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    Steven: Speaking of the subject of today, what changes have you seen happening in digital learning in China?Dr. Seymour Papert: I think there are some very very good experimental projects, for example, I mentioned that Pro.He from BNU--Beijing Normal University. They are doing some very interesting experimental project where they have, in some schools, I think, therere about 50 schools where they have a lot of computers and they are really letting the students spend a lot of time with their computers. So I was impressed with that. I didnt expect to see such… Steven: dramatic changes? Dr. Seymour Papert: Theyre relatively large-scaled, 50 schools, (although) it is not 50,000 schools. It is not just one classroom, thats study it is quite a substantial size. That is just one example. My impression is that they are all quite a few people doing very interesting research projects, in order to do with digital education.Steven: Are you encouraging students to spend more time online by using computers, I mean, surfing.Dr. Seymour Papert: They dont need to be encouraged. Theyre all doing that.Steven: Yeah, they are doing that on their own, but the problem is that some of parents have the concern. If children spend much more time surfing online, they might lose their literacy, they cannot write. That might be the problem.Dr. Seymour Papert: Well, first of all, that is not necessarily true. You cant generalize. It is true that you could waste your time surfing. But you could also do serious work surfing. So it depends on what they are doing. Steven: And the age of the students. Dr. Seymour Papert: I dont think it depends on the ages. Like the experiment I mentioned that Pro. He is doing, that these are first and second grade students. They are just learning to write, why are they learning to write? Because they find interesting things to read on net. By surfing, of course they learn to read and as they learn to read, they also learn to write. Thats an example. Surfing helps them encourage writing. They write better, they learn more than the other students. Its true that you can see the opposite also. Steven: Yeah. Because I used to practice Chinese calligraphy, but now I can hardly pick it up because I use too much computer. Dr. Seymour Papert: Well, but if you became really interested in playing the piano you would spend time playing. Thats the same thing. You think it is because of the computer or because you are already interested in something else.Steven: And because there is too much fun online. Dr. Seymour Papert: Well you find fun on the line, but if you were a musician, you would find fun with musical instruments, so or if you were a poet, you would find fun writing a poet. I dont know if the computer is more fun. Its more fun for the people who like that. But for the people like other things, thats (not like that).Steven: Lets say computer is just tool by which we can, we can do our homework, download music and things like that.Dr. Seymour Papert: Well, of course you can just use it as a tool, but some people are interested in how it works, and want to change it, and its not doesnt have to be just a tool. Steven: So what do you use the computers for in your class?Dr. Seymour Papert: In my class? Well, thats an interesting question. Of course, everybody uses the computer, if you would find some articles about somebody. Some of my classes are about using the computer. So they will do other things, maybe create some new things, software, or some use of computers. Because thats what way they are studying. Steven: So the students use the computer after class, right?Dr. Seymour Papert: You mean while the classs going on? Or maybe for taking notes. Yes.。



    需要翻译的话请告诉我。Interviewer [A]: Hi, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions today.Interviewee [B]: Hello. Thank you for the opportunity.A: It has been a few days since you won the tennis world championships, how do you feel now?B: Im still pretty excited to be honest, I wasnt expecting to win.A: This is your。

    third championship win?B: Yes, though the other two wins were back when I was just starting out. It has been a few years.A: Some people didnt believe you still had it in you, what do you say to them?B: Well, obviously I still do have it! [Laughs.]A: [Laughs too.] Yes, thats true. Could you please tell us a little about how you got started?B: Sure. I was eight, my dad and I started playing tennis in the backyard. He was a pretty good player too before his retirement. Guess it runs in the family.A: It seems to be the case! What are your plans now? I believe more congratulations are in order, I hear your and your wife are expecting another child.B: Oh, yes, were expecting our second child any day now. I guess after the excitement dies down I need to prepare to be a full-time dad. Im not sure if Ill be entering the next championship just yet to be honest, but we will see.A: Well, I for one hope to see you on the court again. It was a magnificent win. Thank you very much for your time, and good luck with your new kid!B: I will certainly think about it. And thank you.。

    英语访谈对话 越简单越好

    记者reporter(R)学生1(S1)学生2(S2)学生3(S3)R:Excuse me,I am a reporter from China Daily.Can I ask you some quetions?S123:OK.R:Do you know Super Boy?S123:Yes!S1:I am a fans of Weicheng!I like him very much.S2: I think Zhang Jie is the best,and Wang yue qins performance is not bad,too.S3:Su xin is my love!R:Wow,I am very suprised that you are so crazy about it.Ok.Have you sent a message to support them?S1:Yes, I have.S2:Me,too.s3:Althogh i love them but i have not do that,because i donthave my own mobile phone yet.R:What do you think of the competition such as Superboy?S1:I think its a good place for the people who like singing toshow themselves.S2:I agree with you.S3:En ,i think i will attend it in future.R:Thank you 。



