
每个人都喜欢被感谢,那就在你的信对读者表示感谢,感谢他们所做的事情,还可以事先感谢他们将要为你做的事!你会发现将真诚表达在你的字里行间会让你受益匪浅。 邮件的开头 感谢读者是邮件开场白的好办法。
感谢您的读者能让对方感到高兴,特别是之后你有事相求的情况下会很有帮助。 Thank you for contacting us. 如果有人写信来询问公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。
向他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。 Thank you for your prompt reply. 当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。
如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.” Thank you for providing the requested information. 如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。 Thank you for all your assistance. 如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly appreciate … your help in resolving the problem.” Thank you raising your concerns. 就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。
这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.” 在邮件的结尾 在邮件开头表示感谢一般是表示对对方过去付出的感谢,而在邮件结尾处表示感谢是对将来的帮助表示感谢。
The consulate of Canada requests now we provide to have business connection with** the business of the company have dealings with letter/ mail,in order to proof I take charge of with** of.Before with your have dealings with the mail whether can use to do the proof?Or do you provide me the some?This matter is more nasty,hoping to reply!。
每个人都喜欢被感谢,那就在你的信对读者表示感谢,感谢他们所做的事情,还可以事先感谢他们将要为你做的事!你会发现将真诚表达在你的字里行间会让你受益匪浅。 邮件的开头 感谢读者是邮件开场白的好办法。
感谢您的读者能让对方感到高兴,特别是之后你有事相求的情况下会很有帮助。 Thank you for contacting us. 如果有人写信来询问公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。
向他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。 Thank you for your prompt reply. 当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。
如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.” Thank you for providing the requested information. 如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。 Thank you for all your assistance. 如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly appreciate … your help in resolving the problem.” Thank you raising your concerns. 就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。
这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.” 在邮件的结尾 在邮件开头表示感谢一般是表示对对方过去付出的感谢,而在邮件结尾处表示感谢是对将来的帮助表示感谢。
下面做详细介绍(Email的撰写礼义另外介绍)。 撰写邮件有三种方式:写邮件、回复邮件、转发邮件。
三种方式各有所长,但在撰写格式方面都一至分为四点:收件人,抄送,主题(标题),内容。 一、收件人 1.确认传送讯息的对象,并将人数降至最低。
2.传送电子讯息之前,确认收信对象是否正确,以免造成不必要的困扰。 二、抄送 1.在必要和确定的情况下,抄送给相应需要知道进展情况的人员。
2.一般情况下不要给普通客户抄送。 3.确认抄送讯息的对象,并将人数降至最低,以免造成不必要的困扰。
三、主题 电子邮件一定要注明主题,因为有许多网络使用者是以主题来决定是否继续详读信件的内容。此外,主题要明确、精练与内容相关,表达出对方需要了解的信息,而且可以区分对同一事物的不同信息。
让人一望即知,以便对方快速了解与记忆。 四、内容 在线沟通讲求时效,所以电子邮件的内容力求简明扼要,并求沟通效益。
1、称呼 1)如果有收件人的姓名的话,可以让对方感觉更加友好。 2)若知道对方的性别可以用:**先生、**小姐、**女士 3)如果知道对方的身份可以用:**总经理、**经理、**董事长、*总、*董、*经理 2、正文 正文做到主题明确,语言流畅,内容简洁。
在撰写正文时还应注意以下几点,以示礼貌和尊重,以免造成不必要的困扰。 1)在撰写英文信函时,只对一两个词进行大写以示强调,全篇都用大写是不礼貌的。
在撰写中文的时候,只对部分以示强调的词采用加粗等方式。 2)不要在信件中发泄不满,应面对面的解决。
3)回复信件时,有必要加上部分的原文,以方便对方了解回信内容。 4)若摘录的原文很长,应先把回复内容放到前面,原文内容在后, 5)在收件人明白其意时,才可使用俚语或缩写。
6)如果有附件,应该在正文处说明附件的内容和用途; 3、结束 1)如果可提供好的选择,应在结尾处提出。 如: 请您考虑,有任何需要咨询,请电话或EMAIL联系我. 2)最好的结尾要着眼未来: 如:希望我们能够达成合作 3)结尾应显示诚恳: 如:感谢您抽空洽谈 4、落款/签名 目前,有不少网民时常会因为自己的电子信箱中堆满了无数的无聊的电子邮件,甚至是陌生人的电子邮件而烦心不堪。
Referring to previous contact 提及之前联系
Thank you for your interest… 感谢您…的兴趣
With reference to your letter of/dated …in which… 关于您某月某日的来信……,其中谈到……
Further to our conversation of … 关于我们某月某日的谈话……
I am writing to /confirm/i/apply for/ outline… 我写此信是为了确认/申请/简略地说明……
I'd like to thank/complain/comment on… 我想对……表示感谢/投诉/发表自己的看法
I am writing concerning… 我写此信是关于……
(3) 附件的写法:
Please fine enclosed… 附上……
As requested, I enclosed… 应您要求,随信附上……
(4) 最后要提出“保持联系”:
I look forward to hearing from you/meeting you/seeing you/working with you. 我希望收到您的回信/与您见面/与您共事。
I hope to hear from you soon. 希望尽快收到您的回信
