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  • 2017北京二模英语范文






    (计10分) 假如你叫李平。最近,你就使用电子词典的问题调查了各方面的意见(见下表)。

    现在,请你根据表格中的信息用英语给某报社编辑写一封信。 注意:1.信件须包括写信原由及表格所列内容; 2.书信格式正确; 3.书写整洁; 4.词数在80个左右。

    生词提示:electronic adj.电子的 explanation(S)n.解释,说明 发表意见者 对使用电子词典的不同意见 同学 有用,方便,节省查阅时间 家长 便于携带,多数家庭买得起 英语教师 对单词的解释太简单,不该使用 本人 会使我们变懒惰,不该使用 Dear Editor, Recently(最近) I made a survey(做调查) about the use of the electronic dictionary.My classmates think that the electronic dictionary is useful,convenient and it can help to save time looking up the words.The parents also think the electronic dictionary is easy to carry and most families can afford it.But my English teacher doesnt think we should use it,because she/he thinks its explanations for the words are too simple.I suppose the electronic dictionary will make us lazy and we shouldnt use it. Yours, Li Ping 4.看图作文 同学们,看到下面的四幅图片及相应的报道后,你感到最担忧的是哪两种情形?请简述你担忧的理由并提出建议或希望。 要求:⒈ 从所给素材中任选两种情形进行阐述,不可多选或少选。

    ⒉ 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确; ⒊ 词数 80 ~ 100。 参考词汇: 建议 suggest v. suggestion n. 气体 gas n. 污染 pollution n. THE POLLUTIONS ① One third of the world"s people don"t have enough clean water. ② More and more diseases are caused by polluted air. ③ People are disturbed quite often by kinds of noises. ④ Every person in our city makes about 1.8 kilos of rubbish every day. 这道看图作文题,主题和图片连接得不是很紧密。


    做这个题应该注意几个方面: 1、认真读题。注意,题目虽然给了四幅图,但是却只要求写其中的两个就行。



    4、注意字数,语法,拼写等,避免错误。 下面是两个例文,大家可以参考一下。

    范文:观点一 The environment is becoming worse and worse. There are many kinds of pollution I worry about. The most serious two are water pollution and air pollution, because people can"t live healthily with dirty water and polluted air, nor can animals. More and more diseases are caused by polluted air. I think factories should not pour dirty water into the river directly or produce more waste gas. We"d better go on foot or by like instead of by car, because more cars mean more waste gas. We should make our world more and more beautiful. 范文:观点二 The first fact I worry about is noise pollution. People can"t sleep well if there is too much noise. That"s why so many people prefer to live in the countryside rather than live in the noisy city. I suggest all the factories and cars shouldn"t make terrible noises. If they make terrible noise that isn"t allowed, they will be fined, and we can also produce the cars which can"t make terrible noise. The other pollution is rubbish pollution. If everyone makes so much rubbish, one day we may live in a world filled with rubbish. Some people throw the waste paper about. I suggest rubbish should be put into different kinds of dustbins or paper bags. 【九、梦想和未来】 这是一个老话题,中考常考,难度较小。 1.我的梦想是当一名医生(my dream is doctor) I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: to be a doctor. Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor. 2.以后十年内我的生活(MY LIFE IN TEN YEARS) In ten years,I think I "ll be a reporter.I wiil live in an apartement with my sister.Because I don"t like living alone. And I can play with her inth aparement.So in ten years,I willba a good reporter.I will meet a lot of interesting and faous people and I willgo to another places on business.In ten years,i will have many different pets. Maybe I will keep a pet turtle.I think I will go shopping with my sister as long as I have time.And I will go to london on my vacation. So,my life in ten years will be better and better! 3.新学期的打算(The plan for the new term) Another new term comes again,so i should have a study plan to promot myself. Firstly, I descide to finish my homework more carefully tha。

    2012西城英语二模作文范文 急

    1. From the picture above, what catches my eyes is a funny person who is drawing circles around the arrow shot by him just now. The arrow, on the contrary, is far from the goal he aims at instead of being in the center of the target.

    2. Obviously, the picture mirrors a common phenomenon in our daily life ---- deceiving yourself when you do not achieve your goal. Some of the individuals, just like the amusing person drawn in the picture above, do not accept the failure they have made. But what they attempt to do is to modify the result catering their unreal ideas. Consequently, what waits for them is an absolutely greater failure but not a success.

