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  • 斯坦福ps范文


    步骤1 要多想。

    Part I 实际上就是要破除国内教育的“分数决定论”思想桎梏。 考虑为什么VO总是问几个相同的问题,比如“你为什么要到美国去”。

    (可能由于你只是简单的说了什么“美国是世界上最先进的国家”,而被拒) (BeBeyond给出的原因是中美两国的教育差别。 中国是“分数决定论”所导致的人生道路的单一化,而美国人在选校和专业时的考虑的因素则是自己的兴趣,自己未来想的工作,自己毕业后想从事的职业性质(如教师还是技术工种))。

    这也是为什么管强调“思考”能力。 Part II 美国人的思维方式—先有目标,再有行动,而对中国学生,有以下两点困难。

    1.没有自己的主见――要多想。 2.用英文沟通的能力不行――多读外文的原版的读物。

    步骤2 写PS之前应该回答下列问题: 1.你为什么要到美国学习 a)答案不能是以下原因: i。美国的教育系统先进 ii。

    我想要美国文凭 iii。 我知道的其他人都出去了,所以我也要走 iv。

    父母希望 b)答案应包括以下内容: i。我将怎样在未来的5年内发展自己的职业生涯 ii。

    我的兴趣是什么 iii。我对美国的了解程度(什么意思?) iv。

    我的经历和背景中的优势和劣势,及我的申请策略是我有多大的机会拿Offer 2.你到美国来的具体的计划 a)如你是想当老师,就要到牛校去。 b)如果你想从事技术工作,就怎么怎么(故要尽可能的了解美国) 步骤3。

    使你的申请有竞争力。 不能不加选择和修饰的列出你的成绩和奖励(要考虑到你的这些条件与你申请的专业的相关性和奖励本身)。

    最根本的就是能够“打动”评委会的且又与你的专业相关的事例。 步骤4 计划你的申请 要尽量是你的申请计划具体且可行,做每一件事要了解做此事的目的。

    比如你写PS是要强调你的哪一个方面。 在制定计划的时候,要考虑可行性,预计时间,以及行动的策略方法。

    步骤5 选校, 既不是只看学校的排名,而随便的选择;也不是看哪所学校的申请费较低就选。 美国学校的一般情况。

    1.公立于私立:私立学校的教授教学多,公立研究多;公立学校的研究经费多,RA,TA较私立多 2.地理差别:南方的学校较北方便宜,Alabama or Iowa的学校由于被美国人认为是没有趣的地方,尽管学校的排名可以,竞争也不激烈。 而California由于有大量的华人(他们的子女不愿到外地),故竞争非常的激烈。

    如何调查美国的学校 1.国际学生的比例,尤其是师兄师姐去的学校。或者去Email询问。

    步骤6 申请FA 要注意美国的有些FA是只给美国人的,所以有些给奖率很高的学校,不一定对我们有利。 1.奖学金。

    给明星学生 2.助学金。(TA,RA,GA)这就要求你具有他们所要求的能力。

    (如果是数学的TA当然要求你的数学课程的分数越高越好,如果有教学经验则更好)。 3.由于国外教授申请基金的情况也存在变数,故也有6,7月才拿到Offer的情况,当然这主要是运气了。

    得到Offer的关键点是 1.给Offer的机会在哪里 2.给Offer的人(主要是教授)的研究方向。 3.根据该人的要求来定制你的材料。

    步骤7 获得正确的推荐信。 关于推荐信的错误认识。

    1.写信的人不是官越大越好。 关于推荐信的正确策略 1.如果你的成绩好,那此信要说明你不仅仅只有成绩好 2.如果你申请的TA, RA,此信要说明你有某方面的能力。

    3.信本身要有别人为你写信的理由,(此人应该很熟悉你,而且有评价你的能力,如牛教授,但如果牛教授之和你有一面之交,就没有为你写信的理由)否则会被认为是伪造的。 4.信要能从侧面佐证你所说的能力,当然如果再提供一些相关的有用的信息就更好了。

    5.应用实例,而不能充斥了评价之词。 (信的内容一定要能由自己来定,如果别人不愿这样写,就要坚定的放弃) 步骤8 PS的重要性 因为教授就是靠PS来了解一个活生生的人(毕竟死板的GT的分数都是千人一面),所以要能够尽可能的多解除他们对你的(各方面的)疑问,(当然要按照他们提出的要求来写) 好的PS应包括的方面。

