
humor 英 ['hju:mə] 美 ['hju:mə]
释义:n. 幽默;诙谐;心情
过去式: humored 过去分词: humored 现在分词: humoring 第三人称单数: humors
用作名词 (n.)
1、The black humor is overwhelming in that novel.
2、I like your sense of humor.
3、His new novel is tinged with thinnish humor.
4、She smiled him into a good humor.
comedy 英 ['kɒmədi] 美 ['kɑːmədi]
释义:n. 喜剧;滑稽;幽默事件
用作名词 (n.)
write comedy 写喜剧 名词+~
farce comedy 低级趣味的滑稽剧 ~+介词
comedy of character 性格喜剧
用作名词 (n.)
1、This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles for two weeks.
2、I prefer comedy to tragedy.
3、The drama may be termed a comedy.
I teach computer courses,and my students often call me at home with questions.One morning I was on the phone,explaining in computer language the solution to a problem,while a repairman was fixing my refrigerator.After an endless stream of "C colon,back- slash,greater than,cd,backslash,DOS,0 colon" and so on,I hung up and found the repairman staring at me."Lady," he asked,are you a spy?" Notes:(1) computer language 计算机语言(2) refrigerator n.冰箱(3) backslash n.回车(4) greater than大于号(5) DOS 计算机语言中的DOS处理Exercises:根据短文回答下列问题:① What does the teacher teach?② With what do students call her at home?③ Who was in the teacher's house when she was on the phone?④ Was it a long talk?⑤ Why did the repairman think she was a spy?电话交谈我教计算机课程,我的学生经常打电话到我家问我问题.一天早晨,我在电话里用计算机语言解释一个问题的答案,当时一个维修工正在给我修电冰箱.经过一连串的“C冒号,回车,大于号,CD,回车,DOS,C冒号”等等,我挂上电话发现那位维修工在盯着我.“女士,”他问,“你是个间谍吗?”练习参考答案:① She teaches computer courses.② Questions.③ A repairman.④ Yes,it was.⑤ Because the repairman didn't understand computer language.。
It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn.The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise."Hey Willis!" the farmer yelled,"Forget your troubles.Come in with us.Then I'll help you get the wagon up." "That's mighty nice of you,“Willis answered,"but I don't think Pa would like me to." "Aw,come on," the farmer insisted."Well okay," the boy finally agreed,and added,"but Pa won't like it."After a hearty dinner,Willis thanked his host and said,"I feel a lot better now,but I know Pa is going to be real upset." "Don't be foolish," the neighbor said with a smile,"by the way,where is he?" "Under the wagon."。
by Leigh Hunt I had a schoolmate who had come into school at an age later than usual,and could hardly read.There was a book used by the leaners in reading called“Dialogues between a Missionary and an Indian.”It was a poor performance,full of inconclusive arguments and other commonplaces.The boy in question used to appear with this book in his hand in the middle of the school,the master standing behind him. The lesson was to begin.The poor fellow,whose great fault lay in a deep toned drawl of his syllable and the omission of his stops,stood half looking at the book,and half casting his eye towards the right of him,whence the blows were to proceed.The master looked over him,and his hand was ready.I am not exact in my quotation at this distance of time ;but the spirit of one of the passages that I recollect was to the following purport,and thus did the teacher and his pupil proceed:Master.