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    经济担保书 英文

    I, 您的姓名,as the applicant 您孩子的姓名s father and supporter, am willing and able to afford 您孩子的姓名s stud in Turkey. Therefore, I have prepared the fixed deposit of about RMB多少钱 as the financial assurance for his academic years. Sincerely, I hope that my familys joint efforts will enable him to actualize his lifelong ambition. The applicants sponsor:SignatureDate:这个是当时我申请美国留学时候用的经济担保书样本。



    Dear Visa Officer,

    We are the parents of the applicant xxx (female, born on Date Month, 19 ). In order to have a bright career prospect in China in the future, our daughter xxx plans to go to Australia to pursue her undergraduate degree. We guarantee that our daughter xxx will not meet any difficulty in financial and will not disobey any law as well during her stay in Australia. If there is any question, we will undertake all the liabilities. We hope that you can take consideration of her visa application carefully.

    Sincerely yours,


    To whom it may concern,I am the father/mother of the applicant xxx who will go study in xxx. I declare that I am able to afford the tuition fee and the cost of living. I currently have xxx yuan of deposit, and my annual income is xxx yuan. I will transfer xxx yuan to the applicant through the bank once a year.The relationship between the student and the payer:Father and daughter; Mother and daughter.在职及收入证明:Certification of career and income。



    To whom it may concern,

    I am the father/mother of the applicant xxx who will go study in xxx. I declare that I am able to afford the tuition fee and the cost of living. I currently have xxx yuan of deposit, and my annual income is xxx yuan. I will transfer xxx yuan to the applicant through the bank once a year.

    The relationship between the student and the payer:Father and daughter; Mother and daughter.

    在职及收入证明:Certification of career and income.







    担保书 担保人 系 省 市(县)人,自 年 月 日起就职于 。

    本人自愿为 同志在河南恩湃电力技术限公司特殊岗位工作期间提供经济担保,凡因该同志因公违反公司制度或主、客观原因给河南恩湃电力技术有限公司造成经济损失应由其个人承担赔偿责任时(包括借款未还私自离职),由本人承担连带赔偿责任。注:本人出具该证明后愿意河南恩湃电力技术有限公司对我提供的个人信息进行核实,如有不实,本人愿承担一切责任。

    担保人工作单位及联系电话: 被担保人工作部门及联系电话: 担保人固定住所地址: 被担保人固定住所地址: 担保人电话: 被担保人电话: 担保人*号码: 被担保人*号码:。


    Financial Support Statement我愿做__________国(地区)学生______________在南京大学学习期间的经济担保人, 保证该生按时缴纳各种费用,该生不能支付有关费用时,由我负责支付。

    I am willing to be the financial supporter of Mr。/Ms。

    _____________________, a citizen of_____________________, during his /her stay at xxxxx University as a student。 I will make sure that he /she pay all the fees on time, and I will pay all the fees which he /she would fail to pay。

    姓名/Name:_______________ 国籍/Nationality:_______________ 证件号码/Identification Number:____________________ 与申请人关系/Relationship with the Application:_______________________ 住址/Address:____________________________________________________ 单位/Name of Employer:_______________________________________________ 电话(住宅)/Telephone Number (Home ):__________________ (单位/Office):_________________ 担保人签字/Signature:__________________________ 日期/Date:_______________________。


    信息标题: 德国: 联邦德国驻上海总领事馆印发的经济担保书格式 经济担保书 我(我们)愿意承担 (姓名)在联邦德国留学/逗留期间的一切生活费用。

    我(我们)每月至少提供800马克的费用。 担保人: 姓名: 地址: 出生日期: 与申请人: 的亲属关系: 经济情况证明单位: (签名) (签名须经正式公证) 联邦德国驻上海总领事馆 上海市永福路181号 不可撤销现汇担保书 担保书编号:收:国家开发银行: 关于 合同项下流动资金贷款的担保 根据 的借款申请,贵行同意向其提供外汇流动资金贷款美元(USD )xxx整,本保证人愿意为该项贷款担保,并对借款人同贵行签订的借款合同(合同编号:xxxxx )的所有条款承担连带的经济责任。

    特此开立担保书,向贵行担保下列各项: 一、本担保书为无条件的,不可撤销的保证书,担保金额为xxx美元(USD)整(本金xxx),以及该贷款项下所发生的借款利息和有关费用。 二、本担保人保证:当借款人在借款合同项下不能按期偿还全部或部分到期借款本息时,无论任何原因,本担保人保证连带地承担借款人所欠贵行的全部债务,并同意在接到贵行书面索偿通知后七日内无争议地偿还借款方所欠全部借款本息和费用。

    如本担保人不能履行上述担保责任,贵行有权据此索偿欠款,并直至从本担保人在任何银行的帐户中扣收全部借款本息和费用。 三、只要该项借款的本金不增加,贵行对借款合同的任何修改或变通执行,毋须征得本担保人的同意,且均不改变本担保人对借款本息和费用的担保责任。

    四、本担保书在上述贷款逾期或贵行同意借款方延期还款时继续有效。 五、本担保书的担保金额随借款人实际偿还或本担保人代为偿付本担保书第一项约定的贷款本息和费用的数额而相应扣减。

    六、本担保书是一种连续担保和赔偿的保证,不受借款方接受上级单位任何指令和借款方与任何单位签订的任何协议、文件的影响,也不因借款方是否破产、无力清偿借款、丧失企业资格、更改组织章程以及关、停、并、转等各种变化而有任何改变。 七、本担保人是经中国工商行政管理部门批准登记注册的独立法人,有足够的资产保证本担保项下借款的偿还。


    九、本担保人若发生变更、撤销,将提前三十天书面通知贵行和借款人,本担保书项下的全部义务由变更后的机构承担,或由借款人和本担保人落实为贵行所接受的新的担保人。 十、本担保书自签发之日起生效,直至贵行收回该外汇借款的全部本息和费用时自动失效。

    担保人:(公章) 法定代表(签章) 担保人地址: 担保人开户银行: 帐号: 年 月 日。