    1.尽可能具体的学习计划。 2.实例表明你优越的个性。

    3.整篇文章要能证明你的英文的运用能力。 可能存在的缺点: 1.没有什么可以说的,导致PS极其的空洞。

    2.美国人总是基于事实的,用例子来说明问题的。(中国人则喜欢引经据典,说话不直截了当) 解决之道: 1.尽可能多的用英文来写东西 2.多读美式英语的文章。

    3.用不少于100小时写PS。 4.从好和坏的PS的例子中学习经验。

    5.和专家讨论。 步骤9 交流,展现你自己 申请就好象是推销商品,你要考虑,你自己是什么样的商品,你如何说服你的顾客,你就是他们需要的商品。

    ?;;你的GPA,G,T,Sub及研究成果等是商品的技术指标。 ?;;你的推荐信是你以前顾客的反馈 ?;;你的PS就是你的广告了。

    使你的PS动人的方法。 1.要有给一个主要的印象(如你将成为一个顶级的科学家,你将创立一个世界级的企业),当然这个印象要以你的硬指标为基础,以你的顾客的需求为导向。

    (切忌主要印象不突出) 2.其他的优点一定要提及,增加你PS的广度。亦可以适当的增加一点幽默。



    英国留学教育专业是国内许多文科类学生申请英国留学的热门专业,特别是教育相关的对外英语教学专业TESOL,近几年来都特别火,那么英国留学教育专业个人陈述PS应该怎么写呢? 下面是教育专业PS范文,希望留学英国申请教育专业的学生可以参考。

    Education Personal statement Live as if you were to die tomorrow。 Learn as if you were to live forever。

    ____ Gandhiji。 This quote by Gandhiji reflects the way my life is lived and the personality developed by living this lifestyle。

    My name is Daniel Sykes and I have been told on numerous occasions that I am an intelligent person and have an ambitious personality。 My ambition in life is to become a respected athlete of this country playing Rugby League and to become a Biochemical Engineer。

    My ambitions in life have developed throughout my entire life hence making Sport and academia the two greatest perspectives withholding the greatest of importance in my life。 Personally I am willing to participate in any activity that will broaden any chance of making my ambitions become a reality。

    Therefore I understand the importance and difficulty of making my ambitions come true。 Some of my best traits of my personality are honesty, loyalty, Sincerity, trustworthiness and completing any task given to me to the greatest of my ability。

    I have been told by many people of great importance personally that I am conscientious, hardworking and always willing to do any task that is my responsibility。 I can work under any environment stressful or peaceful and I am determined to work to the best of my potential all the time。

    Due to many experiences I have endured, it has given me the opportunity to have gained the ability to cope with the pressure of any situation。 Many hobbies and interests in my life make me who I am and determine the way my life is lived。

    Physical activity and Intellectual activities are my most distinguished interests。 I enjoy Maths, science and I am willing to broaden my academic horizon by learning many different types of subjects。

    Academically I am achieving above average, in every subject from math to PD/H/PE。 During my entire schooling career I have been in the Gifted and Talented Student Program (GATS)。

    I am a person whom of which enjoys learning and furthering my knowledge in every aspect。 I do not only achieve highly in academic regions of life but I also achieve highly in sporting aspects。

    I have been playing rugby league for many years and I thoroughly enjoy this sport and my love for sport prolongs more and more the older I get。 Since I have been playing this sport I have gained very sophisticated disciplinary skills and I have found the ability to transfer these skills into everyday life and everyday situations。

    I have been the appointed captain of many different teams and I am told by mentors that my leadership skills are very mature and disciplined。 With acknowledgement of skills that I possess I have gained the ability to pride myself on being an enthusiastic team member, responsible, Organised, able to take initiative, disciplined and my leadership skills。

    With all the experiences I have completed I have gained the ability of time management and this is beneficial in completing my short term and long term ambitions。 I developed my time management skills by participating in sport, school and work。

    My ambitions are a major part of my life and they sculpt the way my life is lived。 I persist in making the best of my life and taking any opportunities to expand my chances of achieving my ambitions that I have set for myself。



