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  • jobobjective范文

    job objective怎么写

    Job Objective:Software Engineer (Multimedia Application Development Engineer)

    Job objective:Systems Engineer / Electronics Engineer

    Job objective:JAVA programmer

    Job objective :Graphic Design

    Job objective:Dance teacher

    Job objective:Reporter

    Job objective

    [例句]Just as you should have several versions of your resume, you should also have several versions of your job objective.

    job objective什么意思

    job objective



    adj.目标的; 客观的,实体的; [语]宾格的; [医]他觉的;

    n.目标,任务; [光]物镜; [语]宾语,宾格; [事]出击目标;



    Dont attribute all your mistakes to objective causes.


    求问宝洁简历里有一栏JOB/CAREER OBJECTIVE应该怎么填

    职业目标 Career Objective



    To achieve excellence in my area of work, and thus contribute to my organisations growth.



    To seek a junior level position in a finance related area in your organization where I can contribute my talent and grow along.


    To take up a challenging position in marketing in a reputable organization and grow to reach the pinnacle of my career.


    To secure a logistics management position in a corporate environment where skills, initiative, and commitment to excellence are fully valued and recognized.


    To obtain a senior position in the field of foreign trade, which enables me to fully utilize my past work experience and cutting edge expertise to boost the growth of the organization and myself.




    My favorite jod的英语范文

    Having A Happy Job “I need a job.” How many times have I heard that one – Ive heard it a million times. Living in a modern society based on a green piece of paper, I am burdened, and feel it maybe even impossible to survive without one. Without money, I wouldnt have cars, clothes, livelihood or maybe even my health. Today it is simple, to luxuriate in finer things you need money, and to get money, I need a job. “I hate my job.” How many times have I heard that one? A million and one. It seems nobody today is content with his or her job. So why do it? Because I have to work; hence, I dont have an option. I feel that most people, like myself, find their place of work rather uncomfortable; however, I still need to keep my job. For the last two summers, I worked a job, which at first I thought was ideal. I was a PC/LAN Coordinator at Chippenham Hospital. “How neat,” I thought, “I love to work with computers, and they are paying me eight dollars an hour!” I even had and office and everything. Starting out there was so intoxicating; I was able to practice my computer networking expertise and it almost seemed like it wasnt any work at all. Soon things became repetitive, I started getting bored, and I was getting instructed to do more new tasks every day. I felt dissatisfied with the menial tasks I was given, and, although the paycheck was generous, I felt frustrated at the end of each week. I felt my boss was nice to me, but this was just not a job that stimulated my interests. The amount of deskwork was boring, and I enjoy being around people and moving to different locations during the workday. Soon enough I hated my great job! I made the decision an office was definitely not the vocation for me. It even got to the point where I would feel apprehensive about coming into work every day, because I knew I would be doing the exact same thing in the exact same place. Then I set out a goal in my life: I will not anguish myself with a job with which I am not happy. I believe this objective is important - if I am going to a workplace every day that I hate, then I need to find a way to find another occupation that interests me. I see too many people for whom work ruins their lives, and I dont believe my work should add so much stress that I have time for nothing else. How can I live with that choice? Simply, if I every find myself in a miserable job, I will leave because lifes too important to be wasted away at a job that I dont like. This is why I am planning to live my life in a career in whatever I will enjoy doing, so I wont be devaluing my life in any manner.。


    Directions:You are hunting for a job. Please write a resume to describe your

    1)job objective

    2)education background


    Li Tao

    P.O. Box 211,**University

    6824**Road, Shanghai 200431

    Tel:53688226 Email:Litao@sina.com.cn

    Job Objective Seeking an office building architectural designer position in a small-to-middle sized architectural firm

    ** University, shanghai

    EducationB.S. in architecture, June 2002

    Completed four-year course of architectural design.

    Counses included Urban Design,

    Architectural Planning, Structural Engineering,

    Interior Decoration, Office Facilities Management,


    Architectural Design

    Special Skills▲Familiar with MS Words, MS Excel,


    ▲Good command of building codes and standards knowledge

    ▲independent work ability

    ▲Proficient in English,(TOEFL 632, January 2001)

    Summer Work job construction projects of **

    Company for the past three summers

    Other InterestsSketching,painting, photography, developing films in

    and hobbies references avail able upon request

    *这是一份毕业生求职简历。它着重突出了自己已学课程(courses)和个人的技能(special skills)文中B.S. in architecture,是建筑学士学位缩写。值得指出的是对在校生来说,平时的实习工作经历能为你的简历增分不少。因此该学生也介绍了与所求职位有着相似工作要求的summer work.

