2011 is approaching that means I study in this university for 2 years.I began to think about a question which I have never thought about , “what does life mean to me”? This year, I have met many friends. We always get together and do some of discussion. We found that no matter what you are going to discuss, the utmost is though discussion, fresh idea will constantly come into our minds, and our abilities of creation will be stimulated. What is more, we not only learn to express ourselves and respect others, but also learn the skills of communication and interpersonal relationship.Generally speaking, my relationship is good and all my friends like stay with me. This is partly because I am very friendly, and partly because I have cultivated good qualities and cultures. In this year, I have learnt a lot. I acquired knowledge though discussion and reading. And I am award of the importance of learning and reading. While reading, we should choose good books. Good books are beneficial for our soul. Thus, I will reject harmful ones.After a long time of thinking and recalling, I find the answer of “what does life mean to me”:Following I will learn to become a man, an integrated man, who can take on important task as well as think independently and critically. Life is meaningful for us. As the old saying goes, “no pains, no gains”.I have sat a goal for myself and I would never waste my time to do meaningless things. I appeal that we should stick to our goals and I am sure that we can well enjoy our life. This is my conclusion of 2010.2011年接近了,这意味着我在这大学里学习已经有2年了。
工作经验介绍的内容 总结主要包括以下四个方面的主要内容:
总结是对自身社会实践进行回顾的产物,它以自身工作实践为材料,采用的是第一人称写法 ,其中的成绩、做法、经验、教训等,都有自指性的特征。
这一点总结与计划正好相反。计划是预想未来,对将要开展的工作进行安排。总结是回顾过去,对前一段的工作进行检验,但目的还是为了做好下一段的工作。所以总结和计划这两种文体的关系是十分密切的,一方面,计划是总结的标准和依据,另一方面,总结又是制定下 一步工作计划的重要参考。
总结是对前段社会实践活动进行全面回顾、检查的文种,这决定了总结有很强的客观性特征 。它是以自身的实践活动为依据的,所列举的事例和数据都必须完全可靠,确凿无误,任何 夸大、缩小、随意杜撰、歪曲事实的做法都会使总结失去应有的价值。
总结还必须从理论的高度概括经验教训。凡是正确的实践活动,总会产生物质和精神两个方 面的成果。作为精神成果的经验教训,从某种意义上说,比物质成果更宝贵,因为它对今后 的社会实践有着重要的指导作用。这一特性要求总结必须按照实践是检验真理的惟一标准的 原则,去正确地反映客观事物的本来面目,找出正反两方面的经验,得出规律性认识,这样 才能达到总结的目的。
2005-2007 doppler in shenzhen noble letter agrichemicals Co., LTD is engaged in the primary market and the secondary market development and maintenance
Beijing branch in trinity heavy industries in heavy equipment sales, is responsible for the management of state-owned enterprise customers, pr and marketing;
2009-2011 in hangzhou koeman SaJie brand construction machinery Co., LTD. Is responsible for tianjin, Beijing and hebei oxided flats of sales.
The current level of learning and personal experience, can be competent large industrial products sales work, personal mature, smart capable, and able to work
, in the industrial sales of difficulties and frustrations have their own understanding and dealing with the way, honest, having good and extensive social connections, interpersonal communication ability, and willing to cooperate with the person complete projects.
希望你喜欢。高一总结 Senior School Grade 1 Summary 高一就这样结束了.迎来了盼望已久的暑假. My senior school time of Grade 1 is going to be ended, and the expecting summer vacation is nearby. 时光飞逝,斗转星移。
转眼成为高一一班一员已快一年。 How time flies! I have been a member of Class 1 Grade 1 for a year. 回首这一年的点点滴滴,朝朝暮暮,心中顿生了许多感触。
Looking back those minute businesses and days and nights in that year, I suddenly feel a lot. 这1年中经历的每一天,都已在我心中留下了永久的印记,因为他们见证了我这么一个新生的成长。 Everyday in this year I have undergone, has left eternal signs in my heart, because these signs marks my growth as a new student. 在过去1年的内,通过不断地学习,我收获了很多. In the past 1 year, I gained a lot according my continuous study. 时间就是这么无情头也不回的向前走着,而我们却在为了不被它丢下死命的追赶着。
Time is so ruthless,going forward and never looking back, and we chase it desperately to avoid been forsaken. 是的,谁都不想被时间丢下.而我们也随着时间的流逝一点一点的成长.而美好的纯真随着风雨的磨灭化成了成熟.或许这正是成长的代价. Yes, no one wants to be an orphan dumped by time.Meanwhile, we grow up along with the time elapsing and nice trueness becomes mature along with the extinction of winds and rains.Maybe it is the price of growth. 回想自己还是考生的那段日子,显得是那么的遥远。 Looking back those time when i was an exame-preparing student,all the things are so remote for me。
