CVs Basic information: Name: Gender: Female Date of birth: origin: Dafeng in Jiangsu Political landscape: CPC member nation: Chinese health condition: good Education: Undergraduate School: College: professional title: Accounting Contact: Mail: ivy1987528@ Address: Professional skills: ▲ standard of English: English 4 through national examinations, and capable of listening, speaking, reading and writing. ▲ computer level: Jiangsu Province, two computer grade examination. Proficient in office automation, Proficiency in the Windows operating system, Excel, Powerpoint, Word and other applications. ▲ professional skills: has been made of their qualification certificates, can skillfully use the professional requirements of the UF financial software, Kingdee software, and other financial management information system. Supervision: Of their qualification certificates computer VFP two party school graduation certificate Driving licence certificate Putonghua B Award certificates: 1999 National Junior Golden Encyclopedia knowledge contest Jiangsu Province in 2001 Mathematics Olympiad (junior), second prize 2005 2006 Yangzhou University Hospital Miyoshi first-class scholarship student homes outstanding members Mission education advanced individual training of outstanding students of party schools Hospital social practice of advanced military training for advanced individual personal "Ten" outstanding essay prize 2006 - 2007 second-class scholarship Yangzhou University School of outstanding student leaders School social practice calligraphy and painting competitions advanced personal calligraphy group Third Honours Features fashion show second prize green garbage collection Excellence Award 2007 2008 "17 large" second-class award hospital photographic essay contest third place Previous positions: The third student freshmen class teacher assistant vice chairman of party workers School brass band sound of the Friends of the Arts Association characteristics Minister 08 summer homes social practice Jinsui, deputy head of unit members learn life members Professional training: 2007 summer school business simulation training for two weeks, completed a set of hand Accounts 2007 Summer in Dafeng City Senwei Group (industrial enterprises) internships, 7-8 in the completion of business between the time of admission to the account of the work. 2008 summer school business simulation training for 15 days, computers, the complete set of manual accounting procedures. Expertise: Intermediate financial accounting basis of accounting senior financial and accounting cost accounting management accounting accounting theory accounting English Intermediate Financial Management senior financial management audit of the tax laws and accounting non-profit organizations Computerized Accounting Asset evaluation Marketing International Trade International Economic Law of financial electronic commerce in the West Bank monetary economics political economics Financial Practical Writing Can an individual: Be good at organization and management, the hospital has been participating in many organizations, class activities (college days, the hospital will be transported, the hospital fourth technological and cultural festival, etc.), has served as House debate contest, new talent contest judges. Music lovers will be playing accordion; school brass band drummer Personality characteristics: Optimistic, progressive, generous