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    ou should spend about 40 minutes on this task。

    Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully。 Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time。

    Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making plans。 Which do you prefer - planning or not planning for your leisure time? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice。

    You should write at least 250 words。 model answer: Nowadays people have so many things to do that they almost always do not have enough time for it。

    When we go to bed we carefully think and plan our next day and it continues day in and day out。 We wake up, recollect our checklist with things to do and in a few minutes we are already in a car on our way to the office。

    Often people do not have time for themselves。 So, when people have some spare time they want to use it wisely。

    Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully。 However, others prefer not to make any plans。

    In this essay I will analyze both cases and present my view in favor of planning free-time activities。 From the one side, not making any plans and just letting the time pass by for some time have some benefits。

    First of all, a person can just relax, enjoy the beautiful moments, spend his or her time with loved ones, watch a movie, listen to relaxing music, observe the flowers in bloom from the window, contemplate about his or her life and just slow down the pace of life。 I think it is a very good way to eliminate ones stress and tension and just leave all troubles and worries behind。

    From the other side, careful planning can bring many benefits too。 First of all, one can travel。

    However, traveling requires some planning to be made。 For example, one most likely will need a hotel room。

    So, the reservation should be made beforehand。 Also, it is wise to check ones car to avoid breakdowns and have an uninterrupted worry-free trip。

    Second of all, planning ones activities allows to spend ones free time the way he/she likes。 For instance, if I want to play tennis on incoming week-end I will certainly make a reservation for a court because in this case I will not be disappointed with the waste of my time。

    Personally, I prefer to make plans for my free time because it allows me to spend my vacation or week-ends the way I want it。 To sum up, I think careful planning allows people to derive maximum benefits from their free time。

    However, I must confess sometimes I allow my self just to stay at home with my friends and family and not make any plans。


    综合写作 之前就听到很多大牛们说综合写作只要把听力的内容写得越多越详细,分数就越高,所以对综合写作的听力总怀有畏惧心理。


    考场上我听得也不是很好,只是把分论点以及一些细节听到了,有几个例子的都没怎么记下来,最后两句还没听清…不过那个好像对分论点没太大影响,是个扩展的内容…总之就是听得不是特别好,但开头段按自己琢磨好的句式那样写,接下来的几段也是不停地敲啊敲,敲了好多字上去,总算在1分钟前写完了。 最后的结果竟然是Good(4-5分),看来综合写作对听力的要求真的不是大家想象的那么高,其实无非就是把教授如何反驳文章中三个分论点挺清楚,例子都是阅读文章里的所以不用记,听力里主要是在讲阅读文章中的例子有哪些缺陷或不严谨的地方,从而无法成为有效的论据,甚至成为别的观点的论据……这一思路其实很想GRE写作里的Argument,所以我在考场上用了很多当初准备argument时候的句式和表达,都可以通用的。



    A foreign student who plans to go to the United States must have some definite goals in mind。

    For the student who wants to improve his English quickly and learn about American family, there may be one two disadvantages to his living arrangement; however, I believe that there are far more advantages。 First of all, some minor disadvantages of living with an American family include both a lack of privacy and little opportunity to be independent。

    For instance,the foreign student may find the family expects him to join them in group activities such as watching television and going on picnics。 At times, however, he might enjoy staying in his room to read or write letters to his family or friends。

    Another drawback to living in an American home involves who his friends will be and where he will go during his leisure time away from home。 Even though there may be one or two disadvantages to living with an American family, the advantages far outweigh them。

    By taking part in a home stay program, the student has an excellent opportunity to learn about American customs。 He will find out how to behave in different social situations such as parties and ceremonies and how to dress on these occasions。

    Also, he will learn about many other aspects of the American way of life, such as the way schools are run in the United States。 With a family close by, he can ask questions about attendance rules and school costs。

    The family will make certain that he becomes acquainted with his new way of life, and soon he will feel at home。 Anotheradvantage of living with an American family is that the students are in an ideal environment to improve his English。

    For example,each time he has a conversation with someone in the family, this native speaker can help him with the pronunciation and grammar。 Maybe the younger children in the family can help him with his homework, too。

    But the most important thing is that he will be surrounded by English most of time during his stay in the United States。 Although I agree that there may be a couple of disadvantages to living with an American family, I feel that the advantages are more obvious。

