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    实践经历与个人成长分离 这是很多申请本科生和研究生的学生最开始时经常犯的错误,忽视了物、我两者的平衡。


    比如美国本科commonapplication系统中shortanswer要求申请者写一次活动或者印象深刻的经历,很多申请者的文章通篇写某此活动的时间、地点、内容,我担任什么职务,做了什么。 这样写是不合适的,因为美国学校更看重的是作为一个“人”,你是否善于从过往经验中吸取经验教训,是否有独立的判断及思考能力,通过这个活动经历看出你有哪方面的品质。

    各种素材主次不分 例如有一个学生申请应用数学的研究生,经历比较丰富,大学时是学校活动的积极参与者和组织者,比如十佳社团组织者、校园歌手之类,专业课成绩也很优秀。 但是作为一个理工科的申请者,仅有这些是远远不够的。


    作为理工科研究生申请者,建议学生重点需要在文书中突出专业能力和专业实习经验,这些比社团或歌手等活动重要的多。 整篇文章“形、神”分离 本科和研究生申请者的文书中有不同的表现。

    比如,本科申请者文书内容中太多散文化的心理描写、太少过往实际经历,导致文章太空洞。 本科申请者要明确的是申请文书本质上是要体现自身能力和素质,因此扎实的内容是基础,在此基础上,来寻求文章表达方式和内容的统一。



    优秀的美国MBA留学申请书范文: 作为美国海军的一名军官,我学会并且培养了宝贵的领导技巧。


    我历尽磨练成长为海军的一名军官。我相信这样的训练培养了我的领导能力, 而且这种能力在我以后每天的工作中都是需要的。



    在海军里,领导者不仅仅要负责任务的完成,还要负责士兵的表现。在我21岁的时候,我肩负 的责任不仅仅是执行任务,还有就是要确保下属的生命安全和福利。


    我发现那些支持管理者的员工会更加关注手头的工作,对于公司的信任和忠诚也会得到加强。 与通过支持管理者而产生的信任及忠诚相关的就是海军要求创新方法去激励下属。


    因为这个原因,我通过相互尊重来管理。我相信去获取年轻员工的信任和信心远 比通过奖金来激励他们更为重要。


    我希望在海军中作为一名军官学到的领导技巧和平衡能力可以为安德森商学院的课堂作出应有 的贡献。 点评: 本文是一篇表现了leadership skills的优秀文书,可以显示出作者是一个具有管理能力和技巧的MBA候选人。

    1、文章结构 文章只有四段不到500字的篇幅,可以分成总分总三个部分。第一部分总起说自己在海军培养到了领导能力。


    2、文章内容 文章一开头就描述自己在海军得到了宝贵的领导技巧。吸引读者往下看究竟是何种技巧那么重要。

    在文章的第二部分,作者通过描述作为一名海军军官所肩负的责任,以及他怎么处理上司与下属的管理关系的技巧,得出相互尊重,人性化是管理的诀窍。 3、总体评价 MBA文书向来要求简洁凝练,观点集中,这篇文书首先就满足了这些要求。


    在文中作者不是体现自己如何有能力带兵打仗,而 是把这段经历提升到自己注重管理人性化,与下属相互尊重,从而可以达到良好的管理效果。 4、可借鉴因素 文章可借鉴之处就是简洁明了,主题明确,选取的素材并不是常人可以经历到的,还有就是从不平凡的经历当中提炼出一种独特的观点。




    出国留学文书中读书计划写作方式 首先要摸透学校的取向,准确审题 对学校的全面了解,根据学校的特色和招生取向来展现自己的独特经历,重点突出学校对本身长远发展的积极作用。 在此前提下,紧扣题目要求,在专业顾问的指导下构思整体的写作框架。

    其次要把握重点,客观陈述 个人的求学和工作经历相对来说比较繁杂,这就需要在出国留学文书中抽离出最具代表性的求学背景和工作经验,深入挖掘下去,并客观呈现所获奖项、头衔及职务提升。 应条理清晰,杜绝泛泛而谈,避免个人情绪的表达。

    最后要呈现关键细节,准确定位个人特色 彰显突出经历时,应避免笼统地谈所参与的课题以及课题的重要性,而是重点呈现本身对课题的贡献,具体陈述自己如何应对挑战,以及此过程对自身产生了怎样深远的影响。 读书计划关键在于要挖掘出个人优势,表达注重日常生活的细节,这些东西最能打动人的感情。


