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    The reading and listening passages are having conflicting opinions about whether humpback whales navigate by the stars. The writer presents three theroies to explain the phenomenon. However, according to the listening, none of the theories showed in the reading is convincing.First of all, the reading claims that humpback whales are intelligent enough to use stars for navigation. The whalewell-developed cognitive ability seems to provide a sound basis for the ability to use stars for their orientation. But the opposes that there is not necessarily any real connection between ability of anminals to use stars for navigation and their intelligence. To illustrate, the professor takes docks as an example. Docks are not highly intelligent, so theirability to navigate with star does not seem to have much of the connection to their overall intelligence, but the instinct. Accordingly,humpback whales intelligence does not make them particularly likely to use stars for navigation.Second, the writer holds the opinion that humpback whales rely on stars at night to provide them withexternal signs by which to keep streight direction over long distance. But the professor in the lecture refutes this viewpoint bysaying that there may be a different explanation for the humpback whales ability to move in straight lines. For animals able to navigate in straight lines, they must depend on some external object or force, which is Earths magnetic field. It is because a substance called bio-magnetite exists in whales brains and ususally the animals with the substance in their brain are sensitive to the earth magnetic field. The presence of bio-magnetite proves they orient themselves by the magnetic field, rather than stars.Finally, the writer states that humpback whales would float straight up for minutes at a time, known as sky-hopping,which indicates they are looking at stars when navigating. On the contrary, the listening rebuts this point. The professorsays that spy-hopping probably has nothing to do with looking at stars. For example, other animals, like sharks,sky-hop. But their sky-hopping is just in order to hunt for preys. In addition, humpback whales are observed sky-hoppingduring the daytime when no stars can be seen. Thus, the hypothesis that the function of spy-hopping is to look at starscannot hold water and is pure speculation.。










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