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    1 登录EI数据库2 输入检索词:laser Beijing University ,选择年代2009-2011检索结果:A novel laser straightness measurement method with beam bend compensationYou,Fengling (Key Laboratory of Luminescence and Optical Information,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing,100044,China); Zhang,Bin; Feng,Qibo Source:Optik,v 122,n 17,p 1530-1534,September 2011Database:Compendex。

    什么是美国《工程索引》(Engineering Index,简称:EI ) ? 问

    美国《工程索引》(The engineering Index),简称《EI》,是一种报道有关工程技术方面的期刊式检索工具。它名为索引,实际上是一种文摘性刊物,其书本式出版有两种形式:即《工程索引月刊》(The engineering index monthly)和《工程索程》年卷本(The engineering index Annual)



    《工程索引》The Engineering Index是供查阅工程技术领域文献的综合性情报检索刊物。简称EI,1884年创刊,年刊,1962年增出月刊本。由美国工程信息公司编辑出版。每年摘录世界工程技术期刊约3000种,还有会议文献、图书、技术报告和学位论文等,报道文摘约15万条,内容包括全部工程学科和工程活动领域的研究成果。出版形式有印刷本、缩微胶卷、计算机磁带和CD-ROM光盘。文摘按标题词字顺编排,年刊配有著者、著者工作机构和主题等3种索引,以及引用出版物目录和会议目录;月刊只配有著者和主题这2种索引。另外,单独出版《工程标题词表》、《工程出版物目录》和多种专题文摘。主要特点是摘录质量较高,文摘直接按字顺排列,索引简便实用。


    工程索引(EI)目前主要有三个版本: EiCompendex光盘数据库








    检索式: ((("Beijing Institute of Technology") WN AF) AND ((laser) WN TI)), 2009-2010 检索结果: 1篇命中文献 Accession number: 20091311985997 Title: The application of image processing in the measurement for three-light-axis parallelity of laser ranger Authors: Wang, Yang1 ; Wang, Qianqian1 Author affiliation: 1 Beijing Institute of Technology Corresponding author: Wang, Y. (Fanny_8319@163.com) Source title: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Abbreviated source title: Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng Volume: 7156 Monograph title: 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Optoelectronic Instruments Issue date: 2009 Publication year: 2009 Article number: 71561R Language: English ISSN: 0277786X CODEN: PSISDG document type: Conference article (CA) Conference name: 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Optoelectronic Instruments Conference date: November 16, 2008 - November 19, 2008 Conference location: Beijing, China Conference code: 75967 Publisher: SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham WA, WA 98227-0010, United States Abstract: When laser ranger is transported or used in field operations, the transmitting axis , receiving axis and aiming axis may be not parallel . The nonparallelism of the three-light-axis will affect the range-measuring ability or make laser ranger not be operated exactly. So testing and adjusting the three-light-axis parallelity in the production and maintenance of laser ranger is important to ensure using laser ranger reliably .The paper proposes a new measurement method using digital image processing based on the comparison of some common measurement methods for the three-light-axis parallelity. It uses large aperture off-axis paraboloid reflector to get the images of laser spot and white light cross line, and then process the images on LabVIEW platform. The center of white light cross line can be achieved by the matching arithmetic in LABVIEW DLL. And the center of laser spot can be achieved by gradation transformation, binarization and area filter in turn. The software system can set CCD, detect the off-axis paraboloid reflector, measure the parallelity of transmitting axis and aiming axis and control the attenuation device. The hardware system selects SAA7111A, a programmable vedio decoding chip, to perform A/D conversion. FIFO (first-in first-out) is selected as buffer.USB bus is used to transmit data to PC. The three-light-axis parallelity can be achieved according to the position bias between them. The device based on this method has been already used .The application proves this method has high precision, speediness and automatization. © 2009 SPIE. Number of references: 10 Main heading: Lasers Controlled terms: Charge coupled devices - Concurrency control - Decoding - Digital cameras - Digital image storage - Image processing - Imaging systems - Optical data processing - Optical instruments - Photolithography - Range finding - Reflection Uncontrolled terms: CCD - Cross line - Digital image processing - Labview - Laser ranger - Laser spot - Parallelism Classification code: 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 744.1 Lasers, General - 741.1 Light/Optics - 745.1 Printing - 941.3 Optical Instruments - 943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements - 746 Imaging Techniques - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 723.3 Database Systems - 731.3 Specific Variables Control - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing DOI: 10.1117/12.806597 Database: Compendex。


