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    I have several ideas why it is personal satisfaction and not money or fame that urges people to succeed. My belief is after you succeed in something you do you feel good about yourself, you feel as you just successfully completed your mission that you made for yourself and it makes you feel good inside. For example, after an actor wins an Academy Award, I think he does not think about money or fame but instead he or she feels as she is great at her job and it makes that person complete and happy inside. Another example are authors who usually never got famous or wealthy when they are alive, but its rather the personal feeling of fulfillment of happiness that inspires them to write great stories. Those are several reasons why I think its personal feeling and satisfaction and not fame and fortune that inspires people to succeed.。

    SAT买题集用谁家的比较好?(买那种一大本十几套题的) KAPLAN


    推荐几本我在新航道美国高考学习中心上课用过的书吧。1,《美国高考(SAT)备考全攻略》 彭铁城、徐卡嘉、李传伟 中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司 (2010出版)。

    这个书是宏观的教你备考SAT,新人需要,你不太需要~~~2,《SAT核心词汇21天速听速记(附MP3光盘1张)》 徐卡嘉、张登 高等教育出版社 (2010出版)这个很适合你,我花费了18天把这本书搞定,你只有十几天,OG肯定看很多次了,这个书特别适合快速冲击成绩。你词汇一般的话,一定要看啊!3,《SAT句子填空与高频词汇》 田雨、林蔓乐 中国对外翻译出版4,《SAT写作官方题库与范文》朱玺(Jade Zhu)、刘蔚(Amie Liu) 中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司 。

    这个书的范文强力推荐,因为很多书的范文都是 专家级的,老外一看就知道不是你这个年龄写的东西。而这本书的范文 都是以我们高中生的视角看时间,可以很好的借鉴。

    希望我的这些码字对你有帮助,反正我是在新航道学习的,不行建议你也找个这样的培训机构。 衷心希望所有中国人都能把SAT考出好成绩。




    求新SAT写作 模版

    2016新SAT相比过去的考试在写作部分的变动很大,因此有很多学生和老师认为,过去备考的话题、模版和范文在新SAT考试中失去了用武之地,但事实果真如此么? 众所周知,英语的听说读写四部分,说和写属于主动的“输出”,而听和读是被动的“输入”。



    面对新SAT写作,我们不仅不要回避模仿的重要性,还要在模仿中学习,在模仿中创造,在模仿中学以致用。 本着“凡有所学皆有所用”的原则,给大家举几个例子来体会仿句和积累的重要性,比如在新SAT的evidence-based writing中,每个body paragraph的第一句我们叫做topic sentence. Topic sentence是从introductory paragraph里面的thesis statement中发展而来的,且body paragraph的发展顺序应尽量和thesis statement中的顺序一致。

    我们给大家举三个例子供大家模仿和参考,从而进一步从优秀、经典、地道的模版中汲取写作所需的表达、句式和框架。 Example 1 (来自OG满分范文4-4-4). In response to our worlds growing reliance on artificial light, writer Paul Bogard argues that natural darkness should be preserved in his article “Let There Be Dark”. He effectively builds his argument by using a personal anecdote, allusions to art and history, and rhetorical questions. (最后一句即为thesis statement)) Body paragraph 1: Bogard starts his article off by recounting a personal story – a summer spent on a Minnesota lake where there was “woods so dark that his hands disappeared before his eyes” Body paragraph 2: Bogards argument is also furthered by his use of allusion to … Body paragraph 3: Finally, Bogard makes subtle yet efficient use of rhetorical questioning to persuade his audience that natural darkness preservation is essential. 从example 1中,我们可以汲取一种写作技巧,即把introductory paragraph的thesis statement中的三点分为三段在body paragraph中按顺序一一阐述,我们还可以参考以上满分作为所用的句式,给予一些变化,提取加工为模仿的素材。

    下面,我们看下一范例: Example 2. By using careful word choice, undeniable precise statistics, and effective language devices, the author successfully convinces his readers that… 而在接下来发展的3个body paragraph中,可以分别这样阐述: Body paragraph 1. In an attempt to … the author utilizes clever euphemisms and carefully selected word to describe … (careful word choice) Body paragraph 2. Building upon the …generated from careful word choice, the author continues successfully building the case by providing several key statistics which support his position. (undeniable precise statistics) Body paragraph 3. The author also employs creative language devices which appeal to both our emotions and our logic to complete his argument (effective language device) 以上例子均可以作为我们发展段落的模版句,并作为仿句的素材和蓝本进一步练习,学为己用。比如body paragraph的第一句topic sentence可以表达为 in an attempt to …/in an effort to build the validity of her position/ support his claim/ add power to his argument/ accentuate his perspective, the author …,还可以表达为分词句式,如utilizing carefully selected world choice/ building upon…, the author employs … to add to the persuasiveness of the essay. 我们需要认识到,写作提高的必经之路是模仿,但模仿绝不是机械的模仿,而且是有意识、有计划、有目的的进行模仿训练。


