
Keep Our Hearts Strong As the proverb goes, constant drops wear out the stone。
Good habits help pave our way to success。 However, during the cultivation of good habits we are frequently bewildered and baffled by temptations from the world around us。
only when we are alert and determined enough to resist these temptations can we take a right and unswerving road to success。 In our daily life, it is essential for us to be self-disciplined。
A healthy lifestyle, which may consist of regular exercise and balanced diet, is what most people are pursuing in contemporary society。 Yet many people cannot resist the coziness of staying in and temptation of tasty but fatty food, thus giving up half way cultivating healthy habits and getting decreasingly robust。
In addition, our progress in academic performance depends on good habits。 We must restrain ourselves from endless entertainment。
Otherwise, distracted and indulged, we can never maintain a good learning habit, let alone achieve academic excellence。 In summary, good habits rely on strong hearts that are not disturbed by temptations。
With persistence and perseverance, we are heading to success。 【点评】: 本次作文要求以“Good habits result from resisting temptation。
初稿评语: 论文题与论文的内容基本相符,结构基本完整,语言也比较通顺,没有大的语法错误。
二稿评语: 在一稿的基础上有所改进,合并了某些不必要的段落,重拟了论文中某些章节的标题,修改了某些病句,参考文献中的错误也得到了纠正。 新的修改意见包括:摘要的首句,关键词的更换,对影响Jack London的一生,并在其作品The Call of the Wild中有所体现的“Superman”还应有进一步的说明。
建议从London是所谓超人,Buck也是超狗的角度说明两者之间的联系以及作者生平对其作品的影响。 定稿评语 论文题与论文的内容基本相符,结构完整,语言比较流畅。
即或在初稿中除了分段过细外,也没有发现多少严重的语法或拼写错误。作者试图从Jack London的生平中寻找作家与其小说中某个人物的关联。
从内容看,作者对原著比较了解,也收集到了相关的资料,但仅限于资料的罗列,如何通过分析资料得出自己的结论这是论文写作应达到的目的,而恰恰在这一点上,作者所下的功夫还不够。 [例二] 初稿评语: 论文涉及的内容对跨国公司内文化冲突的解决有一定的指导意义。
二稿评语: 在一稿的基础上有较大改进。主要的问题多已解决。
定稿评语: 论文结构完整,各部分基本符合英语论文的写作规范。作者试图从东西方文化对比的角度分析跨国公司内的文化冲突并寻找解决的途径。
[例三] 初稿评语: 论文的选题很好,有创意。作者对Maslow的心理学理论及Jack London的原著都有所研究。
其实杰克伦敦作品中的那条狗在某种程度上说是拟人化了的,是体现所谓权力意志的超人,或super dog。此外语法上也有一些错误。
二稿评语: 作者在一稿的基础上作了比较认真的修改。论文从内容到形式上都有很大的改进。
定稿评语: 论文的选题很好,有创意。据了解,作者是在商务英语的学习中接触到Maslow的心理学理论的。
而初次读到Jack London的The Call of the Wild则是在大学二年级的英语阅读课上。为了写好这篇论文,作者作了一定研究,特别是Jack London的原著。
考学生or烤家长: 写作原文 In the given picture, there are many parents standing at the gate of (outside)the examination room。 As we see, they are so worried that the sweat began (begin)to pour down their face。
In china, it is common knowledge that the exam decides (may determine)the future of children。 Hence, it reflects the problem that the (加上current Chinese表意更完整)educational system is unreasonable。
In fact, the problem has existed for several years。 Especially in china, the examination score decides the childrens development in the future。
(语法正确,但句意不合理。改为the examination score may influence childrens future development。
)In a sense, the examination seems to be the only standard that chooses the talents(can be used to select talents)。 Furthermore, it is so terrible educational system (the educational system is so terrible)。
I think we must take some effective measures to solve this problem。 In my opinion, we should adopt the following measures。
On the one hand, we should reform the educational institution and establish a more flexible approach to choose the talent (select talents)。 On the other hand, parents should give up the idea that the exam is the only key to judge (measure)childrens ability。
总体点评 本文立意正确,内容切题,结构完整,需注意以下问题:1、文章的立意虽然正确,且深入切题,但文章的内容不够丰富充实,原因分析不够深刻。 第二段在分析造成现象的时候提出了三点“考试决定孩子的未来”“考试是选拔人才的唯一标准”“教育制度很差”——“考试为什么会决定孩子的未来,它怎样决定了孩子的未来?”“为什么是选拔人才的唯一标准?(在现有的实情方面,因为其他方法难以实施和操作)”“教育制度很差,体现在什么方面?”2、文章内容的衔接逻辑不是很清楚,如第二段先说“考试决定未来”后说“考试是选拔人才的唯一标准”,而实际上“正因为在目前考试是选拔人才的唯一标准,所以考试在某种意义上决定了孩子的未来”。
因此,建议作者以后在写作之中不要提笔就写,先列出一个大纲,把自己的思路理顺,使自己的文章逻辑清晰,通顺流畅。 参考分数(满分20分):12 英语写作水平的提升需要不断地练习,在改正错误中不断取得进步,不怕犯错误,怕明知道犯错误却不面对。
Growing urban population and declining rural population From the graph, we can see that the urban population was growing and the rural population was declining from 1990 to 2010。
The number of the urban population rose from 300 million in 1990 to about 460 million in 2000, and to about 685 million in 2010, while the rural population decreased from about 820 million in 1990 to 800 million in 2000 and to about 690 million in 2010。 Its obvious that in the past two decades, the urban area witnessed a steady growth, but in the latter decade, the rural population had a remarkable decline。
There are two reasons for this phenomenon。 On one hand, the economic boom led to the regular improvement of peoples living standard, and further resulted in a steady growing urban population。
On the other hand, from 2000, the countryside urbanization oriented by the government gave rise to a conspicuously declining rural population。 In conclusion, based on the above analysis, the urban population will be growing, while the rural population will continue to drop in the future。
点评:本次考研英语二大作文是图表作文,这也是历年大作文的典型题目之一。针对图表作文,我们一般采用三段式来谋篇布局, 第一段概述图表的信息,指出变化的趋势和不同,第二段分析造成这一趋势以及变化不同的原因,第三段则根据以上分析展望未来的变化。