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    Many people ponder what they should do for a vacation and I realized a lot of people dont seem to share my views about traveling。 I believe its very important to see the world and different cultures。

    It lets us open our minds to new things and we get to experience life in exiting different ways。 Traveling gives us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life。

    You get to forget your problems/issues for a few weeks, it can also help you figure things out that you would not have understood without the distance traveling can give you。 We all have crazy schedules, work and a family to take care of, going away alone or with some friends can give you distance and perhaps even make you realize how important these people are for you。

    Like the saying says: we never know what we have until we lose it。 Another great benefit is the relaxation you get to do。

    Its nice to live life to its fullest and enjoy a stress free time with yourself。 Going on vacation lets us recharge our “batteries” by disconnecting us from our regular life。

    When we come back we feel invigorated and we are happy to be back in our day to day routine。 Its a very good stress remover that has a lot more to give than most people are willing to accept。

    Traveling increases our knowledge and widens our perspective。 To view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind。

    It gives us a new perspective about life and especially our life, it can help us change some of our habits or even create new ones。 When I travel I usually make it a point to try new food, some cultures dont have fries in their diet and they are all skinny, others use spices to give taste and not oils or fats。

    Discovering different values and ways to get by in life is really interesting。 You also need to visit exotic new places and discover what this wonderful world has to offer。

    New experiences increase our resourcefulness by living situations you would never encounter at home, this is great experience for you when you come back to your routine。 I have noticed that people who traveled a lot in life were ready to embrace change and have a natural ability of overcoming problems that others would frown upon。

    When traveling with friends or family it creates memories for a lifetime。 These memories will create a bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens with the friendship/relationship。

    It can also give a new perspective on the relationship and cement the bond forever。 It also gives nice stories to tell people afterwards, you can create photo albums about your trips and when you feel nostalgic you can take an hour of your life and experience the trips again by looking at your pictures。

    Its never been this cheap to travel。 With soaring oil prices the cheap travel era might be coming to an end。

    However there are still many budget airlines fighting for your dollar right now。 With the internet and all the new technology, you can plan your trip exactly the way you want it。

    You can choose your budget, the duration of the trip and what you want to do。 I suggest to read travel blogs and see what others are experiencing, you can save yourself a few hurdles by reading about their trip。

    If you have some time off I suggest to take that trip and experience what life has to offer。 Dont wait or tell yourself there will be a better time to go。

    Take the risk, the opportunity and buy your plane ticket right now and leave。 When you come back you wont be sorry that you left, on the contrary you will be thinking of your next trip the second you come back from the airport。


    Higher Tourism English professional English teaching model to explore scenarios [Abstract] the primary characteristics of vocational education to write papers on behalf of students is to cultivate the ability to integrate theory with practice, this paper discusses the characteristics of tourism in English and discusses the use of more on the way to - scenes approach, noting that such Method The advantages and problems, and Tourism English Teaching Problems also included in the scope of discussion. [Key words] Vocational Education Tourism English teaching methods and problem scenarios First, several characteristics of Tourism English 1. Practical strong. We often talk about the theory and practice should be a combination of (theory must be integrated with practice), the theory of learning is to better guide the practice, guides the work of one of the characteristics is to practice. Guides, known as civil ambassadors and image ambassador, who in the international exchanges of the role is particularly important, even if they have a solid theoretical knowledge, but it can not be used for practical work, this is not a qualified tour guides. 2. Specialized. There is no doubt that in the tourism teaching English inevitably involves travel to the deep expertise. The six basic elements of tourism, food, shelter, transportation, travel purchase, entertainment and tourism resources, tourism planning, hotels, travel agencies, tourist attractions such as the various departments of knowledge, requires students to master these basic professional basic knowledge. If the creation of the relevant professional courses on tourism professionals to learn and understand English will be of great help. 3. Comprehensive and strong. Involved in the tourism industry knowledge is very complex, politics, history, literature, art, architecture, religion, gardening, such as multi-disciplinary knowledge, I have seen a few of the basic teaching materials are in accordance with the six elements of tourism know-how into the above into which constitute a whole. Second, tourism scene in English Teaching As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher, then how to train students interested in teaching has become one important aspect. Above have already said that guides the work of highly practical, but also in certain scenes occurred, such as tours at the airport shuttle, how welcoming and farewell speech, to move into the hotel, along the guided tours, attractions and so on , the author based on different scenarios into the training purposes of which have achieved good results, the following I would like to give one example, Unit 11 WaterTour: Lijiang river. 1. BACKGROUND introduced (backgroundinformation) This is paving the way each unit of knowledge and information to add, so that students of the natural resources of water have a total understanding, it can generally be divided into several categories: rivers, lakes, sea, hot springs, waterfalls, each category is a list of the most distinctive examples, such as: the Yangtze River, the West Lake, Jinans Baotu Spring, Guizhou Huangguoshu waterfall, and then broken down into each, such as: What are the sites of West Lake, and the English translation shown to students, the I have followed each of the modules in this order, descending from a whole to partial, and the use of courseware ppt documents, first introduced after the display picture. Here I want to say is, the traditional template significantly those of very old, very old-fashioned style, teachers can browse the Web in the process of peace will be their favorite picture or interesting for tourism save the picture of English language teaching, and their ppt documents into standby, the best choice of picture and each unit can be relevant to the subject, of course, need to spend a lot of work, but good value for money, students in the learning process can inspire their interest. 2. Courseware on specific (detailed explanation) The theme of this module is to introduce the world famous Lijiang River in Guilin landscape, the article is mainly to readers as a tourist, took us to visit the scenic甲天下, Castle Peak, Xiushui, Qishi, reflection 。

