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    Suffered from the great pressure and defeated by the material society. Undoubtedly, when facing the questions whether it is more important to keep old friends than to make new friends or not, I would like to take an agreement as my response. Where I stand, an old friend are easier to communicate with than a new one. For instance, my elder sister keeps an friendship with her primary classmates, Jo, for more than fifteen years. They two did not contact often since my elder sisters friend went to England 5 years ago. This winter holiday, Jo came back from abroad , at the same time , my elder sister was just broke up with her boyfriend. So, after Jos comming back, eqquiped with there understanding to each other, The old friendship was imperceptibly renewed, and they became even closer than before. Thus, an old friend is much easier to get along with.Besides,an old friend is one who can point out your drawbacks without hesitation.Obviously, an old friend may be a friend who once spent a long period of time with you. Since part of the life experience is shared, a relation carried two true hearts is more likely to obtain. There goes a saying that good advice often jars on the ear, and an old friend is someone who can give you good advice. However, a new friend will not tell you your disadvances concerned your character which he does not have a deep awareness about.Admittedly, it is also neccesary to make new friends. The reason lies in that staying at one place for ones whole life is not possible. Meanwhile, the early stages of a relationships development is enjoyable. As a result, making friend in differant places is a must-to-do task. To conclude, the option of keeping an old friend gains more weight than making new friends. Whats more, it is also inevitable for us to halt on the way of making new friends. Friendship is the marriage of the heart, and friendship which have experienced the life is the marriage of the soul—never ever parts.已改好……。

    怎么提高托福独立写作分数? 我的独立写作分数不是很高, 由于要参


    千万不能盲目按照别人的方法和经验来准备考试。可以按照以下步骤进行:一、熟读 OG 上关于写作的评分要求,认真研读官方的满分范文。

    二、做一套 TPO 写作题目(包括独立写作和综合写作),找到自己的作文和满分作文的差距。三、根据内容、结构、语言三个方面的能力强弱,制定一个有针对性的训练计划。


    四、做阶段性的能力测试(比如每周做一套 TPO),实时掌握自己的能力提高情况,并对计划作出调整。


    首先声明一下: 真的写的不错,我绝对是鸡蛋里挑骨头。

    若有不妥之处,请见谅啊 :-)第一段第一行: …better than have broad knowledge… better than的比较对象是名词的形式所以后面改为having broad knowledge第二行: it can give people… give是口语化词汇,意思太多,建议写作不要用。改为offer The most difficult 过于绝对化,建议把the most去掉第四行: like是口语化词汇,改为such as第二段第一行: make speople easier to change their jobs.. 这句话感觉也比较口语化,可以改为: …larger range of knowledge renders people the opportunities to adjust their career path when…第二行: find some areas are not promising… 正确用法: find sth + adj 所以改为find some areas unpromising第四行: 前面用过enough了,所以这里改为adequate Find some areas scope… some area前面出现过,为了保证用词多样性,改为certain domains scope倒数第二行:又一次出现larger range of knowledge,可简洁的改为more know-how第三段第一行: benefit的通常用法是benefit sb, 或者 benefitsth. 建议改为:benefit people who work in interdisciplinary areas. 去掉了some, 因为这个词出现过几次第二行: 21th 改为 21st century第三行: 建议把interdisciplinary areas 改为 interdisciplinary talents 21世纪属于复合型人才可能更恰当一些第四行: merely knowledge 副词merely不能修饰名词knowledge,改为one with the mere knowledge of …第五行: …one owns broad knowledge of… own通常指拥有的物品,知识的话建议用“习得或掌握”改为one grasps / acquires the knowledge of…第六行:既然前面用了one,这里用he就不合适了。

    为什么不是she呢?建议还是沿用oneInterdisciplinary 出现过很多次,不妨把这句话变成 could one work in various fields…第四段第一行: having alarge range of knowledge..出现过几次了,建议改为 wide scope of knowledge第五行:前面出现过thinking methods,这里可以用thinking patterns There is no thinking way could be perfect… 没有一种思维方式是完美的?语法有问题,有两个系动词is和 could be. 另外,这句话的表达比较中式,根据你后面的句意,这里建议改为: Since one way of thinking might cause myopia最后一行: consider a thing… thing建议不要在托福作文出现,因为意思太多,比较口语化。你的最后一句话可以写: Since one way of thinking might cause myopia, considering as many perspectives as we can would be more beneficial.最后一段第一行: a broad range of knowledge… a narrow range of knowledge… 感觉有一些啰嗦,并且a… of knowledge 出现过几次了。

    可以改为In a nutshell, erudition is much better than specializing in one area because…第三行: interdisciplinary 过于高频,改为diversified。



    考生要根据这些“应该”和“不应该”来写作文章。 例如,这个题目就是应不应该题: Do you agree or disagree with following statement: all school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.(120114 CN)。


    独立写作 我只写过一篇,太惭愧了。


    基本上每一段都有大的改动,加了不少自己认为很漂亮的段落或句子,改完之后还比较满意。 其实改的过程就是一个提高的过程,千万不能写完了不改就扔在一边,那样只能停留在原来的水平。

    推荐大家先不限时写几篇,写完一篇就立刻打印出来逐字逐句修改(电脑上改容易偷懒),把过于简单的词和句子一一替换,注意别用太难的词和没把握的词,能用到6级词汇就差不多了,心情好了再拽两个托福词汇上去也就足够了。 我觉得最好用的就是形容词和副词,可以记几个托福水平的精彩形容词和副词,这在寄托太傻上面多的是,选择自己看着顺眼的,在平凡的名词前加好看的形容词,在平淡的句子里随处放置抢眼的副词,这样文章一下子就丰富起来了。

    还有一招我每次考试必用的,就是插入语。 比如“However, I maintain that…”就有意识地改成“I maintain, however, that…”哪怕是用正常的语序敲出来了,也要删掉把它重新改成插入语,因为这样可以避免每次都用过于明显的转折词开头,也算句式变换的一种吧。

    总之别人没写自己写了,那体现出来的就叫差距。当然也不能每句都这么写,太刻意了~ 其他可以当插入语的还有很多,像什么”personally”, “to some extent”, “therefore”等等,是个副词就可以往里插的,加入这些词往往会使观点看起来更客观。

    不过前提是保持语义完整,还有就是读起来要通顺……不然就适得其反了。 改作文还需要做的一点就是用新东方的讲义也好网友总结的也好,找到自己认为漂亮实用的句式,往自己的作文里套。

    尤其开头段,结尾段以及中间各段的衔接,找到了漂亮的句式就从此永远用这个不要再改了,这就是自己独家的写作模板,用戴云的话就是“下半辈子我就靠它活着了”~~ 每段的第一句尤其要精彩一点,试着倒装一下,或用被动语态,总之别写干巴巴的简单句,这样给人的感觉就是你接下来的论述也没有可期待之处。 平时练习的时候可以用尽量多的句式,多尝试,找到适合自己的,既能记住,又能灵活运用,限时模考的时候就开始逐渐找到自己的句式表达和段落结构,形成自己固定的模板套路,也就是个人的写作风格吧。

    从内容看,托福写作里要尽量多举具体的例子,所以相应地就要积累许多举例的句式以避免重复。 不论是真实的例子还是自己编的,都要有细节,然后把它论述透彻。




    我觉得应该agree比较好写吧.一,people living nowdays have more distractive things than once have.(computer,cell phone)二,sometime people didnt figure out what is the most important thing they should have done in their life.三,让步段,Although sometime a interesting thing can also be a thing we should do,————————————————想一下反驳就好了.完全自己写的,可能不太好,交流经验吧.。

