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    Dear Mr. Zhang,

    I just got the information that youve done an excellent job on the speech.

    Im very appreciated that you made such a successful speech on behalf of me. Thank you.

    I wish you and your family a good time during National Day.

    Best Regards,


    英语作文 email

    Dear sir,

    I am a student at senior high school. I an eager to buy an e-dictionary to help me with my studies. If I have such a dictionary, I believe I can look what I need easily at any moment in it. However, I dont know which kind of them is better for me to use. I understand that your company has available spots on hand. Would you be so kind enough to give me some suggestion to choose a suitable one? What I want is at least provided with sufficient Chinese and English words and phrases for my needs. Besides, I am now only a student, you know, so the price has to meet with my ability to pay. If you can supply one for me, please tell me about the type of payment and arrival time. As soon as I hear from you, I will get in touch with you in time.

    Highest regards!

    Yous XX


    Dear Phill:

    Im sorry to disturb you to reading my e-mail.Here ,Id like to say something about our trip to on Christmas。

    At first ,we hope you can dispatch a car in order to send us .Second,we need a guide who is good at English and familiar to Scotland .On the other hand,please tell us the arrangement and the fee of exhibition .Please tell us what we want to know by send e-mail to Jackwang@yahoo.com.cn .

    Thanks for reading it.

    Best wishes.



    一篇英语作文 电子邮件 简单明了就行

    Thank you very much for your purchase of this book. It has already been delivered and is expected to arrive in a week. It is appreciated that you leave your feedbacks online after receiveing it. It is very kind of you to reccomand us to your friends if you are contented. There will be new arrivals recently, and you are welcome to purchase on selection, which could be done at a diacount.。


    Dear Jack,

    Sorry for sending you email late. My parents and I came to China by plane last week. We went to a lot places, which was fun. Yesterday, we travelled in Beijing, and went to the Great Wall. Ive never seen such an amazing historic site before. Thus I took many pictures. This morning, our family went to Wangfujing, and we did shopping. I must recommend you to taste Chinese dumpling which is so delicious. This afternoon, my parents took me to the zoo, and I saw pandas, they were so cute. Now I just feel a little bit tired. Oh, I bought a Chinese traditional gift for you, and I hope you like it. Ill be back to London next week, and see you then.

    Best wishes!

    Yours, Lucy


    Dear ***,

    Congratulations on your good news of 。.

    My fellow managers and I are delighted that your work in the marketing field has been recognized this way and we join in sending you our very best wishes for the future.

    Through the five years of working together with you, many of us well aware of how much youve contributed to the association between our two corporations. We are all looking forward to

    your trip to China next month when we will celebrate your advancement in a more formal way.

    Again, congratulations to you, Mr. Haskel - good luck and good wishes on your new position as Director of Marketing Department.



    Hi Mike,

    how are you going these day? Guess what, you are invited! If you are free, I hope you could come to the Festival Party with me. The theme of the party is Chinese Lantern. There will be a lot of traditional Chinese food here. In the party, you can watch the lantern show and lion dance. The music and dance will start from 8.00 p.m to midnight. I am looking forward to the fireworks at the end of the party. I cant imagine how spectacular it will be.

    Please do come to this party if you are available. Anyway, let me know if you will come.

    Date : saturday,february 15th

    Place: the people cinema

    如果不对请追问 帮到您请好评 谢谢



    - 右上角写日期 - 开头"Dear", "To", "To whom it concerns" = 一般给政府/比你级别高得写"等等 写完名字点逗号 - 另起一行 空两个格 写正文 - 落款 = "sincerely yours" = 给级别高的,很正式的;"yours truly" = 朋友; "love" = 亲人 等等 别忘了点逗号 - 偏右下角 签名 如果写的是正式文的话 在签名下面 写上print体形式你的名字 例: May 8, 2006 To whom it concerns, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------。

    Sincerely yours, (签名) (如果正式的话 在这儿署名 例:Cindy Johnson) 1、信头(Heading) 指发信人的姓名(单位名称)、地址和日期,一般写在信纸的右上角。一般公函或商业信函的信纸上都印有单位或公司的名称、地址、电话号码等,因此就只需在信头下面的右边写上写信日期就可以了。


    日期的写法,如1997年7月30日,英文为:July 30,1997(最为普遍); July 30th,1997;30th July,1997等。 1997不可写成97。

    2、信内地址(Inside Address) 在一般的社交信中,信内收信人的地址通常省略,但是在公务信函中不能。将收信人的姓名、地址等写在信头日期下方的左角上,要求与对信头的要求一样,不必再写日期。

    3、称呼(Salutation) 是写信人对收信人的称呼用语。 位置在信内地址下方一、二行的地方,从该行的顶格写起,在称呼后面一般用逗号(英国式),也可以用冒号(美国式)。

    (1)写给亲人、亲戚和关系密切的朋友时,用Dear或My dear再加上表示亲属关系的称呼或直称其名(这里指名字,不是姓氏)。例如:My dear father,Dear Tom等。

    (2)写给公务上的信函用Dear Madam,Dear Sir或Gentleman(Gentlemen)。注意:Dear纯属公务上往来的客气形式。

    Gentlemen总是以复数形式出现,前不加Dear,是Dear Sir的复数形式。 (3)写给收信人的信,也可用头衔、职位、职称、学位等再加姓氏或姓氏和名字。

    例如:Dear Prof。 Tim Scales, Dear Dr。

    John Smith。 4、正文(Body of the Letter) 位置在下面称呼语隔一行,是信的核心部分。

    因此要求正文层次分明、简单易懂。和中文信不同的是,正文中一般不用Hello!(你好!) 正文有缩进式和齐头式两种。

    每段书信第一行的第一个字母稍微向右缩进些,通常以五个字母为宜,每段第二行从左面顶格写起,这就是缩进式。 但美国人写信各段落往往不用缩进式,用齐头式,即每一行都从左面顶格写起。

    商务信件大都采用齐头式的写法。 5、结束语(Complimentary Close) 在正文下面的一、二行处,从信纸的中间偏右处开始,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号。

    不同的对象,结束语的写法也不同。 (1)写给家人、亲戚,用Your loving grandfather,Lovingly yours,Lovingly等; (2)写给熟人、朋友,用Yours cordially,Yours affectionately等; (3)写业务信函用Truely yours(Yours truely),Faithfully yours(Yours faithfully)等; (4)对上级、长辈用Yours obediently(Obediently yours),Yours respectfully(Respectfully yours)等。

    6、签名(Signature) 低于结束语一至二行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始,在结束语的正下方,在签完名字的下面还要有用打字机打出的名字,以便识别。职务、职称可打在名字的下面。

    当然,写给亲朋好友的信,就不必再打了。 7、附言(Postscript) 一封信写完了,突然又想起遗漏的事情,这时用P。


    通常在信末签名下面几行的左方,应于正文齐头。 注意:在正式的信函中,应避免使用附言。

    8、附件(Enclosure) 信件如果有附件,可在信纸的左下角,注上Encl:或Enc:,例如:Encl:2 photos(内附两张照片)。 如果福建附件不止一项,应写成Encl:或Encs。


    还应在底下加横线,以引起读信人的注意,使收信人便于在读信之前就可了解信中的主要内容。 事由一般在公务信函中使用,也可以省略。

    参考资料: 。