    , the article is more inclined to the narrative is a Field guides word. In order to allow students to Lijiangs landscape there is a general understanding, I will introduce into the relevant spots in which, such as the Reed Flute Cave, Cheung Pei Shan, Qixingyan and so on, to the students a whole pattern. 3. Scenarios interpretation (situational presentation) This is the most difficult step in the process of belonging to the output. At the end of each unit after the lecture, I will place the students of this unit 。

    求旅游英语的毕业论文 字数3000字


    和其他行业对英语的要求比较,我觉得旅游英语的特点最突出表现在两个方面。 首先从形式上说,旅游英语更加侧重听,说能力。



    用短句代替复合句,尽量不用冷僻的词汇。例如,我不懂“husband”这个词没关系,但“her childrens father”一定要让人听懂。

    其次从内容上说,旅游英语更侧重广度。 吃,住,行,游,购,娱都得知道些,政治,军事,农工商业,风俗,宗教,教育,体育,医疗,科技,传媒等等都得能说个大概。

    可能每个领域都说不深刻,但是,都不能一无所知,各个专业常用的词汇都得懂点儿,鬼知道游客下个问题会是什么。 论文之家 http://www.91qikan.com 优秀论文杂志 http://www.interpapers.com/kj/ 论文资料网 http://www.51paper.net/ 法律图书馆 http://www.law-lib.com/ 法学论文资料库 http://www.law-lib.com/lw/ 中国总经理网论文集 http://www.cnceo.com/school/lwj.asp mba职业经理人论坛 http://mba.001.com.cn/mbamba.htm 财经学位论文下载中心 http://www.forumcn.com/sblw/ 公开发表论文_深圳证券交易所 http://www.sse.org.cn/sse/yjkw/gkfblw.asp 中国路桥资讯网论文资料中心 http://www.lqzx.com/lunwen.htm 论文商务中心 http://doc.cei.gov.cn/ 法律帝国: http://www.fl365.com/gb/lawthinker/bbs/default.asp 学术论文 http://www.hrexam.com/advanced1.htm 论文统计 http://www.sci.com.cn/ 北京大学学位论文样本收藏 http://www.lib.pku.edu.cn/xwlw.html 学位论文 (清华大学) http://www.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/new/thesis.html 中国科技论文在线 http://www.paper.edu.cn/ 论文中国 : http://www.chinawrite.com/ 新浪论文网分类: http://dir.sina.com.cn/search_dir/jy/lw/ 中国论文联盟: http://www.lwlm.com/ 大学生论文库 http://www.syiae.com/lunwen 论文资料网: http://www.51paper.net/ 自己寻找。