    Personally, the things we are supposed to do are to face the mistakes bravely rather than deceiving ourselves. Thus, if any problem blocks our way to succeed, both the positive attitude and constant practice will be sure to make our way to get ahead. only in this way can we make a more promising future on our own.(179 words)



    From the picture above, what catches my eyes is a funny person who is drawing circles around the arrow shot by him just now。 The arrow, on the contrary, is far from the goal he aims at instead of being in the center of the target。

    2。 Obviously, the picture mirrors a common phenomenon in our daily life ---- deceiving yourself when you do not achieve your goal。

    Some of the individuals, just like the amusing person drawn in the picture above, do not accept the failure they have made。 But what they attempt to do is to modify the result catering their unreal ideas。

    Consequently, what waits for them is an absolutely greater failure but not a success。 Personally, the things we are supposed to do are to face the mistakes bravely rather than deceiving ourselves。

    Thus, if any problem blocks our way to succeed, both the positive attitude and constant practice will be sure to make our way to get ahead。 only in this way can we make a more promising future on our own。

    (179 words)。


    Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to liupanshan

    by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jane, dont do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, Ive kept the umbrella。i was very happy




    提示词语:love, hardworking, patient, encourage, tellWho is your favorite teacher?What is he/she like?Why do you love him/her?Hi! Jim,Im glad to hear from you. I love all the teachers in my school. My favorite teacher is Ms. Wang.She is a hardworking and experienced music teacher. She loves music, she loves her job, and she is always patient with her students.She encourages me to follow my dream of music. She often tells me the most important thing in our life is to be an honest and responsible person. She says love can make music more beautiful. She has great influence on me, and I want to be a person like her.Yours,Li Hua西城一模:74. 假如你叫李明,你的笔友 David 要来北京旅行。他给你发来邮件,想了解北京的情况。

    请你根据他的问题回复邮件。提示词语:the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, amazing, fantastic, crowded1. When is the best time to visit Beijing?2. What are some good places to visit in Beijing?3. What other things do I need to know about Beijing before I come?Hi! David,Im glad to hear from you. The best time to come to Beijing is during the spring. The weather is not too hot or too cold, so it is the perfect time of the year to be outside. During the spring in Beijing everything seems fresh and new.I advise you to visit the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, and the Temple of Heaven. The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world and it is an amazing place to visit. The summer Palace and The Temple of Heaven are beautiful too. There are royal buildings, fantastic artwork, and scenic views for people to enjoy.Before you come to Beijing, you should know that Beijing is a very crowded and big city. So it is necessary for you to travel with a map and you must be patient about waiting in line or large crowds.I hope you will have a nice trip.Yours,。


    Different colours can affect us in many different ways; thats according to Verity Allen. 不同的颜色能以不同的方式影响我们,这话是维里蒂.艾伦说的.In a new programme “Colour me Healthy”, Verity looks at the ways that colours can influence how hard we work and the choices we make. They can even change our emotions and even influence how healthy we are. 在新节目“为我健康增色”中,维里蒂观察色彩影响我们的方式方法,颜色影响我们工作的努力程度和我们做出的决定.它们甚至能改变我们的情绪,甚至能影响我们的健康程度.“Have you ever noticed how people always use the same colours for the same things?” says Verity. “Our toothpaste is always white or blue or maybe red. Its never green. Why not? For some reason we think that blue and white is clean, while we think of green products(产品)as being a bit unpleasant. “你是否曾注意过,人们总是同一种东西用同一款颜色,人们是怎样做的呢?”维里蒂说,“我们的牙刷总是白色或蓝色,又或许是红色.但绝不是绿色.为何不是?因为某些原因,我们觉得蓝色和白色是干净的,而我们认为绿颜色的产品有些不让人愉快.Its the same for businesses. We respect a company which writes its name in blue or black, but we dont respect one that uses pink or orange. People who designء设计آnew products can use these ideas to influence what we buy.” 对企业来说,也是如此.我们尊敬以蓝色或黑色书写其名的公司,却不尊敬将名字写成粉色或橘色的公司.新产品的设计者可根据这些理念来影响我们所购买的东西.During the programme, Verity studies eight different colours, two colours in each part. 在节目中,维里蒂研究八种不同的颜色,每两种分为一组.She meets people who work in the colour industry, from people who design food packages, to people who name the colours of lipsticks. 她拜访那些在色彩领域工作的人,从食品包装设计师,到唇膏色彩命名者.Some of the people she meets clearly have very little scientific knowledge to prove their ideas, such as the American “Colour Doctor” who believes that serious diseases can be treated successfully by the use of coloured lights. 她见过的人中,有些明显不具备科学的知识来证明他们的观点,比如说一位美国色彩医生,这位医生相信严重的疾病能用彩色灯成功治愈.However, she also interviews real scientists who are studying the effects of green and red lights on mice, with some surprising results. 但是,她也采访那些真正的科学家,他们正在研究红绿灯对老鼠的影响,并取得了一些出人意料的成果.Overall, its an interesting show, and anyone who watches it will probably find out something new. 总之,这是一个有意思的节目,任何一位看节目的人或许都能在其中发现新的东西.But because Verity goes out of her way to be polite to everyone she meets on the programme, its up to you to make your own decisions about how much you should believe.然而出于维里蒂对每一位节目受访者的礼貌,(受访者的话)其可信度有多少,就取决于你自己了.(最后一句话的言外之意:维里蒂只作采访不作评论,观众自己看自己判断真假.)。