    留学ps怎么写?出国留学ps模板After passing out of engineering college in 1999 with distinction and honors in my Bachelor of engineering, I had the opportunity to join an organization as an engineer in the production department。

    The company was well known world wide for its quality products and superior engineering。 It was there that I realized that the primary objective of any industry was to generate profits by manufacturing products at a reasonable cost。

    Thus my interest started leaning more towards the financial aspect of the organization。 Since then I have been enthralled by the role that finance plays in any industry。

    It was then that I decided to go in for an MBA in finance。 The realization that the prospects for growth were enormous came to me during my two years on the shop floor。

    It always been my dream to work upwards in an organization and I believe that an MBA from your esteemed institution will help me in achieving that goal。 I believe that your institution can provide me a platform from where I can tackle all types of problems in my professional career。

    The opportunity I seek now is to build overall competence, maximizing my strengths and ionizing whatever weaknesses of youth and inexperience I may have。 I want to specialize in Finance; to be in the forefront of modern knowledge in the field of specialization。

    I want to be trained in an institution that combines a high level of academic research with professionalism and expertise in modern methods of teaching and learning。 And this must be in a country that has made innovative breakthroughs in technology, production, marketing management and finance the United States of America。

    I want to acquire analytical skills necessary for proper appraisal of financial problems for example, and develop a financial culture suitable for a fast-growing economy which has got lot to catch up with-the Indian economy。 The education I seek must be one that helps me make sensible investment and financial decision and perhaps teach others through the service of consultancy and counsel。

    I am looking for an intensive learning environment where I can develop。(a) A critical understanding of the body of knowledge and research relating to business and management。

    (b) An ability to exercise judgment as to the appropriateness and potential value of concepts, models and techniques learned to the effective management of an organization backed。






    或用有保留的句子来开头,比如 I had known since the junior high school that I would be a lawyer, but I didnt take the traditional road to the law school,那么读者就会想你到底走了一条什么样的非典型法律人之路呢?3、独特发掘自己的独特经历来表述自己为何会对这个领域感兴趣并想深入学习,用独特、感人、揪心的故事或一段话,简洁生动地写出自己产生兴趣最初的原因。即使是陈词滥调,I want to help or I want to make a difference 也要用具体的事例去佐证去深挖。








    比如想读计算机、电子工程的同学,想申请斯坦福、伯克利或其它加州学校,就可以提到地理位置,靠近硅谷、就业环境良好等;学金融想申请哥大、NRU 的,就可以提大纽约、华尔街这样的地理优势。地理位置的考虑是一个很容易在文书中被忽略的点。



    最后我们总结一下 why this school:1、了解并找到学校和项目的文化与自己的目标和经历相结合。2、列出感兴趣的教授名字,点明他们的研究领域以及对你职业发展的帮助。


    总而言之掌握以上的技巧写好文书的三版块:why specific area & why me & why this university。技巧三:分论点的重要性段首要概括出写作目的,核心内容、细节和背景。




    技巧四:不要犯低级错误常犯的错误 1:内容1、对专业的兴趣与热情体现的不够。2、没有表现出选择研究生教育的原因。

    3、让人感觉自己本科直接工作也可以。4、选校原因很空泛,选校 why school 那部分可以使用于任何学校。


    7、多用数据和事例,避免用抽象语言表述。常犯的错误 2:文体1、缺乏连接句和逻辑词,导致文章段落间跳跃得比较明显或文章阅读不流畅。



    一、美国留学PS开头--重复简历型 I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in … Sciences with a specialization in … in 2002 at … university 点评:美国留学ps不要去重复简历中的东西,这在很多学校的PS要求中明确提到,个人陈述的写作要具体到事件上,事件解决上,而不要单纯重复已有的内容。

    二、美国留学PS开头--学校介绍型 I am an undergraduate in…University , the largest university anda cradle of scientific and technological talents in China。 点评:该同学的ps开头等于是一个申请学校的简介,这好像是在帮助学校做宣传,或表达你有多了解该学校,而不是写个人陈述了。

    这是没有意义的开头,白白浪费了字数,最容易被秒据掉。 三、美国留学PS开头--抄袭句式型 As a student majoring in Computer Science, I began my odyssey since I entered undergraduate program。

    Indeed, having entered this splendid computer world, I am more than greedy for something new。 点评:Odyssey 和more than greedy for something new 这种句式不知道是从哪里学到的,很多同学在用。