“Now,young man,have a care ;or I'll set you a swingeing task.”(A common phrase of his.) Pupil(making a sort of heavy bolt at his calamity,and neverremembering his stop at the word“Missionary”).Missionary Can you see the wind?(Master gives him a aslap on thehcheek.) Pupil(raising his voice to a cry,and still forgetting his stop).“Indian No!” Master.“Zounds,young man!have a care how you provoke me!” Pupil(always forgetting the stop).Missionary How then do you know that there is such a thing?” (Here a terrible thump.) Pupil(with a shout of agony). Indian Because I feel it.” 15.诵读课 李·亨特 当年我有个同学,入学比常规的年龄要迟,而且几乎完全不会读书.那时有个学生用的阅读课本,叫做《传教士和印第安人的对话》.课本不怎么样,尽是不得要领的论说和一些老生常谈.那孩子常常手拿该课本出现在学校中央,身后站着教师.授课即将开始.那可怜的学生的毛病在于他读音节时语调深沉地拖长腔并略去应有的停顿.他站立着,三心二意地看着书,一面向身子右边瞄去,因为打击将会来自那个方向.教师盯视着他,手已摆出了打人的架势.因为时隔已久,我的引述可能不很确切,但就我所忆,先生和学生的一次对话的要旨大致如下:老师:“年轻人,小心点;要不我可要让你狠狠吃点苦头.”(这是他的口头禅.) 学生:(大难临头,身体猛然一摇闪,根本记不得在“传教士”一词后应该停顿.)“传教士你能看见风吗?” (教师扇了他一耳光.) 学生:(提高了嗓音,几乎是在哭喊,但仍不记得要停顿)“印第安人不能啊!” 教师:“该死!年轻人,小心点别惹我发火!” 学生:(一如既往漏掉停顿)“传教士那你怎么知道有这样一种东西呢?” (这时来了重重一击.) 学生:(痛苦地叫喊)“印第安人因为我感觉到了.”。
An old man lived alone in Northern Ireland.His only son was inprison.The old man wanted to plant some potatoes in his garden but he didn't know anyone who would help him plow up the garden.He wrote to his son about it,and received this reply,"For HEAVENS SAKE,don't dig up that garden,that's where I buried the GUNS!" At 4 AM the next morning,a dozen British soldiers showed up and dug up the entire garden,but didn't find any guns.Confused,the man wrote to his son telling him what happened and asking him what to do next.His son's reply was:"Just plant your potatoes."一个老人独居在北爱尔兰,他的独生子正在坐牢.老人想在花园里种些土豆,但不知道谁可以帮忙把泥土翻松.他写信想儿子提及此事,儿子回信说道:“看在上帝的面上,千万不要翻松花园的泥土,我把枪埋在那儿了.”第二天凌晨4点,一队英国士兵出现在老人家中,在花园把土地翻遍,但并没有找到任何枪支.” 老人写信告诉儿子这件奇怪的事情,问到底发生了什么事情,下一步应该怎么做.儿子回信道:“你只管种土豆好了.”Mr.and Mrs.Taylor had a seven year old boy named Pat.Now Mrs.Taylor was expecting another child. Pat had seen babies in other people's houses and had not liked them very much,so he was not delighted about the news that there was soon going to be one in his house too. One evening Mr.and Mrs.Taylor were making plans for the baby's arrival.“This house won't be big enough for us all when the baby comes,”said Mr.Taylor. Pat came into the room just then and said,“What are you talking about?”“We were saying that we'll have to move to an other house now,because the new baby's coming,”his mother answered. “ It's no use,”said Pat hopelessly.“ He'll follow us there.” 泰勒夫妇有一个七岁的男孩,名叫帕特.现在泰勒太太正怀着第二胎.帕特在别人家看见过婴儿,他不太喜欢他们,所以他对自己家里也将有一个婴儿的消息感到不满.一天晚上,泰勒夫妇正在为这个婴儿的降生计划做安排.泰勒先生说:“有了婴儿,我们的房子就太小,不够住了.” 帕特恰好在这个时候走进屋,他问:“你们在说什么?”他的母亲回答说:“我们在说我们现在得搬家,因为婴儿就要诞生了.” “那没用,”帕特绝望地说.“他会跟我们到那儿去的.”。
小明上英文课时跟老师说:“May I go to the toilet?” 老师说:“Go ahead.” 小明就坐了下来。过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:“May I go to the toilet?” 老师说:“Go ahead. ”小明又坐了下来。他旁边的同学于是忍不住问:“你不是跟老师说要上厕所吗?怎么不去?”小明说:“你没听老师说‘去你个头’啊!”
某人刻苦学习英语,终有小成。一日上街不慎与一老外相撞,忙说:I am sorry。
老外应道:I am sorry too。
某人听后又道:I am sorry three。
老外不解,问:What are you sorry for?
某人无奈,道:I am sorry five。