It is always better to use somebody's name if you know it.If it is the first time you are writing to someone,use either of the following:如果知道对方姓名,邮件中写上总是好的.如果这是你第一次写信给某人,可以用下面任意一种方式开头:For men:Dear Mr XXXX,写给男士:尊敬的XXX先生For women:Dear Ms XXXX,写给女士:尊敬的XXX女士once you get to know someone,i.e.after exchanging one or two emails or if you meet them in person,it is usually OK to use their first name.一旦你认识了对方,比如在往来一两封邮件或见过面以后,可以在邮件中称呼名字.Use Dear Sirs,if you are writing to more than one person even if the group of people includes women.如果你写邮件给两个或以上的人,即使这些人里有女士,请写“尊敬的先生们”Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,is wrong.“Ladies and Gentleman” is only used in formal speech."尊敬的女士们先生们”是错误的,这种用法只用在正式演讲中.The word Dear may be omitted in less formal emails.Instead,you may just open with the person's first name/people's first names.“dear”在不是特别正式的邮件中可以省去.你可以直接以对方(个人或群组)的名字开头.查看原帖>>。
It is always better to use somebody's name if you know it. If it is the first time you are writing to someone, use either of the following:如果知道对方姓名,邮件中写上总是好的。
如果这是你第一次写信给某人,可以用下面任意一种方式开头:For men: Dear Mr XXXX,写给男士:尊敬的XXX先生For women: Dear Ms XXXX,写给女士:尊敬的XXX女士once you get to know someone, i.e. after exchanging one or two emails or if you meet them in person, it is usually OK to use their first name.一旦你认识了对方,比如在往来一两封邮件或见过面以后,可以在邮件中称呼名字。Use Dear Sirs, if you are writing to more than one person even if the group of people includes women.如果你写邮件给两个或以上的人,即使这些人里有女士,请写“尊敬的先生们”Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, is wrong. “Ladies and Gentleman” is only used in formal speech."尊敬的女士们先生们”是错误的,这种用法只用在正式演讲中。
The word Dear may be omitted in less formal emails. Instead, you may just open with the person's first name/people's first names.“dear”在不是特别正式的邮件中可以省去。你可以直接以对方(个人或群组)的名字开头。
1.请求建立商业关系 We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan, and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours从米兰Aristo鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。
此致2.回复对方建立商业关系的请求 Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. 本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。
此致敬礼 3.请求担任独家代理 We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply.本公司担任多家厂家的独家代理,专营精制棉织品,包括各灯家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司向有业务联系,互利互作。
上述建议,烦请早日赐复,以便进一步联系合作。此致敬礼 4.拒绝对方担任独家代理 Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens. I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangement would be rather premature. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the market for our products at you end. You would also have to build up a much larger turnover to justify a sole agency. We enclose price lists covering all the products you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon. 9月1日有关建议担任家用亚麻制品独家代理的来信收悉。
此致敬礼 5.同意对方担任独家代理 Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines. We have examined our long and ,I must say ,mutually beneficial collaboration. We would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain. From our records, we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory .the sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified after sales staff. We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed. Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval. On a personal note, I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship. I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully .I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan . My very best wishes to you and your wife. 4月12日建议担任为公室器具之独家代理来信已经收悉。过去双方合作皆互利互助,能获您的眷顾作我公司于巴林的独家代理,殊感荣幸。