    美国MBA申请书范文分析: Sample Gaduate School Admissions Essay 1 (Mastes in Education) Sometimes it takes a tagedy to emind you of what is eally impotant in life. A yea and a half ago my cousin and good fiend died suddenly. I was so sad thinking aout all the expeiences in life that she will miss y eing taken at such a young age, and what a loss this was fo the entie community to neve know what good she could have accomplished, if given time. Eventually I egan thinking aout what I was doing with the life I was still lessed to have, which led me to ealize that I was unsatisfied in my copoate jo, and 20 yeas fom now, if I did nothing to change the couse of my life, I would likely still e unsatisfied. It was at this point that I ealized it was time to make a majo caee change and go ack to the one thing I have always loved doing: woking with childen. I elieve that as a teache I will e ale to have a positive impact on my community, and even the wold, fo many easons, ut most impotantly ecause I am I motivated to help students find confidence in themselves and thei ailities, which will lead them fowad to live successful lives, theey impoving whateve communities they end up living in as well. Duing college I loved my jo at a pe-school, woking with childen anging in age fom toddles though elementay level, and I found such joy eing with them and shaing in thei discoveies and adventues. It is ased on this positive expeience, and the examples I have had in my own life of exemplay teaches, that leads me to elieve that I have the makings of a geat teache too, I just need the taining and educational ackgound to olste up my good intentions. I have a solid undegaduate educational foundation and I am eady now to devote my full time and attention to developing my teaching skills so that I will e a cedit to the pofession once I am up in font of a class of my own. I also feel that I will e ale to identify with my futue students fom a wide aay of cultual ackgounds ecause I am the daughte of immigants and am ilingual in English and Spanish. It was not easy fo my fathe to move to Ameica at 17, not knowing a wod of English, ut with the help of othes he leaned quickly and has lived something of the Ameican deam. I want to show my futue students that this is possile fo eveyone, fom evey ackgound. 20 yeas fom now, if I am lucky enough to still e aound and still e teaching, I know that I will e ale to look aound me see that I have made a positive impact on this eath y spaking the minds of childen to see what wondeful possiilities thee ae out thee if you ae willing to lean. 以上是美国MBA申请书范文的介绍,希望能够为大家进行美国MBA留学带来帮助,祝愿大家美国MBA申请成功。


    1,What is you most significant achievement in you life times? 中文意思:在你的人生经历中,你觉得最大的成就是什么? 分析:过去的成就是将来成功的最好的预测,名校MBA需要的是那种即使不读MBA也能成功的人。

    而成就可以是多方面的,工作中的成就,如快速的提升,得到领导的褒奖;也可以是其它方面的,如竞赛获奖,还可以是那些常人没有的事迹或很难做到的事迹,比如同时做好两件非常有挑战的事情,可以是你的个人的成就又或是领导团队所获得的成就,学校希望感受到的是,通过MBA的学习,你会取得更大的成功。 2,Please iefly descie you leadeship expeience and how does it influence you pesonal development. 中文意思:简单说一下你的领导经历,为什么它能影响你的发展? 分析:在对这个命题做出反应前,你必须要确定领导能力的概念。



    3,Descie an ethical dilemma that you have pesonally encounteed. What altenatives did you conside, and why? 中文意思:说一下你亲身经历过的一次道德困境,你是怎样处理并解决问题的? 分析:这篇Essay应该表现出你对生活中那些模棱两可的“灰色区域”的看法,你如何对待道德问题,以及你的处事原则是什么?这篇文章要写出你有能力在你的价值观和职责产生矛盾时做出的艰难选择。在写作过程中,你必须详细说明究竟是什么使你的处境在道德上产生矛盾,是什么使你的抉择变的如此艰难。