    但你要知道,老外最恨抄袭,最喜原创,所以利害关系大家想想吧。 四、美国留学PS开头--救世主型 I am a problem solver。

    I have an impulse as a kind of instincts to solvevarious problems before me and enjoy doing that。 Since I was a little boy, a voice from President Franklin Roosevelt has constantly hovered around my mind, "The world can be changed by man&apos&aposs endeavor, … 点评:一副救世主的形象,小时候就受富兰克林的影响,立志改变世界。

    ps的写作一定要个人化具体化,别吹大牛,甚至带着一种霸权主义思维。 以上内容就是对常见的几种留学PS开头写法做的介绍,现在大家看了文章介绍之后,应该对留学PS开头要怎么写有了清楚的了解了吧,希望大家在写留学PS的时候认真准备,写出一份高质量的个人陈述来。

    面临着大批的申请者,招生委员会是如何快速有效的筛选出优秀的申请者呢?当然,他们无非是看申请者的硬件及软件。所谓硬件,是指申请者自身的高中学校背景(包括高中各科成绩)和标准化考试成绩(TOEFL/ IELTS/SAT等语言考试)。



    (一)美国留学文书写作ps开门见山法 例如: I was lucky in the fact that I picked chemical engineering and it turned out to be the right choice for me. However, my first semester at college was a rude shock - being away from home for the first time, being in a relatively male-dominated field. I started in a test lab for airplanes, where I got to break things. That is called static and fatigue testing. Then I went into design for airplanes. I worked on all areas of commercial planes including the floors and windows. . I am most proud of my testing projects. (二)美国留学文书写作倒叙法 例如: On the commencement I was deeply touched by myself. The reason I was so excited was neither the progress on my students study nor my excellent graduate thesis award. The only reason that made me in tears was that I am one of the few undergraduate students who attended many researches in the department and got guide on special knowledge and personal growth. During my four years study I established a good relationship with my instructors and classmates. When the leaving day came I was moved by my success and the strived life for all these four years.。






    首先来看研究生申请时美国留学文书PS会涉及的内容: 1、申请动机; 2、大学学习情况; 3、大学的科研经历(理工科类)或者参加的对申请有帮助的活动(文科类); 4、特殊的经历(国际交换经历、有意义的奖项); 5、对申请的学校的特殊了解和感情。 大部分人的PS内容无非就以上几点,当然每个人的经历各不相同,个人有个人的闪光点。


    我这里要介绍的只是“结构本质”,具体表现形式就看个人了。 开头:申请动机小故事+申请的学校/项目 开头基本上都是申请动机,无论以何种形式。


    他们说的没错,对于有精彩的故事的同学当然建议把这些放在开头,但是并不是每一个人都有很吸引人的经历可写,所以,真实就好,用诚心打动录取委员会成员。写完动机后需要根据动机提出自己的目标,也就是我们经常说的short term /long term goal,接着就可以很自然的把话题引到要申请的学校。

    然后指出为什么我要申请这个学校的xx项目,可以适当的吹捧一下这个项目或者学校。 正文:大学学习+大学的科研经历(理工科类)或者参加的对申请有帮助的活动(文科类)+特殊的经历的有机结合。



    这里我就提一些重要的Tips,帮助大家完成一个具有逻辑性,且上下文呼应的正文。 1、美国留学文书ps每段确定一个中心句或中心思想 这种看似小学生的做法其实是非常有效的,让人一眼知道你要说什么。


    2、美国留学文书ps把自身经历与在开头提到的长期或者短期目标所结合 我刚开始写PS时,正文部分只是简单地堆砌了我在大学做了什么,有什么样的表现,完全忽略了与自己开头所定的长期或者短期目标所结合。这样就使得内容失去了方向,变得空洞无力。


    3、美国留学文书ps把申请的项目特点与自身经历所结合 这点其实和第一点有些像。结合第一点,大家需要考虑的是如何把自身经历,目标以及项目特点所结合,最好的效果是把三者潜移默化的揉和在一起或者两两结合。

    4、美国留学文书ps经历要分主次 突出自己的unique的地方,对于和别人差不多的但又不能不写的部分少用笔墨。很多人会问,哪个是unique,哪个是别人也都会写的。