我在憧憬中懂得了来之不易的珍惜;在思索中了解了酝酿已久的真理;在收获后才知道努力的甜美。 I know the precious chance in a longing,realizing the truth considering a long time in the meditation,wising up the sweet through effort after harvesting. 突然觉得自己似乎明白了许多事情,但是仔细琢磨后又不尽然 I suddenly feel that I know a lot, but it is not the case after my meticulous consideration. 原来过去所见所识都是那么的偏见而又肤浅,以前的天真似乎在一瞬间幻化成无知和可笑,我想谁又不是这样的呢?或许在以后也回嘲笑现在的渺小 All the things i have seen and known are so unjustic and superficial, and former puerility is seemed to change to ignorance and facetiosity instantaneously.Maybe I will laugh at myself many years later ……我们不得不笑着回首我们所走过的路.: we have to go through the way we past in an easy mood. 在日常生活上:以前我是一个衣来伸手饭来张口的小孩子,而通过7天军训生活和这半年老师和同学们的帮助,使我养成了独立性,不再娇生惯养,现在我已经能做一些力所能及的家务了。
Life: I used to be a kid who cannot depend on my self, however, after the seven-day military training and help of teachers and classmates, i became independent and I can do some housework now. 在学习上:我深知学习的重要性。首先,合理安排时间,调整好作息时间,分配好学习、工作、娱乐的时间。
认真对待考试,考前认真复习。 Study:I know the importance of learning knowledge perfectly.Firstly, I arranged the time properly, adjusting rest time, sutdy time and sportful time. Time is the reason and foundament of study,and efficiency and methord of study are more important. Secondly, I finished the assignment teachers lied.Assignment is the conclusion of a teacher based on years of teaching experience, which is highly valued and should be finished seriouly. I treated exams seriouly and usually went ovee before them 另外,积极阅读有关书籍和资料,扩大自己的知识面;经常提出问题,与同学讨论,向老师请教;搞好师生关系,师生相处得融洽和睦;抓住点滴时间学习一些其它专业领域的知识,知识总是有用的。
In addition, i read relative books and information to enlarge my knowledge horizon; I pointed out many questions frequently and discussed with my classmates,and asked to teachers;I got along well with teachers;and squeeze times to learn other knowledge and i believe that knowledge is always useful. 在纪律方面,基本可以做到:尊重教师,同学之间可以真诚相待;能遵守学校各项纪律,遵守公共秩序,遵守社会公德;不迟到、不早退、不旷课;上学穿校服;举止文明; 有良好的卫生习惯,不乱扔废弃物。 Discipline: I can basicly make:respecting teachers, treat sincerely to classmates,obeying the rules, public order and social morality。
Never being delay,quit early and absence.I wore school suit, and bahave myself,and I have good sanitation custom and never dump the 。
I am in-charge of reservations and sales of tickets, including client services, reservation, sales, ticketing, checking and other related matters.I am responsible for handling customers queries on ticket prices and flight schedule, confirming the clients seat in the system and ticketing, managing clients re-scheduling requests, completing system inputs and daily flight tickets sales summary report as well as updating daily flight changes and informing the respective flight staff. Not only am I familiar with the job scope of a travel service agent, I am also able to think analytically and improve my work performance.。
年度总结过去的一年是我负责包装工作的第___年,在领导的关心和同事的大力帮助下,本人顺利完成本年度工作,现作总结如下: 一、严于律己,遵守公司各项规章制度。
不迟到、不早退,按时完成任务。 二、不断学习,力争高效完成工作任务。
学习包装方面的专发绩篡啃诂救磋寻单默业知识,努力提高工作水平。 三、搞好团结,参与建设友爱和谐车间。
和同事搞好团结,乐于助人,树立个人良好形象。 四、工作上的不足:……总的来说,……在今后的工作中,我将以……为主要目标,争取更出色地完成好各项任务。
你自己再充实些事实就行了。加油! 顺便看看工作总结的写法。
工作总结的写法一般分三部分表述:1、开头交待这份总结的时间,如“过去一年中”,以及简要的说明,如“在领导的关心和同事的大力帮助下,本人顺利完成本年度工作,现作总结如下”。 2、分点总结 可分德(职业道德)、能(专业技能)、勤(出勤等)、绩(工作成绩)等各方面。
还要加上工作上的不足。 3、今后打算 写出对今后工作的展望。
A summary of the week
In this week, my performance is good and bad: Well I sleep less, not good is my English class is unable to concentrate. Therefore, in the next week, I will try my best in English class to concentrate, to remember more words and texts. As far as I know English knowledge to do some exercise, I will not be like before, will not know to ask. I will be in the next week to show a different side of me