    求一篇英语作文 急

    able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的 aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办理仔细的 candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的 constructive 建设性的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的 disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的 well--educated 受过良好教育的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 expressivity 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的 generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默 impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的 motivated 目的明确的 intelligent 理解力强的 learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的 methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的 realistic 实事求是的 responsible 负责的 sensible 明白事理的 sporting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的 systematic 有系统的 purposeful 意志坚强的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的 temperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的 教育程度 education 学历 educational history 学历 educational background 教育程度 curriculum 课程 major 主修 minor 副修 educational highlights 课程重点部分 curriculum included 课程包括 specialized courses 专门课程 courses taken 所学课程 special training 特别训练 social practice 社会实践 part-time jobs 业余工作 summer jobs 暑期工作 vacation jobs 假期工作 refresher course 进修课程 extracurricular activities 课外活动 physical activities 体育活动 recreational activities 娱乐活动 academic activities 学术活动 social activities 社会活动 rewards 奖励 scholarship 奖学金 excellent League member 优秀团员 excellent leader 优秀干部 student council 学生会 off-job training 脱产培训 in-job training 在职培训 educational system 学制 academic year 学年 semester 学期(美) term 学期(英) supervisor 论文导师 pass 及格 fail 不及格 marks 分数 examination 考试 degree 学位 post doctorate 博士后 doctor(Ph.D) 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士abroad student 留学生 undergraduate 大学肆业生 government-supported student 公费生 commoner 自费生 extern 走读生 intern 实习生 prize fellow 奖学金生 boarder 寄宿生 graduate 毕业生 guest student 旁听生(英) auditor 旁听生(美) day-student 走读生 工作经历 work experience 工作经历 occupational history 工作经历 professional history 职业经历 specific experience 具体经历 responsibilities 职责 second job 第二职业 achievements 工作成就,业绩 administer 管理 assist 辅助 adapted to 适应于 accomplish 完成(任务等) appointed 被认命的 adept in 善于 analyze 分析 authorized 委任的;核准的 behave 表现 break the record 打破纪录 breakthrough 关键问题的解决 control 控制 conduct 经营,处理 cost 成本;费用 create 创造 demonstrate 证明,示范 decrease 减少 design 设计 develop 开发,发挥 devise 设计,发明 direct 指导 double 加倍,翻一番 earn 获得,赚取 effect 效果,作用 eliminate 消除 enlarge 扩大 enrich 使丰富 exploit 开发(资源,产品) enliven 搞活 establish 设立(公司等);使开业 evaluation 估价,评价 execute 实行,实施 expedite 加快;促进 generate 产生 good at 擅长于 guide 指导;操纵 improve 改进,提高 initiate 创始,开创 innovate 改革,革新 invest 投资 integrate 使结合;使一体化 justified 经证明的;合法化的 launch 开办(新企业) maintain 保持;维修 modernize 使现代化 negotiate 谈判 nominated 被提名;被认命的 overcome 克服 perfect 使完善;改善 perFORM 执行,履行 profit 利润 be promoted to 被提升为 be proposed as 被提名(推荐)为 realize 实现(目标)获得(利润) reconstruct 重建 recorded 记载的 refine 精练,精制 registered 已注册的 regenerate 更新,使再生 replace 接替,替换 retrieve 挽回 revenue 收益,收入 scientific 科学的,系统的 self-dependence 自力更生 serve 服务,供职 settle 解决(问题等) shorten 减低……效能 simplify 简化,精简 spread 传播,扩大 standard 标准,规格 supervises 监督,管理 supply 供给,满足 systematize 使系统化 test 试验,检验 well-trained 训练有素的 valuable 有价值的 target 目标,指标 working model 劳动模范 advanced worker 先进工作者 个人资料 name 姓名 in. 英寸 pen name 笔名 ft. 英尺 alias 别名 street 街 Mr. 先生 road 路 Miss 小姐 district 区 Ms (小姐或太太) house number 门牌 Mrs. 太太 lane 胡同,巷 age 年龄 height 身高 bloodtype 血型 weight 体重 address 地址 born 生于 permanent address 永久住址 birthday 生日 province 省 birthdate 出生日期 city 市 birthplace 出。