    [摘要] 独特的资源优势和西部大开发的历史机遇为西部旅游业跨越式发展提供了条件,但思想观念、管理体制、基础设施和产品开发中的问题则成为了这一战略实施的障碍,为此,必须从这四个方面入手,采取相应措施,促进西部旅游业跨越式发展。

    [关键词] 旅游业;跨越式发展;西部地区 跨越式发展是西部旅游业发展的模式选择,其含义主要是指发展速度快,要大步前进,而不是小步跟进,在短时间内,确立旅游产业的主导产业地位。 从实践看,这一模式具有可行性和现实意义。


    旅游业已成为有力促进云南省社会经济全面发展和快速增长的主导产业,90年代云南省旅游业所走的就是一条跨越式发展的道路。 西部大开发的实施给西部旅游业跨越式发展带来了发展契机,促进了旅游业在西部经济中战略地位的形成,但是,西部旅游业要实现跨越式增长必须首先克服制约具增长起步的障碍因素,为此需要政府采取具有针对性的战略举措。

    一、西部旅游产业跨越式发展所面临的主要障碍 (一)观念滞后 在市场经济背景下,实现西部旅游业的跨越式发展,必然要实现旅游要素产权主体、市场交易主体和开发经营方式的多元化,这决定了西部旅游业首先要进行观念的创新。 西部旅游业目前高成本低效率的开发模式是与陈旧的旅游业发展观、资源观密切相联的。

    目前西部地区旅游业发展仍在走与东部地区旅游业“同构化”的道路,照搬东部的经验,尚未挖掘西部特色,走出一条新路子。 西部旅游业观念陈旧的原因在于,西部经济发展落后,西部地区国有经济改革进程普遍慢于东部沿海地区,国有经济比重高于全国平均水平。

    西部旅游业跨越式发展必然要求观念和思想的大解放,摒弃传统的思维定势,突破传统的观念障碍。 (二)体制创新不足 面对开放、多元化、竞争日趋激烈的环境,西部旅游业跨越式发展要求微观和宏观的管理体制尽快实现制度创新,扭转经济、社会效益不高的局面,但目前旅游业体制创新的步伐缓慢。

    在企业制度方面,公司治理结构仍有待确立,一些旅游企业虽然在名义上按照现代公司结构模式建立了管理组织结构,但董事会、监事会等机构并未发挥组织功效,反而增加了机构数量,降低了管理效率,“一言堂”现象仍是国有及国有控股旅游企业的顽疾。 在旅游管理体制方面,尽管经过一系列的改革,政府管理机构虽然有所精简和调整,但离政府主导型旅游发展战略对政府职能转变的要求尚有较大差距。

    表现在:在决策方面,一些旅游管理部门延用计划经济下高度集权的领导模式,由长官意志代替企业行为,由行政命令代替市场规律,导致决策失误;在市场参与方面,一些政府投资兴办并管理的旅游企业仍受到政府种种保护,导致了旅游业的垄断经营和不公平竞争,降低了旅游资源配置效率;在市场管理方面,政府部门无法有效地对旅游经营活动进行有效的监控,致使欺客、“宰客”的现象仍大量发生,使得一些外地游客视西部一些名胜游览线路为“畏途”,最终放弃旅游计划。 (三)基础设施建设滞后 良好的旅游基础设施是旅游产业发展的物质基础,因为旅游景观的吸引力不仅来自于其本身的旅游美学价值,也来自于其可进入性。

    建国50余年来,尤其是改革开放以后,西部地区极为落后的基础设施状况有了明显的改善,但与旅游产业蓬勃发展的要求相比差距仍然很大。 以陕西省为例,陕西省内铁路营业里程平均每平方公里0.013公里,低于湖北、河南等中部相邻省份,贯通南北的干线铁路还没有打通,一些铁路长期处于超饱和状态。



    旅游基础设施建设滞后的主要原因在于西部目前尚未建立多元化的旅游基础设施投资渠道,投资严重依赖政府。 (四)产品结构单一化 西部地区旅游资源具有突出的多元化特点,具有开发多元旅游产品得天独厚的条件,西部有青藏高原、九寨沟、峨眉山、黄河壶口瀑布、天山天池、祁连山冰川等著名天然旅游资源;更有以都江堰、秦兵马俑、丽江古城、塔尔寺和布达拉宫为代表的世界级人文旅游资源。




    Deep blue seacoast, blue color Qingdao

    This plan at the middle of May takes advantage of the off season goes to Qingdao has a look, but SARS eventually or let me collect the liveliness, in was burning hot summer rushes to me Qingdaos seashore.