    ~~~初中生?A: Which food do you like best?B: I like humburger best.A: Why?B: Because there are delicious meat in the humburger.And I also like the vegetables, I think they test good. What about you?A:Me? I think I like noodles.不知道词汇上有米超出初一的水平啊?best这种比较级学过米?忘记了,将就用着吧,提供个大概样子,如果是抄作业用的应该很够了吧?!不过最好还是自己照样子写哦~。


    If youre a Cubs fan like myself than you (hopefully) accepted the fact that all the Tommy John surgeries in the world (not a reference to how many he could have, but actually did have) would not bring Kerry Woods arm back to what we all hoped it would be. I dont even say "what it was" because it wasnt healthy long enough for us to see what it was. We collectively had this belief until about 2005 that just one more trip into the operating room would bring back the pitcher we saw in 1998 striking out 20 Astros. But now weve largely given that up. Its just easier and, frankly, more realistic. But the corporate advertising world still seems to be stuck in the "Itll all work out" phase familiar to Cubs fans, survivors huddled in the basement after nuclear wars and people who think J.J. Abrams has a plan for "Lost." Advertisers still see a situation wherein a company or retailer faces the challenge of gaining market share or stemming sales declines and think that celebrities are the answer. Macys picked Donald Trump and Martha Stewart, meaning they can cash in both their "place" and "show" tickets "The Apprentice" window. Ben McConnell dissects this effort nicely. HP has tapped rocker Gwen Stefani for a new campaign, since she had that big hit "Color Cartridge #22" and so is known as a printing industry guru. And dont get me started on The Gap, which launches celebrity-driven campaigns with the same regularity Sisyphus pushes the boulder of the hill, and with about the same effect. Wouldnt it be better for companies to spend a fraction of what they are on lining up celebrities - celebrities that will endorse their competitors at the drop of a larger check - on seeing how they can build up their existing customers and empower them to spread their own word-of-mouth? They could create online communities where people talk about the brand, share their own stories and meet other like-minded people. And all this could probably done for a fraction of what Trump asked to utter a couple lines and pose for a handful of pictures. People want to connect with each other - its a natural human instinct. The myth of the celebrity has been almost shattered by tabloids - both print and online - and that has taken much of their endorsement credibility with it.。


    DialogueA: Hi, Jim. Im writing a book about basketball. Can you give me some information?A: 嗨,Jim. 我正在写一本关于篮球的书。

    你能给我讲些篮球知识吗?B: With pleasure! What do you want to know?B: 非常乐意。你想了解些什么呢?A: Can you tell me how many kinds of screen are there?A: 你能告诉我有几种掩护吗?B: There are five: forth screen, back screen, side screen, stationary screen and moving screen.B: 有五种,即前掩护、后掩护、侧掩护、定位掩护和行进间掩护。

    A: And how many kinds of press are there?A: 那紧逼有几种呢?B: There are three kinds: full court press, half-court press and zone press. Others are one-man-press and two-man-press.B: 有三种:全场紧逼、半场紧逼及区域紧逼。除此之外,还有一人紧逼和双人紧逼。

    A: I knew your team broke through the Shanghai teams half-court press.A: 我知道你们球队打破了上海队的半场紧逼。B: Thats right. Our team won.B: 对啊,我们队赢了。

    A: Congratulations!A: 祝贺你们! 百度上找的。.。


    U:你 I:被采访者U:Hi,Im a reporter from the school newspaper,can I interview you?I:Sure!U:Thank you.How old are you now?I:Im 12.U:And whats your job?I:Well, Im just a student now.U:Ok,what about your hobby?I:I love reading.I can learn a lot from reading.U:Ok,thanks again.Bye!I:Bye!。



    A: Which food do you like best?

    B: I like humburger best.

    A: Why?

    B: Because there are delicious meat in the humburger.And I also like the vegetables, I think they test good. What about you?

    A:Me? I think I like noodles.



    Dialogue A: Hi, Jim. Im writing a book about basketball. Can you give me some information? A: 嗨,Jim. 我正在写一本关于篮球的书。

    你能给我讲些篮球知识吗? B: With pleasure! What do you want to know? B: 非常乐意。你想了解些什么呢? A: Can you tell me how many kinds of screen are there? A: 你能告诉我有几种掩护吗? B: There are five: forth screen, back screen, side screen, stationary screen and moving screen. B: 有五种,即前掩护、后掩护、侧掩护、定位掩护和行进间掩护。

    A: And how many kinds of press are there? A: 那紧逼有几种呢? B: There are three kinds: full court press, half-court press and zone press. Others are one-man-press and two-man-press. B: 有三种:全场紧逼、半场紧逼及区域紧逼。除此之外,还有一人紧逼和双人紧逼。

    A: I knew your team broke through the Shanghai teams half-court press. A: 我知道你们球队打破了上海队的半场紧逼。 B: Thats right. Our team won. B: 对啊,我们队赢了。

    A: Congratulations! A: 祝贺你们! 百度上找的。.。

