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    People laugh and people cry Some give up some always try Some say hi while some say bye Some will forget you but never will I Write down tears or write down smile Wanna a sun or a kiss beyond night Wave to all in noise or just a quiet It is time or the mind which can fly Congratulations to you let us celebrate the graduation Drama will be present let us send the invitations Someday the words can not say out all of the passion Someday your eyes can answer all the questions All the stars (have) fallen in to your eyes and there are where the moon was waken All the promises (have) fallen into my heart and never be taken Someday the words just can not say out all of the reasons Someday my face changes so do seasons Find out who you are and don't be afraid of it Drama someday let's try write down some memories of it Someday the story is over it's just over then Hold this breath listen to the song of it I laugh i cry and I realize Some will forget you but never will I People laugh and people cry Some give up some always try Some say hi while some say bye Some will forget you But never will I…..出自出自《DramaSomeday》《离骚》 是由北大学生汤韵词曲并演唱,严冰钢琴演奏,是专门为北大音乐电影《离骚》而创作,曲调惆怅,以清唱为主,像是主人公在喃喃自语,深刻地表现了毕业生之间的情意.。



    ASAP As soon as possible尽快

    BF Boyfriend 男朋友

    BTW By the way 随便说一下

    BBL Be back later 稍后回来

    BRB Be right back 很快回来

    CU See you 再见

    CUL See you later 下次再会

    DIIK Damned if I known 我真的不知道

    DS Dunce smiley 笨伯

    FE For example 举例

    FTF Face to face 面对面

    FYI For your information 供参考

    GF girlfriend 女朋友

    IAE In any event无论如何

    IC I see 我明白

    ILY I love you 我爱你

    IMHO In my humble opinion 依愚人之见

    IMO In my opinion 依我所见

    IOW In other words 换句话说

    LOL laughing out loudly 大声笑

    NRN No reply necessary 不必回信

    OIC Oh, I see 哦,我知道

    PEM Privacy enhanced mail 保密邮件

    RSVP Reply if you please 请答复

    TIA Thanks in advance 十分感谢

    TTUL Talk to you later 以后再讲

    TY Thank you 谢谢

    VG very good 很好

    WRT With respect to 关于



    读法:英 [nəʊt] 美 [not]


    1、n. 笔记;音符;票据;注解;纸币;便笺;照会;调子

    2、vt. 注意;记录;注解

    3、n. (Note)人名;(英)诺特


    1、They ended the discussion on a note of optimism.


    2、Not to hold over this note into the next measure.




    读法:英 [bɪl] 美 [bɪl]


    1、n. [法] 法案;广告;账单;[金融] 票据;钞票;清单

    2、vt. 宣布;开账单;用海报宣传


    1、Bill Clinton 比尔·克林顿

    2、Bill Crow 比尔·克劳

    3、Bill Laimbeer 比尔·兰比尔,林比亚

    4、Bill Ackman 阿克曼,艾克曼

    5、clean bill 光票,清洁



    以上只是就字面翻译过来的,不能算“信、达、雅”的程度,不过我理解的意思就是你女友希望你在和她交流的时候能够更加的温柔一些委婉一些,希望你能多为她考虑一下,因为两个人在一起不可能达到完全的一致,最多做到求同存异就很完美了,给别人留下点“差异”不是坏事。 恋爱就是这么“麻烦”,总是心想如果能更了解她的心意可能会好些,但最好不要胡乱猜测,“猜”来的永远不及“知道”的准确,把握机会,多些交流,祝你好运:)。

