Dear Miss
I was thinking what should I say in this email. Because I dont want to use the old way to say thank you for your help and effort and all the staff, because I guess you have heard all of these for many times.:)I think I need to let you that after you being my English teacher, I start to feel that English is very funny and attractive. I start to feel that I like this language and I will do my best to learn it. I know there is going to be lots difficulties and I will have the faith to do this right.
This is my first Email to you and I wish my writing can give you a good impression.
Wish you all the best!
Yours **
国际生想同教授套磁,发邮件之前先看下文: 教授每天都能收到许多申请学生的邮件,尤其是申请助学金的。
下面给出两封好坏邮件进行对比。 不好的邮件: Here are two sample letters: A sample letter that will never get the candidate an assistantship with me: Unwanted email Respected sir, I am very interested in going to the US for higher studies. I am seeking admission and financial assistance in your esteemed University. I am very interested in artificial intelligence and computer architecture. I have programming experience in C++, C and java. I am also familiar with several software packages in the Windows environment (MS Word, Excel Spreadsheet etc.). I also have networking certification from NOVELL. My GRE score is 2050, and I got 99 percentile in the TOEFL exam. I request you to spare a few moments from your precious time to go through my attached resume. Sir - if you are kind enough to offer me assistantship, I promise to work very hard for you. I have a very good academic record since primary Thank you for your valuable time, Yours obediently ABC My comments: I simply delete these emails, which I consider garbage .The person seems to be too obsequious and flattering. In the emails that I do read (occasionally), I do a first scan for keywords like precious, respected etc. deleting the email if I find one. Obviously the person is not professional enough. The person is interested in artificial intelligence and computer architecture - these are quite unrelated areas, making me think that he is trying to cover as many professors as possible to get aid from any possible source. Besides, he does not have anything in support of his claim (about his interest in artificial intelligence). He emphasizes on his software skills, making me think that his goal is to get a programming job in the US and higher studies is only to allow him access to the US job market. His GRE scores are OK, but not exceptional. He asks me to tell him what his chances of getting an assistantship are, elsewhere in the department. I have absolutely no way of finding that out, and even if I knew, I would not bother to reply back. He also asks me to give him information about summer deadlines. How am I supposed to know that? (I would typically expect that this information should be available from the University web site, or from the grad school, but my guess is as good as yours.) Finally, this letter is too generic . He probably uses exactly the same format for hundreds of email letters to various professors throughout the country, leaving no stone uncovered. I receive hundreds of email like this. Regretfully, I cannot answer everyone, and these applications do not interest me at all. Now, here is a letter that would DEFINITELY attract my attention: 好的邮件应该这么写: Excellent email Dear Prof. Das, I am applying to KSU (amongst other places) for a Ph.D., and I am very interested in your research areas. I would like to explore the possibility of doing my research with you, with financial support. One possible area that would interest me a lot is in applying Tikhonov regularization to your problem in computational neuroscience, since I understand that neural data can be very noisy, and yet sparse.Alternately, I am also interested in applying evolutionary algorithms to your genetic neural network parameter estimation. One of my other interests in in parallel processing. Are you considering parallel implementations for any of your optimization/estimation algorithms?。
Dear Professor xxx: Thanks for you reply. Im glad that you have received my e-mail . Thanks for your hospitality and I cant wait to come to your school. Im really happy that I will have an opportunity to come to your school and experience the unique learning atmosphere here. Ill come next month and then we will have more opportunities to commumunicate with each other . Im looking forward to see you soon.Sincerely, xxx。
如何发email 外国教授 作者