    - The blue color seacoast, deep blue Qingdao (picks from Qingdao street corner everywhere obviously LOGO, for welcomes Austria transports design)

    Sea water bathing place

    Qingdao pooled small small six (the numeral is greatly accurate otherwise? Patronized plays, had not recorded number number) sea water bathing place. The sixth sea water bathing place is worst. Because is situated at the train stands neighbor, the bathing place appears noisy and is cramped, exudes the foam sea water whips the crowded trestle the sand beach small pity. Even if so, still had innumerably just under the train tourist does not wait to lay down 行囊 directly soars the big sea, some people continually 泳衣 also did not trade go to sea to play. Side in the sand beach reef group has the many people is digging the sea 蛎 or seizes 寄居蟹, looks they raises 小桶 carries earnest type which the small shovel earnestly seeks, but also really let me also move the heart which had a look.



    首先从形式上说,旅游英语更加侧重听,说能力。 你面对的游客可能来自不同国家,都是英语,从美国人,英国人,澳洲人嘴里说出来就各有味道。

    举个例子,一个法国人吃饭的时候对我说要“ice”,我以为他要冰块,其实他想要米饭“rice”。 丹麦人就更不用说了,他们说话满嘴打嘟噜,没有扎实的听力就很难胜任工作。


    例如,我不懂“husband”这个词没关系,但“her childrens father”一定要让人听懂。 其次从内容上说,旅游英语更侧重广度。



    Chengdu Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, lies in the hinterland of the Chengdu Plain, in central Sichuan。

    Covering a total land area of 12,400 square kilometers, Chengdu has a jurisdiction of over 7 districts, 4 cities and 8 counties。 By the end of 1999, the population of Chengdu had reached 10。

    036 million, of which 3。30 million were urban residents。

    Chengdu enjoys a long history。 2,500 years ago, Kaiming IX, king of ancient Shu in the Zhou Dynasty (11th century 256BC), started to set up the capital in Chengdu。

    "A town was built in this area in the first year and the capital in the second year, so the ancestor named the city as Chengdu, which means to become a capital。 Later on, Chengdu gradually became one of the most important centers of politics, economy and culture in China。

    It has been the capital for the feudal dynasties five times and twice for the peasant uprising regimes, known as Dashu and Daxi。 As early as in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)), Chengdu began to enjoy the fame of one of the Top Five Capitals。

    In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Chengdu was reputed as the Yang (Yangzhou) first, yi (Chengdu) second; it had by then became the economic center just after Yangzhou。 In the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD), brocades produced in Chengdu were very popular in China。

    So Chengdu was also called the City of Brocade。 In the Five Kingdoms Period (907-960), Mengchang, king of the Houshu Kingdom, decreed to plant hibiscuses on the protective wall of the city, so Chengdu was also called the City of Hibiscus。

    As one of Chinas famous historical and cultural cities, Chengdu enjoys rich tourist resources。 15,500 years ago, a well-known poet in the Jin Kingdom, Zuo Si extolled Chengdu as lofty and pretty。

    This city has also gained the eulogium by both Li Bai, the poet immortal and Du Fu, the poet sage。 With rich cultural heritage and beautiful scenic spots, Chengdu is a peaceful and prosperous city。

    [edit] Eat Sichuan being the most known Chinese food style within China, you will find no shortage of delicious Sichuan food in Chengdu。 Most of the food is quite spicy, be sure to order non spicy (不要辣 bú yào là) or little spicy (微辣 wēi là) food, at least if you are not accustomed to it yet, or have a bottle of peanut milk ready to quell the fire。

    The local king of kings is the Hotpot, basically a big pot of oil, water and spices simmering in a hole in the middle of your table。 Patrons choose from a big variety of skewered food including veggies, sea-weed, fish, beef, chicken, and dogs meat and proceed to boil them in the oil。

    After the meal, your bill will be calculated by counting the skewer-sticks。