    所以有的人可以吹很多,但是这些内容一般说来没有多少影响力。成绩的话,除非你是top 5%,可以强调一下,不然就用excellent academic performance 带过就好了。

    美国留学文书容易出现亮点的地方: (1)科研(理工科),有paper的话好好强调,没有的话也不要桑心,写清楚做了什么学到了什么,从中感悟到了什么。 (2)志愿者经历,internship工作经历 (文科): 美国人特别喜欢志愿者经历什么的,如果是那种到山区执教,一定要大书特书。

    写得时候注意强调你作为一个individual,给某个弱势群体,这个社会带来了什么改变 (甘地精神!)。 (3)交换经历:外国的交换经历无疑也是申请的一个大亮点,记得吹一下选拔多难,然后自己如何脱颖而出。

    到了国外以后的一些special 的例子,表现自己的适应能力、科研能力、语言能力、social能力、领导力等。 上面可能写得有些凌乱,但是正文其实是很难用条条框框总结的,这里我指出了一些大家容易忽略的地方,并且也给出了一些具体的写作操作方式(侧重点等)。



    Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve. When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department). I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking. The last 4 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and economics. For my IB Extended Essay, titled “To What Extent Does Subway in Oman Operate as an Oligopoly”, I set out to prove the oligpolistic structure of the fast food market in Oman. In this effort, I have come across many real life complexities in pricing behaviour, profit making and other aspects of the Theory of the Firm. While attempting to explain these alternate theories of firms I have developed a keen interest in analyzing and understanding how the world of business works. After an undergraduate degree in accounting and finance or management I plan to go onto post graduate studies and work on an MBA. A strong performance in a BA will allow me to move onto an MBA and only then shall I be satisfied. For the last four years I have been part of our schools volleyball team ICE. We have retained our ISAC (Inter Schools Activities Conference, Middle East) title for four years. Playing in the power hitters (spiker) position requires immense physical fitness and to accomplish that I regularly go to the gym for fitness training. I am also part of my school track and field team. Being the fastest sprinter in the school since 11th grade the 100m, 200m and 400m races are my specialty even though I still pursue long distance running. In my spare time I explore and master the computer as I am conversant with a Visual Basic Programming course. It is imperative for me to have the latest hardware and software and I make it a point to install everything myself. I also learn Urdu as it is my native tongue and a link to my culture, to maintain that is crucial. Living in a diverse international community of over 52 nationalities has allowed to me recognize and appreciate different cultures. With the experience I have and the strong motivation to craft a bright future I feel I can justify my decision to pursue a career in Accounting and Finance or Management.。



    下面给大家提供一篇美国金融工程专业PS范文供大家参考。 Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve. When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department). I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking. The last 4 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and economics. For my IB Extended Essay, titled “To What Extent Does Subway in Oman Operate as an Oligopoly”, I set out to prove the oligpolistic structure of the fast food market in Oman. In this effort, I have come across many real life complexities in pricing behaviour, profit making and other aspects of the Theory of the Firm. While attempting to explain these alternate theories of firms I have developed a keen interest in analyzing and understanding how the world of business works. After an undergraduate degree in accounting and finance or management I plan to go onto post graduate studies and work on an MBA. A strong performance in a BA will allow me to move onto an MBA and only then shall I be satisfied. For the last four years I have been part of our schools volleyball team ICE. We have retained our ISAC (Inter Schools Activities Conference, Middle East) title for four years. Playing in the power hitters (spiker) position requires immense physical fitness and to accomplish that I regularly go to the gym for fitness training. I am also part of my school track and field team. Being the fastest sprinter in the school since 11th grade the 100m, 200m and 400m races are my specialty even though I still pursue long distance running. In my spare time I explore and master the computer as I am conversant with a Visual Basic Programming course. It is imperative for me to have the latest hardware and software and I make it a point to install everything myself. I also learn Urdu as it is my native tongue and a link to my culture, to maintain that is crucial. Living in a diverse international community of over 52 nationalities has allowed to me recognize and appreciate different cultures. With the experience I have and the strong motivation to craft a bright future I feel I can justify my decision to pursue a career in Accounting and Finance or Management. 通过上面对美国留学文书金融工程专业PS范文的分享,相信对于很多计划申请美国金融工程专业的学生可以参考上面的信息来提前做好美国金融工程专业PS的准备和规划。