cheerful, warm and pragmatic; others sincere, good interpersonal relationships; serious and responsible work, with Chikunailao, the spirit of arduous struggle; distress calm calm, rational stable, strong ability to adapt, have a good organization and coordination capacity; expertise Solid, familiar with the knowledge of the accounting profession and have some practical experience and self-study and develop a strong ability. Job search intention: Accounting, cashiering, financial management and other related jobs. In the hope that under your guidance, the company create a better tomorrow!。
it is not good format. I can not do it. If you need this resume for job abroad, please correct it first. Suggestion : 1 cut : 民族 汉 健康状况 良好 政治面貌 团员 身高 166cm 2 the format. NAME ADDRESS PHONE E-MIAL SKILL: XXXXXXXXXXXX WORKING EXPREIENCE: XXXXXXXXX EDUCATION: XXXXX REREENCE: XXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 个 人 评 价 •掌握了所学的专业知识; •兴趣广泛,热爱电脑,音乐,文娱活动; •个人性格开朗、自信,易于人相处,积极向上,为人真诚; •有较强的责任心、进取心 This part should be in cover letter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, you can add more, but be organized.。
我来自浙江 我的家乡是一个山清水秀的小县城 我学习韩语是因为喜欢韩国 我希望3年后能够亲自去韩国 在韩国学习,生活 感受韩国저는 절강에서 왔습니다.저의 고향은 풍경이 아름다운 작은 현소재지 입니다.제가 한국어를 배우는 이유는 한국을 좋아하기 때문입니다.저는 3년후에 스스로 한국에 갈 수 있기를 바랍니다.한국에서 배우고 생활하면서 한국을 느끼고 싶습니다.-----------------------本来是来逛暗大的贴吧,结果给你做翻译了 = =。
求助 韩语高手帮忙翻译一份简历,有点复杂,分全给
晚上没什么事.看看我能不能翻译政治面貌:团员 정체:단원 健康状况:良好 건강상태:건강专业:文秘/应用韩语 전공:비서/한국어응용婚姻状况:未婚 결혼정황:미혼籍贯:江苏淮安 고향:강서회안求职意向:办公室文职 구직의향:사무실문직学历:大专 학력 :대학专业课程: 전공과목必修课:大学语文、大学英语、邓小平理论、毛泽东思想概论、思想道德修养、필수과목:대학어문,대학영어, 덩소평논문,모택동사상계논,사상도독수양,经济法、计算机基础、社交礼仪等; 경제법, 켬퓨터기초,사회예절등:专业课:公共关系、秘书学、秘书工作、人际心理学、国际贸易、国际贸易实전공과목:공공관계,비서학,비서작업,인간관계심리학,국제무역,국제무역실물物、应用韩语、韩语听力、应用文写作、导游等; ,한국어응용,한국어듣기,응용문쓰기,가이드등.个人情况: 개인상황 2006年06月30日考取普通话证书 2006년 6월30일 중국어보통말테스터통과 증서2006年10月15日考取公共关系行业 2006년 10월 15일 공공관게전업테스터통과자격증2007年02月考取秘书证 2007년 2월비서테스터통과 증서2008年02月考取驾驶证 2008년 2월 운전테스터통과 운전면허증工作经历: 업무경력2006年09月-2006年10月于青岛格林玛特有限公司 实习 2006년9월-2006년10월 청도그리마주식회사에서 실습2007年10月-2008年03月于苏州爱普生有限公司 实习 2007년 10월-2008년3월 서주애포성주식회사에서실습自我评价:자아평가 为人诚实,有较强的责任感和时间观念;有较好的人际关系,协作精神和团队精성실하고 책입감이강하고 시간관념이 강하다.인간관계가 좋고 단체와합작神。
有较强的自学能力和领悟力。兴趣广泛,热爱文体,身体素质良好,能够吃정신이좋다. 자습능력이강하다. 흥미가넓고 운동을 즐기며 체력이좋다.苦耐劳,工作认真,几年的大学生活以及社会实践提高了自己的工作能力和交际곤난을 이길수 있고 업무를 열심히 완성한다.대학생활과 사회실습속에서能力,相信自己已成为一名适应社会需求的合格人才。
업무능력과 인간관계를 달련했다.사회에 공헌할수 있는 인재라고 자부한다.以上我的译文不足之处请多多愿谅!。
한명의 재학생으로써 ,저는 뛰여난 학습능력을 가지고있고 학습하기를 좋아합니다 ,새로운것에 끊임없이 도전하고 추구합니다 .作为将要走上工作岗位的员工,我具备诚实可信的品格,富有团队合作精神,良好的沟通和人际协调能力。有很强的忍耐力、意志力和吃苦耐劳的品质。
对工作认真负责,积极进取,个性乐观执着,敢于面对困难与挑战。곧 사회로 걸어나갈 한사람으로써 저는 성실한 인품 , 합작정신 그리고 양호한 소통능력을 가졌고 강한 인내심 ,의지력 그리고 고생을 두려워하지 않는 품성을 갖추었습니다 .일에 대해 책임심이 강하고 적극적이고 긍정적이며 어려움에 대한 도전을 두려워하지않습니다 .作为一名在韩国留学,国际经济与贸易专业的学生,我希望在与韩国有关的国际贸易专业职位上发挥我的一技之长。
我也愿意在与韩国有关的其它的专业职位上接受挑战。한명의 국제경제와 무역을 전공한 한국유학생으로써 ,저는 한국과 관련있는 국제무역직무를 맡아 저의 능력을 발휘하였으면 좋겠습니다 .저 또한 한국과 관련있는 기타직무를 맡아 도전하고도 싶습니다 .我的理念是:在年轻的季节我甘愿吃苦受累,只愿通过自己富有激情、积极主动的努力实现自身价值并在工作中做出最大的贡献。
저의 신념은 젊었을때 고생은 사서도 하고 ,자신이 갖고있는 열정과 노력 ,적극성으로 자신의 가치를 증명하며 하는 일에 대해 최대한의 공헌을 하여야한다는것입니다 。.。
导游韩语专业 性格热情开朗乐观向上 工作勤奋认真 胆大心细 已经持有中文导游证 梦想做一名优秀的导游 今年加试韩语导游전공은 가이드한국어입니다. 성격은 열정적이고 명랑하고 일할 때는 부지런하고 꼼꼼하고 과감합니다. 제 꿈은 훌륭한 가이드는 되는 것입니다. 현재 이미 중국어 가이드증을 가지고 있으며 올해 한국어가이드시험을 보겠습니다.兴趣:看书 旅行 写作 听音乐 취미: 독서,여행,글짓기,음악감상我会用我百分之一百的热情去服务我的客人, 让他们受到热情贴心的服务。
我不怕苦不怕累, 有一定的团队组织能力,沟通能力和应变能力。저는 어렵고 힘든 일을 불사하고 일정한 팀워크 조직,교류,응변능력을 가지고 있습니다. 해서 저의 백 프센트의 열정으로 고객님들에게 친절하고 편안한 서비스를 드리겠습니다. (最后一句的位置似乎换一下比较好)PS:我的语法学的不是很好 你再找人看一下语法有问题不~祝好运~。