    检索式: ((("Beijing Institute of Technology") WN AF) AND ((laser) WN TI)), 2009-2010 检索结果: 1篇命中文献 Accession number: 20091311985997 Title: The application of image processing in the measurement for three-light-axis parallelity of laser ranger Authors: Wang, Yang1 ; Wang, Qianqian1 Author affiliation: 1 Beijing Institute of Technology Corresponding author: Wang, Y. (Fanny_8319@163.com) Source title: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Abbreviated source title: Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng Volume: 7156 Monograph title: 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Optoelectronic Instruments Issue date: 2009 Publication year: 2009 Article number: 71561R Language: English ISSN: 0277786X CODEN: PSISDG document type: Conference article (CA) Conference name: 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Optoelectronic Instruments Conference date: November 16, 2008 - November 19, 2008 Conference location: Beijing, China Conference code: 75967 Publisher: SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham WA, WA 98227-0010, United States Abstract: When laser ranger is transported or used in field operations, the transmitting axis , receiving axis and aiming axis may be not parallel . The nonparallelism of the three-light-axis will affect the range-measuring ability or make laser ranger not be operated exactly. So testing and adjusting the three-light-axis parallelity in the production and maintenance of laser ranger is important to ensure using laser ranger reliably .The paper proposes a new measurement method using digital image processing based on the comparison of some common measurement methods for the three-light-axis parallelity. It uses large aperture off-axis paraboloid reflector to get the images of laser spot and white light cross line, and then process the images on LabVIEW platform. The center of white light cross line can be achieved by the matching arithmetic in LABVIEW DLL. And the center of laser spot can be achieved by gradation transformation, binarization and area filter in turn. The software system can set CCD, detect the off-axis paraboloid reflector, measure the parallelity of transmitting axis and aiming axis and control the attenuation device. The hardware system selects SAA7111A, a programmable vedio decoding chip, to perform A/D conversion. FIFO (first-in first-out) is selected as buffer.USB bus is used to transmit data to PC. The three-light-axis parallelity can be achieved according to the position bias between them. The device based on this method has been already used .The application proves this method has high precision, speediness and automatization. © 2009 SPIE. Number of references: 10 Main heading: Lasers Controlled terms: Charge coupled devices - Concurrency control - Decoding - Digital cameras - Digital image storage - Image processing - Imaging systems - Optical data processing - Optical instruments - Photolithography - Range finding - Reflection Uncontrolled terms: CCD - Cross line - Digital image processing - Labview - Laser ranger - Laser spot - Parallelism Classification code: 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 742.2 Photographic Equipment - 744.1 Lasers, General - 741.1 Light/Optics - 745.1 Printing - 941.3 Optical Instruments - 943.2 Mechanical Variables Measurements - 746 Imaging Techniques - 741 Light, Optics and Optical Devices - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 716.1 Information Theory and Signal Processing - 722.1 Data Storage, Equipment and Techniques - 711 Electromagnetic Waves - 722.4 Digital Computers and Systems - 723.3 Database Systems - 731.3 Specific Variables Control - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing DOI: 10.1117/12.806597 Database: Compendex。



    EI检索就是工程索引:《工程索引》(The Engineering Index,简称EI)创刊于1884年,是美国工程信息公司(Engineering information Inc.)出版的著名工程技术类综合性检索工具。EI检索每月出版1期,文摘1.3万至1.4万条;每期附有主题索引与作者索引;每年还另外出版年卷本和年度索引,年度索引还增加了作者单位索引。收录文献几乎涉及工程技术各个领域。例如:动力、电工、电子、自动控制、矿冶、金属工艺、机械制造、管理、土建、水利、教育工程等。EI检索具有综合性强、资料来源广、地理覆盖面广、报道量大、报道质量高、权威性强等特点。

    EI就是全球范围内的一个数据库,类似中国的知网。 但不是什么文章都能录入EI的,被录入的文章都代表着权威与高质量。所以EI被称为全球核心,为每个国家认可。一般用作硕士毕业、博士毕业、评副教授、评正教授使用。作者在国际会议或者国际杂志上发表论文被EI收录后,国内一些权威机构可以出具EI收录证书给作者。