    In a home-stay program, the student can learn about the American customs in the most native way possible。 In addition, he will find himself in an ideal atmosphere in which his English will certainly improve。

    In my opinion, there are the two important goals for him to consider, and therefore, living with an American family is the best way to achieve them。




    OG说180-225,我经常写道300左右,写的多不会反而扣分吧? 其实,写多了不会扣分,但是并不会加分。 托福大作文有一项评分机制是用正确的,不同的单词/一个定值,所以总字数越多,分子越大,这一项的得分越高。

    且在人工评分部分,字数多,会给阅卷官好的第一印象,至少你在限定时间内很能写。 然而小作文,基本上是机器评分就下了定论,人工评分部分基本上是重复机器的分。


    最后看你的结构是否完整,语法和词汇拼写正确率。 关于托福小作文的字数,唯一的要求就是下限,不能低于180。

    但是如果点写道了,再少也不可能少于180。 因此,字数不是关键,且字数超过标准,是没有关系的。






    一、大作文的区别 雅思大作文和托福大作文都是以议论文为主,雅思写作满分为9分,要求在40分钟之内写出250字以上的作文,托福写作满分为30分,要求在30分钟之内写出300字以上的作文。两者的区别主要体现在以下四个方面: 1、评分标准 从评分标准来看,雅思大作文和托福大作文都要求主旨扣题、论证充分、结构严谨,但是两者对语言要求的严格程度不一样。



    2、话题类型 雅思大作文和托福大作文的话题类似,常见的话题包括教育、科技、媒体、政府、环境、社会。但是总体而言,雅思话题偏重学术,托福话题偏重生活,像托福写作中常见的朋友、金钱、娱乐、成功等话题,在雅思写作中并不常见。

    因此考生在练笔时,要针对不同的话题进行相应的练笔,并积累相关的词汇和论据。 3、文章结构 雅思大作文和托福大作文整体都由三部分组成,分别是introduction, body和conclusion,可以写成四段式或五段式。

    但是,雅思大作文通常采用双边论证,平衡写法,审题时要明确两个对立面,写作时两个对立面都要有相应的主体段,比如一段写正方,一段写反方,要客观辩证的看待问题, 否则会被认为写作偏题。 而托福大作文通常采取一边倒,主体段全力支持正方,比如写三个主体段论述正方的原因或优势,对于反方几乎不提,否则会被认为观点不明、思路混乱。

    考生一定要注意两者论证角度的不同。 4、论证方法 雅思大作文和托福大作文都可以使用例证法来支持论点。

    但是,雅思不可以举个例,不能说for example,I …或者my friend…,正确的做法是举范例、说群体,比如young people,old people,teachers,students, parents,children等等。 雅思举例要表述简洁,概括性强,不可以长篇大论。


    二、小作文的区别 雅思与托福的小作文截然不同,几乎不具可比性。雅思小作文以图表题为主,要求在20分钟之内写出150字以上的作文,写作任务是对图表中的数据和信息进行描述、对比、概括和总结,主要考查单项写作技能。

    而托福小作文是个综合任务,考查读、听、写三种技能,要求在20分钟之内写出200字左右的作文,写作任务是总结陈述所听到的学术性话题的观点,并建立所听观点与所读观点之间的联系。 扩展资料 雅思的考试模式 纸笔模式 选择纸笔模式的考生将通过纸笔模式参加听力、阅读及写作三个部分的考试,并通过 "人人对话"形式参加口语考试。

    纸笔模式适用于雅思考试学术类和培训类,和用于英国签证及移民的雅思考试学术类和培训类。 机考模式 选择机考模式的考生将通过机考模式参加听力、阅读及写作三个部分的考试,并通过 "人人对话"形式参加口语考试。

    机考模式适用于雅思考试学术类和培训类、用于英国签证及移民的雅思考试学术类。 机考模式在考试费用、考试内容、评分标准、难度等级、考试题型、考试安全设置等方面均与传统的纸笔模式完全一致。

    目前,机考模式考试日期安排为一周多次,考试日期前7天截止报名,考生可在考试结束后5-7天内查询成绩,口语考试通常会安排在机考当天或者与机考日期尽可能相邻的日期。 参考资料来源:百度百科-托福 参考资料来源:百度百科-雅思。

