service commitment
China will provide complete hardware, software and applications service system. Fully aware of our system after the establishment and operation of the importance of technical support, in order to enable users to effectively manage and maintain software and hardware systems.
China's technology support staff, well-trained and experienced, we will provide users with comprehensive services late.
Second, Quality Commitment(A) the warranty periodDuring in the quality assurance due to manufacturing quality problems, Upon supplier receipt notice by the demand side , the supplier shall promptly sent technicians to the scene to deal the problem, until the required technical specifications, Imperative the equipment to normal operation, And bear the cost of equipment manufacturing quality problems, because by the demand side improper care or improper used cause damage to equipment, supplier will actively cooperate to resolve the problem, All expense to be burden by the demand-side.(B) After the warranty periodProducts mechanical failure cause by the long run, In the case, problem demand side can not be resolved, supplier received notice by the demand side, the supplier shall promptly sent technicians to the scene to deal the problem, Imperative the equipment to normal operation, all expenses to be borne by the demand-side.Third, installation and Test1. Instructions to install: the equipment installation stage, the demand side of the time required to send technical experts and skilled workers to the scene, technical guidance, processing and manufacturing-related technical problems. And the demand side in the field of training of technicians and workers.2. Bear the associated costs during installation, should improve cooperation with the demand side, Strengthen the installation site management, construction safety. Strict implementation of standards for equipment installation, equipment installation in accordance with technical requirements and procedures, strict control of quality of the installation to ensure the accuracy and equipment installation commissioning qualified to ensure the normal operation of equipment.3. According to user request, careful field service customers in a timely manner and do free guide installation, testing work to ensure normal operation of equipment, installation and testing process in the commitment to ensure the quality of the installation, according to the contract schedule required to complete installation, testing, and strive to reach production standards.Fourth, After-sales service1. Arrange transportation for the user to ensure the safety of equipment to the scene.2. For the user preferred provider of equipment spare parts, and ensure normal production needs, meet customer needs.3. In the equipment warranty period, In accordance with the Contract Law the quality of products implementationthree Guarantees.。
Second, Quality Commitment(A) the warranty periodDuring in the quality assurance due to manufacturing quality problems, Upon supplier receipt notice by the demand side , the supplier shall promptly sent technicians to the scene to deal the problem, until the required technical specifications, Imperative the equipment to normal operation, And bear the cost of equipment manufacturing quality problems, because by the demand side improper care or improper used cause damage to equipment, supplier will actively cooperate to resolve the problem, All expense to be burden by the demand-side.(B) After the warranty periodProducts mechanical failure cause by the long run, In the case, problem demand side can not be resolved, supplier received notice by the demand side, the supplier shall promptly sent technicians to the scene to deal the problem, Imperative the equipment to normal operation, all expenses to be borne by the demand-side.Third, installation and Test1. Instructions to install: the equipment installation stage, the demand side of the time required to send technical experts and skilled workers to the scene, technical guidance, processing and manufacturing-related technical problems. And the demand side in the field of training of technicians and workers.2. Bear the associated costs during installation, should improve cooperation with the demand side, Strengthen the installation site management, construction safety. Strict implementation of standards for equipment installation, equipment installation in accordance with technical requirements and procedures, strict control of quality of the installation to ensure the accuracy and equipment installation commissioning qualified to ensure the normal operation of equipment.3. According to user request, careful field service customers in a timely manner and do free guide installation, testing work to ensure normal operation of equipment, installation and testing process in the commitment to ensure the quality of the installation, according to the contract schedule required to complete installation, testing, and strive to reach production standards.Fourth, After-sales service1. Arrange transportation for the user to ensure the safety of equipment to the scene.2. For the user preferred provider of equipment spare parts, and ensure normal production needs, meet customer needs.3. In the equipment warranty period, In accordance with the Contract Law the quality of products implementationthree Guarantees.。
售后服务承诺书 我公司体现“顾客第一、信誉第一”的服务宗旨,为顾客提供长期的技术支持和全方位服务。1、售后服务承诺书投标方拥有健全的售后服务网络机构,包括专门的安装维修服务队,用户的定期访问和信息反馈,安装指导和技术咨询。全国各大中型城市设立办事处,立争在最短的时间内解决出现的故障、质量问题,让客户安心、放心。2、质量保证期产品质保期限为一年,**使用寿命为**年。3、售后服务承诺书日常管理用户就是上帝,售后服务更是我们工作的重中之重,售后服务的日常管理分三个层次,第一:每月的电话专访,了解设备运行的状况,做好跟踪记录;第二:每年派专业技术人员上门回访一次,做好跟踪记录;第三:在以上过程中,了解到工程质量出现的故障、问题,本厂立即派人到用户单位,解决出现的情况。4、售后服务承诺书售前,在技术问题上与用户保持对接,保证产品的符合性,在生产过程开始之前,提供样品由用户及监理单位进行审查,合格后方可进行批量生产。5、售后服务承诺书培训计划本公司负责开通调试的工程,均可得到本公司提供现场免费培训一次,培训内容为使用设备的操作及日常维护;本公司厂每年春、秋两季举办用户学习班,由专业人员集中授课,主要讲授系统操作、日常维护及简单故障的排除。技术培训方式有现场培训、集中培训两种方式。现场培训由项目的技术负责人负责,集中培训由公司技术人员担任。现场培训是在设备投入使用之前,对安装人员、管理人e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad9431333433623736员
1. 我厂出售的所有产品保修期为一年,保修期内免费上门维修(人为因素或不可抗拒的自然现象所引起的故障或破坏除外)。
2. 在接到报修通知后,七个工作日内赶到现场并解决问题。
3. 用户可以通过售后电话咨询有关技术问题,并得到明确的解决方案。
4. 用户在正常使用中出现性能故障时,本公司承诺以上保修服务。除此以外,国家适用法律法规另有明确规定的,本公司将遵照相关法律法规执行。
5. 在保修期内,以下情况将实行有偿维修服务;
3.设备正常运行后,供方承诺24个月的质量保证期,(需方使用设备寿命期内的维护保养),当需方需要时,保证在接到 通知后的二十四至四十八小时内,派专业的维修人员到达现场。但需方按规定的方式。
方法正常操作运行时,质量造成的损坏由供 方负责免费修理,更换部分零件。属定货范围之外的备品实行有偿服务。
By-laws: Product Service Agreement
1, the warranty period for free since the date of purchase of ideas within six months time.
2, in the warranty period under normal conditions and the use of the fault, according to the terms of the warranty, to produce the warranty cards, free maintenance.
3, in the warranty period, the following will be implemented paid maintenance services:
①, can not produce a valid warranty card.
②, in the warranty card Youlou in mind, defacement and do not sell names and chop shops.
③, not because of resistance caused by failure, injury.
④, in the transport, loaders dumping in the fault caused the damage.
⑤, failed to operate, use and pay attention to issues caused by human failure, loss.
⑥, the company without the authorization of the product demolition, repair, making equipment failure caused the injury.
4, the product easy to wear and tear parts (alloy seal) is not within the scope of the warranty.
5, due to the failure of the products, directly or indirectly caused other equipment failures is not responsible for.