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  • 不健康的英文



    查了一下《牛津高阶》和《英汉大词典2》,healthy和unhealthy可以身心兼指,但unhealthy在身心兼指的时候是有一定限制的,我们可以说an unhealthy interest/curiosity about XX(某种兴趣不健康), an unhealthy example(坏榜样),an unhealthy lifestyle(生活方式不健康),但是似乎没有讲心态不健康也可以用unhealthy。

    我理解的汉语中“不健康的心态”是介乎道德评价和临床的心理学、精神病学之间的一种贬义。 就我的见识,在翻译时可以根据具体情境选用下面几个词: Insane(错乱的)mood Aberrant (偏离常规的) mind (比insane更明显) Passive attitude 消极的心态 Sound (就是我们平时说的“精神健全”,西谚有云:Sound in body, sound in mind。

    ) mind 嗯,对了,前面不要忘了加个a(n) 。


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    There are a lot of unhealthy food around us. Candies are unhealthy because they hurt our teeth. Fast food is delicious; however, they are unhealthy as well because it has a lot of fat in it. A lot of snacks are unhealthy. For example, potato chips have a lot of sugar and fat. Furthermore, fried chicken is unhealthy because of the high calories and fat.