    美国MBA留学申请书范文英文版: Born into a peasant family isolated by high mountains, I have come a long way to be where I am. A senior manager now of a state-owned company that has grown into a medium-sized foreign trade business in China in only five years, I not only head one of my companys most important departments but also travel abroad from time to time on behalf of the company. Often hungry and cold as a child, I now enjoy a comfortable life, which I hope will still get significantly better after I receive advanced business training in a quality MBA program. In many ways, it is thanks to the childhood hardship that I have made my achievements. In trying to help alleviate the financial burden on my parents, I made my debut in the art of money-making at an age when American kids probably could not be hired to work. I still remember earning my first coin by buying fruits from one place and then selling them in another. Too little a profit it might seem, but it counted towards meeting the familys expenses the. But more importantly, the coin started me out in a business career that I now hope to translate into sizable fortunes. The hunger and humiliation that I endured as a conspicuously poor child, even by the standards of the poverty-stricken mountains, taught me the importance of success. Luckily, my parents, ignorant as they were, knew that the key t real success would lie in my education, and they toiled and moiled year in and year out to put that key into my hand, in a parental spirit and tradition that probably can only be found in China. Watching my parents working their backs off every day, I acquired the kind of determination, drive, and sense of responsibility not usually expected of Chinese women in China. With my parents unswerving support, I studied diligently and outperformed most of my classmates. For years, my academic report card was the main source of pride in my family. On the strength of my high scores in the National University Entrance Examinations, I entered I 1986 into the Beijing-based University of International Business and Economy, one of the nations leading higher-education institutions of its kind, to major in accounting in its Department of International Business Management. Brought up in an isolated community, I was convinced that my country, just as my family, could only achieve real and sustained prosperity by readily doing business with the outside world. Masking full use of every minute I had, I read a variety of books and journals related to my major, through which I broadened my vision and enriched my knowledge. My professional interests were focused mostly on accounting, finance, and international trade. As you can see from the transcripts, my undergraduate academic record was excellent, ranking me among the top three among the 140 students of my department. In recognition of my performance, the university awarded me a stream of scholarships and prize. While my grades are outstanding, I am more distinguished by my publications, which demonstrate an insistent quest for real solutions to real problems. The International Business, a widely-read business journal in China, published a number of my articles. These include Reasons of the American Trade Deficit with China (Sept. 1, 1987), Exploration of the Stock-holding System Employed by the Big and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises (Mar. 29, 1988), and Prospects of the International Shipping Industry (May 5, 1988)。 In 1990, I worked as a coeditor to the Dictionary of Contemporary Accounting and Financial Management, which has since become a major professional reference book to many Chinese entrepreneurs, accountants, auditors and other professionals in the business community. My editing concentrated on six sections, Accounting, Auditing, Financial Management, International Finance, International taxation, Bonds and Real Estates. My solid education paid off in my ability to take on a variety of responsibilities in Chinas booming economy. After I obtained my Bachelors Degree in Economics in 1990, I first took up the job of an assistant to the funding manager at the China National Technical import & Export Corporation, where I gradually developed into an experienced accounting professional. Upon a meticulous analysis of the companys financial statements, reports and other records, I found its financing policy 。


    Dear Mr. Moore, Re:Secretary Position I am actively seeking a secretary opportunity in a demanding and fast paced office. And I believe five years experience as secretary to the president of an international corporation will qualify me for your executive secretarial position. In fact,the job described in your ad in today&aposs Daily sounds tailor made to my abilities and experience. Throughout my career I hxdye demonstrated for my employers an exceptional facility for meeting organizational objectives and demands. My duties as an executive secretary hxdye included the routine obligations plus extensive experience in communication with and trxdyeling to foreign countries. The attached resume details my business and academic background. I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at 6578-9988 during the days and 2220-0009 after 6 p.m. Thank you for your consideration of my application. Hope to meet you in the near future.。



    我有什么样的经历,我能够对这个Bschool的 community作什么样的贡献,而且我读完之后我的 career plan是什么,这些是不是切合实际。从商学院的角度来说,他要看你的经历,不管是学术还是工作经历的准备是不是能够很好的完成学业。


    我们把故事给讲完备了,就是我们学术和工作经历怎么样使我们更适合到这个学校来读书,而且读完之后我们的职业能够上到更高的台阶,取得更大的成就。 推荐信从一个侧面来辅助你在自荐信中所写的故事,只不过是由一个更有经验更高地位的人来佐证你在这些方面有过人之处,,比如说leadership等等。








    参考范文1:基于以下几点理由,我认为招生录取委员应当录取我为清华MBA: 第一,出众的项目管理能力和团队领导能力。曾成功带领团队完成了多个大型外商在华投资项目的咨询工作。












