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  • 经典英文诗歌



    Do not stand at my grave and weep


    I am not there. I do not sleep

    我不在那里 我没有睡去

    I am a thousand winds that blow


    I am the diamond glints on snow


    I am the sunlight on ripened grain


    I am the gentle autumn rain


    When you awake in the mornings hush


    I am the swift uplifting rush


    Of quiet birds in circled flight


    I am the soft stars that shine at night


    Do not stand at my grave and cry


    I am not there. I did not die.

    我不在那儿 我没有逝去




    Slight unpremeditated Words are borne

    By every common Wind into the Air;

    Carelessly utter'd, die as soon as born,

    And in one instant give both Hope and Fear:

    Breathing all Contraries with the same Wind

    According to the Caprice of the Mind.

    But Billetdoux are constant Witnesses,

    Substantial Records to Eternity;

    Just Evidences,who the Truth confess,

    On which the Lover safely may rely;

    They're serious Thoughts,digested and resolv'd;

    And last,when Words are into Clouds devolv'd.














    BABYOhh wooaah (3x) You know you love me,I know you care You shout whenever,And I'll be there You want my love,You want my heart And we will never ever ever be apart Are we an item?Girl quit playing Were just friends,Or are we saying So theres another one,Looks right in my eyes My first love broke my heart for the first time,And I was like Baby,baby,baby nooo My baby,baby,baby noo My baby,baby,baby nooo I thought youd always be mine mine Baby,baby,baby nooo My baby,baby,baby noo My baby,baby,baby nooo I thought youd always be mine,oh oh For you,I would have done whatever Another chance and we,We get together And wanna play it cool,about loosin' you I'll buy you anything,I'll buy you any ring And i'm in piece ,baby fix me And you'll shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream Im going down,down,dooown And just can't believe my first love won't be around Baby,baby,baby nooo Baby,baby,baby nooo My baby,baby,baby noo My baby,baby,baby nooo I thought youd always be mine When i was 13 i had my first love Here was nobody to compare my baby And nobody came between us or could ever come above She had me goin crazy Oh i was starstruck.She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks She made my heart pound Asking for a beat when i see her in the street And in the school on the playground But i really wanna see her on the weekends She knows she got me dazy Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking But i just keep on sayin Baby,baby,baby nooo My baby,baby,baby noo My baby,baby,baby nooo I thought youd always be mine x2 Now Im all gone。



    To see a world in a grain of sand, 一粒沙里阅世界 And a heaven in a wild flower, 一朵花中觅天堂 Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, 无穷尽在掌心中 And eternity in an hour。 永恒不过一刻钟 2。

    世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world 不是 生与死的距离 is not the way from birth to the end。 而是 我站在你面前 it is when i sit near you 你不知道我爱你 that you don't understand i love u。

    世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world 不是 我站在你面前 is not 你不知道我爱你 that you're not sure i love u。 而是 爱到痴迷 It is when my love is bewildering the soul 却不能说我爱你 but i can't speak it out。

    世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world 不是 我不能说我爱你 is not that i can't say i love u。 而是 想你痛彻心脾 it is after looking into my heart 却只能深埋心底 i can't change my love。

    世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world 不是 我不能说我想你 is not that i'm loving u。 而是 彼此相爱 it is in our love 却不能够在一起 we are keeping between the distance。

    世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world 不是 彼此相爱 is not the distance across us。 却不能够在一起 而是明知道真爱无敌 it is when we're breaking through the way 却装作毫不在意 we deny the existance of love。

    世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 不是 树与树的距离 is not in two distant trees。 而是 同根生长的树枝 it is the same rooted branches 却无法在风中相依 can't enjoy the co-existance。

    世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 不是 树枝无法相依 is not in the being sepearated branches。 而是 相互了望的星星 it is in the blinking stars 却没有交汇的轨迹 they can't burn the light。

    世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 不是 星星之间的轨迹 is not the burning stars 而是 纵然轨迹交汇 it is after the light 却在转瞬间无处寻觅 they can't be seen from afar。 世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 不是 瞬间便无处寻觅 is not the light that is fading away。

    而是 尚未相遇 it is the coincidence of us 便注定无法相聚 is not supposed for the love。 世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world 是鱼与飞鸟的距离 is the love between the fish and bird。

    一个在天, one is flying at the sky, 一个却深潜海底 the other is looking upon into the sea 。


    这是 爱尔兰 史上 唯一 一位 诺贝尔 文学奖获得者叶慈(YEATS)的一首诗,我认为不错,我是在听 同名歌曲是知道 的,诗中作者表达的那种 自然的人生观、爱情观,我很欣赏!不知道你喜欢不,你可以在百度上搜 这首歌听一下。

    Down by the salley gardens Down by the salley gardens My love and i did meet。 She passed the salley gardens With little snow white feet。

    She bid me take love easy As the leaves grow on the trees。 But i being young and foolish, With her did not agree。

    In a field by the river My love and i did stand。 And on my leaning shoulder She laid her snow white hand。

    She bid me take life easy As the grass grows on the weeds。 But i being young and foolish And now i'm full of tears。

    Down by the salley gardens My love and i did meet。 She passed the salley gardens With little snow white feet。

    She bid me take love easy As the leaves grow on the trees, But i was young and foolish And with her did not agree。 。


    Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage。

    被爱给你力量,爱人给你勇气。 The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart。


    No matter how far apart we are, my thought always find their way back to you。 Missing you。

    无论我们相距多么遥远,我的思念总在你的身边。想你! The hardest part is being away from you…the best part will be when we're together again。

    Missing you, with all my heart。 最难莫过离你而去…最好莫过重新欢聚。

    全心想你。 I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself。

    我从来不认为安逸和享乐是人生本来的目的。 Don't ever forget, you are loved very, very much! 千万不要忘记,你拥有无尽的爱! I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today。

    我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。 The value of life lies not length of days, but in the use of we make of them。

    生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何利用这些日子。 Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount。

    勇气是其他美德攀登的梯子。 Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness。

    与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。 You don't love a girl because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her! 你不是因为她的美丽而爱她,而她却因为你的爱而美丽。

    Love alone could waken love! 只有爱才能唤醒爱! I'll never forget the time we share together。 我永远也不会忘记我们在一起的日子。


    Jack and Jill went up the hillTo fetch a pail of water.Jack fell down and broke his crownAnd Jill came tumbling afterJack and Jill went up the hillTo fetch a pail of water.Jack fell down and broke his crownAnd Jill came tumbling after这个是很经典的jack and jill,外国的小孩子都学这个。


    我觉得这首很经典非常喜欢英国诗人威廉.华兹华斯的这首诗歌《水仙花》英语原文如下:THE DAFFODILSI wanderded lonely as a cloudThat floats on high over vales and hillsA host,of golden daffodils;Beside the lake,beneath the treesFluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the milky way;They stetched in never –ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glanceTossing their heads in sprightly dance;The waves beside them danced,but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gayIn such a jound company:I gazed –and gazed ---but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:For oft,when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills;And dances with the daffodils.威廉.华兹华斯,(1770-1850)英国诗人,他与柯尔律治,骚塞,同被称为"湖畔派"诗人,其诗歌一反新古典主义平板,典雅的风格,开创了新鲜活泼的浪漫主义诗风.其最重要的全集<<抒情歌谣集>>于1798年与柯尔律治共同发表,宣告了浪漫主义的新诗的诞生.他于1843年被授予桂冠诗人. 这首<<水仙花>>读起来朗朗上口,是训练英语口语的好文章,我是一个喜欢英语的人,我一有空的话,,就喜欢把这首诗读上几遍,现在我几乎会把这首诗背下来了.这首诗非常的口语话.非常易学,该诗文笔清新,自然流畅,这首诗歌强调了诗人对大自然的热爱以及回忆的重要性.<<水仙花>>给人的意境,是一个充满生机的大自然,我找来了与这首诗配图的水仙花.希望大家能够喜欢.也希望喜欢英语的朋友多多留意一下这首诗.相信你把这首诗读过几遍后,会有一些收获的,尤其是当我们处于孤独与无助时,我们可以回忆我们曾经感受到的大自然的美好时光,让自己的感觉可以更好一些!坦然,真诚,自然的面对我们生活的每一天!另外,我自己翻译了一首,田园风光的,请多多指教。

    A Summer Day——George Cooper 夏日——乔治·库柏This is the way the morning dawns: 这就是拂晓时分的光景:Rosy tints on the flowers and trees, 花儿和树儿披上玫瑰红,Winds that wake the birds and bees, 微风唤醒鸟儿和蜜蜂,Dewdropson the field and lawns—— 原野和草地上露珠儿凝——This is the way the morning dawns. 这就是拂晓时分的光景。This is the way the sun comes up: 这就是日出时的光景:Gold on the brook and glossy leaves, 小溪和光滑的叶儿金光闪,Mist that melts above the sheaves, 薄雾在花草藤丛上消散,Vine, and rose, and buttercup—— 葡萄藤、玫瑰花还有毛茛——This is the way the sun comes up. 这就是日出时的光景。

    This is the way the river flows: 这就是河水奔流的光景:Here a whirl, and there a dance; 这里打个转那里撒个欢,Slowly now, then, like a lance, 一会儿慢来一会儿快,Swiftly to the sea it goes—— 朝着大海它欢快前进——This is the way the river flows. 这就是河水奔流的光景。This is the waythe rain comes down: 这就是下雨时的光景:Tinkle, tinkle, drop by drop, 叮叮咚咚,点点滴滴,Over roof and chimney top; 下在屋顶上下在烟囱里;Boughs that bend, and skies that frown—— 大树把腰弯,天空愁眉不展——This is the way the rain comes down. 这就是下雨时的光景。

    This is the way the birdie sings: 这就是小鸟歌唱时的光景:“Baby birdies in the nest, “鸟儿宝宝巢中睡,You I surely love the best; 你们就是我最爱的宝贝,Over you I fold my wings—— 收起翅膀我把你们抚慰——This is the way the birdie sings. 这就是小鸟歌唱时的光景。This is the way the daylight dies: 这就是傍晚时分的光景:Cows are lowing in the lane, 奶牛在小路上哞哞叫唤,Fireflies wink onhill and plain; 流萤在山川之上不断眨眼;Yellow, red, and purple skies—— 黄的、红的、紫的天——This is the waythe daylight dies. 这就是傍晚时分的光景。