Sending Emails Make sure your e-mail includes a courteous greeting and closing. Helps to make your e-mail not seem demanding or terse. Address your contact with the appropriate level of formality and make sure you spelled their name correctly. Spell check - emails with typos are simply not taken as seriously. Read your email out loud to ensure the tone is that which you desire. Try to avoid relying on formatting for emphasis; rather choose the words that reflect your meaning instead. A few additions of the words "please" and "thank you" go a long way! Be sure you are including all relevant details or information necessary to understand your request or point of view. Generalities can many times cause confusion and unnecessary back and forths. Are you using proper sentence structure? First word capitalized with appropriate punctuation? Multiple instances of !!! or ??? are perceived as rude or condescending. If your email is emotionally charged, walk away from the computer and wait to reply. Review the Senders email again so that you are sure you are not reading anything into the email that simply isnt there. If sending attachments, did you ask first when would be the best time to send? Did you check file size to make sure you dont fill the other sides inbox causing all subsequent e-mail to bounce? Refrain from using the Reply to All feature to give your opinion to those who may not be interested. In most cases replying to the Sender alone is your best course of action. Make one last check that the address or addresses in the To: field are those you wish to send your reply to. Be sure your name is reflected properly in the From: field. Jane A. Doe (not jane, jane doe or JANE DOE). Type in complete sentences. To type random phrases or cryptic thoughts does not lend to clear communication.。
1. 邮件是永久性的。一旦你把它发出去了,就不可能再收回来了。只要教授收到了邮件,他就主宰了这封邮件的命运,或者保存,或者是把邮件转发给同事博取一笑(这是最糟的情况)——后果自负哦。
2. 邮件要发到你被告知的邮箱里。检查,再检查,看“发送到”那一栏的地址是不是正确。仅仅因为你的妈妈和你的教授的名字都是"Lynn",也没有理由把你所有的爱都寄送到了Lynn教授那里吧。
3. 教授可能不使用大学的乱七八糟的邮箱系统。所以把邮件发送到他们真正在用的邮箱地址,而不是大学通讯录上的邮箱地址。(检查一下他们的个人摘要或者任务分配表来寻找一些线索。)
4. 教授可能不会打开一封发自luckydogpig@thepound.com的邮件。他们更喜欢打开那些来自比较有名的邮箱地址,就像you@theCruddyUniversityE-mailSystem.edu。
5. 主题栏要紧扣主题。在主题栏要对这封邮件有一个简要的解释。千万不要包含一些要求,比如说“紧急请求--请立即回复”,可以很肯定的说,你的请求会像垃圾一样处理掉。
6. 称呼很重要。最安全的开头方式是用“亲爱的***教授”。这样的话你就不会再考虑这个教授是不是个博士或其他,并且当你称呼你的女教授“Ms”或者“Mrs.”也不会显得像是个性别歧视者。
7. 清楚简洁是最好的。你的教授每天会收到25-30封邮件,所以如果你的问题很简洁明了那是最好的(一般把问题一条条列出来比较好)。如果你的问题表述的很详尽或者多层面的,最好在教授的办公时间面谈,这样教授就能够更有效地帮你解决问题。
最重要的是,附件里的论文不要用奇怪的格式。你也许认为.odt格式的文件比较酷,也不用为OPEN OFFICE 付费,但是当教授发现他/她花了20分钟找到的插件也打不开,还要花费半个小时来下载Open Office。本来只需15分钟的评分工作现在却耗费了一个小时,然后教授会给你评分吗?你可以想象的。
8. 必须要告知教授已收到邮件。如果你的教授屈尊给你回答或者发送你需要的资料,一定要告诉他你已经收到了。这样,下次在课堂上看到你的时候,他们就会觉得你是个不错的学生。
9. 这不是大声嚷嚷的争吵。邮件不要都用大写字母来写,因为这是一种在邮件中表达愤怒或者其他强烈的感情的方式。没有人喜欢喊叫的。
10. 没有人真的喜欢表情符号和微笑符。请相信这一点。
11. 这不是Facebook。你写给教授的邮件不要像你在朋友留言板上的留言一样。
12. 这不是写即时消息。.所以不要像写短消息一样用单词的缩写形式,你绝对是在冒风险,如果我说的不对请改正。
13. 这不是校园幽默。不要随意拿以下的事情当谈资:你的论文很难搞,你那个“很衰”助教都不教些你想知道的东西,或者是你期中考试考了个很烂的分数。
14. 这不是在评价你的教授。没有教授想听你评价他们的课堂表现,所以把你的意见留到期末评价中,你可以滔滔不绝地表达出你对老师的看法,而且是匿名的。
15. 拼写错误会使你看起来像个笨蛋。所以每次都要使用拼写检查,并校对你的邮件两遍。
16. 最后的签名很重要。每封邮件最后都要感谢教授抽出时间来帮助你,并以“Best Wishes、Regards”来结尾。(或者其他相关的正式语,但是要用友好的语气。)然后签上你的全名,而不是什么昵称,就像Ry-Ry 或者 Biff。
17. 你的教授不想听你讲你的人生哲学。在你的邮件最后不要说什么你引用的宗教或者政治观点。你永远不知道这些会不会冒犯你的教授。
18. 不要太过殷勤。在邮件中表现出礼貌和友好很重要,但是要适度,不要搞得像是在阿谀奉承。
我个人喜欢在开头打上 Dear Professor
如何发email 外国教授 作者
Sending Emails
Make sure your e-mail includes a courteous greeting and closing. Helps to make your e-mail not seem demanding or terse.
Address your contact with the appropriate level of formality and make sure you spelled their name correctly.
Spell check - emails with typos are simply not taken as seriously.
Read your email out loud to ensure the tone is that which you desire. Try to avoid relying on formatting for emphasis; rather choose the words that reflect your meaning instead. A few additions of the words "please" and "thank you" go a long way!
Be sure you are including all relevant details or information necessary to understand your request or point of view. Generalities can many times cause confusion and unnecessary back and forths.
Are you using proper sentence structure? First word capitalized with appropriate punctuation? Multiple instances of !!! or ??? are perceived as rude or condescending.
If your email is emotionally charged, walk away from the computer and wait to reply. Review the Senders email again so that you are sure you are not reading anything into the email that simply isnt there.
If sending attachments, did you ask first when would be the best time to send? Did you check file size to make sure you dont fill the other sides inbox causing all subsequent e-mail to bounce?
Refrain from using the Reply to All feature to give your opinion to those who may not be interested. In most cases replying to the Sender alone is your best course of action.
Make one last check that the address or addresses in the To: field are those you wish to send your reply to.
Be sure your name is reflected properly in the From: field. Jane A. Doe (not jane, jane doe or JANE DOE).
Type in complete sentences. To type random phrases or cryptic thoughts does not lend to clear communication.