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    对话2:Behind the Gold Medal

    Reporter: Congratulate you on earning all round champions!祝贺你获得全能项目的金牌!

    Yang Wei: Thank you!谢谢!

    Reporter: At the moment can you tell us your feeling?你能告诉我们你此时此刻的心情吗?

    Yang Wei: Very excited and happy.很激动,也很高兴。

    Reporter: What do you want to say best?你现在最想说些什么?

    Yang Wei: Thank my coach my parents my close players and all the friends who support me fully. Thank you very much!感谢我的教练、我的父母、我亲密无间的队友们以及所有权利支持我的朋友们。谢谢你们!

    Reporter: Your coach is very kind to you isnt he?你的教练对你非常好,对吗?

    Yang Wei: Yes. But very stict with me. He was quite strict in every movement during the training sometimes it seemed to be a little severe.是的。但对我非常严格,他对我训练中的每一个动作要求都相当严格,有时似乎有点苛刻。

    Reporter: I think it is very helpful to you.我想这对你很有帮助。

    Yang Wei: Now I understand it completely. Except that my players are always correcting my unperfect movements. Im very thankful to them.现在我完全理解。除此之外,我的队友也总给我纠正不完美的动作,我非常感激他们。

    Reporter: Thank you for your time. Best wishes for you!谢谢你接受我们的采访。祝福你!


    对话1:Thats Too Perfect

    Bob: Did you watch the performance of gymnastics last night?昨天晚上的体操表演你看了吗?

    Jim: Of course. I like it best. He Kexin won uneven bars and her performance was too perfect!当然,我太喜欢了。何可欣赢得了高低杠金牌。她的表演太精彩了!

    Bob: Last night her performance looked so relaxed and graceful.昨天晚上她的表演看上去是那样的轻松自如,优美娴熟。

    Jim: She was quite an experienced gymnast! Not only the performance was perfect but also the movements were quite to the music.她是个相当有经验的体操运动员,不但表演漂亮,动作和音乐的配合也完美无比。

    Bob: Right. The movement that she balanced herself on the strength with a single arm was so wonderful that all the audience stood up.说得对。它用一只手臂的力量保持整个身体平衡的那个动作做得如此出色,以致于所有的观众都站起来了。

    Jim: En. It needs quite good skills and physical strength to do that.嗯。那需要相当高的技术和力量。

    Bob: Yes. Her landing was also swift and sure.对,她的落地也同样轻快娴熟。

    急求成功人士访谈录稿 英文的

    Perez, 39, is now creative director of the privately held Zumba Fitness. His success is all the more impressive given the obstacles hes overcome. Raised in Cali, Colombia, by a single mother, Alberto “Beto” Perez was just 14 when his mom was injured by a stray bullet. To help support them, he worked three jobs.佩雷斯39岁,如今是私立尊巴舞健身中心的创意指导。




    加力城的最优秀的学院给他电话,请他边教健身操边学舞蹈。All the while, he dreamed of turning his passion—dance—into something more, but he couldnt afford lessons. (Perez says he saw the movie Grease when he was seven or eight, “and I knew I wanted to dance.”) What he lacked in formal training, though, he made up for in raw talent. At 19, he won a national lambada contest. One of Calis best academies called with an offer to study dance while teaching step aerobics.One day, Perez forgot the music for his class. He had one cassette with him—Latin music hed taped from the radio. “I improvised,” he says, “and that was the beginning of Zumba.”有一天,佩雷斯忘了带课堂音乐,他身边只有一盘录音带,上面是他从收音机里录的音乐。

    “我就即兴起舞,”他说,“尊巴舞出现了“。once the popular instructor got his break in Miami, would-be investors started approaching him about opening a gym. One of Perezs students asked him to meet her son, Alberto Perlman. At 24, Perlman was doing market analysis on startups for an Internet incubator with his childhood friend Alberto Aghion (an operations guy) and watching his career options disappear with the dot-com crash. Perlman (now CEO of Zumba) hit it off with Perez immediately and recruited Aghion as COO and president.这位流行舞蹈教练在迈阿密刚出头,未来的投资人就找上门来开健身房了。


    他和佩雷斯一拍即合。,With no money or experience, the partners needed to showcase Perezs talents. They spent a night laying down plywood boards on Sunny Isles Beach, then invited Perezs students to take a $20 class that they would film and show to potential investors. But after September 11, 2001, all leads dried up. Eventually, they made an infomercial, which sold about a million DVDs in six months.没有钱也没有经验,合伙人只有展现佩雷斯的才能。

    他们花了一个晚上在太阳岛海滩搭了木台,然后请来佩雷斯的学生出20美金上课,他们把课堂拍成片子给有兴趣的投资人看。但是,2001年9.11 以后,所有资源都干竭了。

    最后他们拍了商业广告片,在六个月中,卖了大约一百万张碟片。What happened next caught them by surprise: People started saying, “I want to be an instructor, like Beto.” Since the first workshop, in 2003, the partners, based in Hollywood, Florida, have created a global community of instructors. For $30 a month, they can join the Zumba Instructor Network, post their class schedules, and access new music and choreography (zumba.com).随后发生的事情让他们大吃一惊:大家都开始说:“我要做教练,像佩雷斯那样。”


    When asked about revenue, Perlman is tight-lipped: “We dont disclose figures, but its in the many millions.” The partners say theyve barely tapped the possibilities for the business. “Were releasing a Nintendo Wii game in 2010 and adding to our Zumbawear line,” says Perez. “Expect to see our first sneakers soon!”问到营业额,博尔曼守口如瓶:“我们不泄漏具体数字,但有数百万吧。”合伙人说他们刚找到些生意机会:“2010年,我们要发行一个任天堂Wii游戏,还要在尊巴舞服装系列中加产品,”佩雷斯说,“不久你就可以看到我们第一批运动鞋!”。


    For all Roger fans ,today is a special day,Roger has been world NO.1 for 100 weeks.

    To be honest,my favorite sports celebrity used to be david Beckham,Ive been keen on him for more than 6 years.But when the first time I saw Roger play on the court(I mean a live match,not Sports news or something),I knew something changed.I began to know how hard he was working,though he is NO.1,though people are still talking about who and how can defeat Roger Federer,for he is so mentlly strong.

    The last tournament of 2005. The Shanghai Tennis Masters Cup.Before it started ,we had known it would be hard for him,for he was injured and walked with a stick just three weeks ago.But he played so well that made us almost forgot his injury.the last match.Roger Federer VS David Nalbandian. theyd had faced before the final in that tournament.the final was a hard match ,and it lasted 4and a half hours,but goger lost the game because of his injury,you could see how upset he was.That was the last match of the year!But he still smiled and congrstulated his opponent.

    That match,he lost but he wasnt been defeated.As one of his fans,Im so proud of him.He is not only a great player but also a great man!A true man!

    The new year is coming and he has gone to Australia to prepare.He has sacrificed so much for tennis,sohe deserves what he got!2006 is a brand new year,and challenges and trophies are awaiting him ahead.GO,ROGER!!!!!


    Michael: I m happy to play with all the players, because they had a great team……. not one, two, three…..(大家注意!这句话是熊的金字招牌~~前后超猛重复~太可爱拉!~) …..good players ,all, all,er (真的无语了~)….all big players ,er, and, I didnt first…. strange secession (这词用的真地道~就是没听懂前后联系,555都是我的错~~估计是想说 go through the secession) …its er, er,…. temper(ature) s high, yeah, very fast(搞什么啊到底???)…and good quality,. .high quality …I think its not one special player….i might be (do?too?。。..我被彻底搞甍了%&^%*^() play with all these players and ,er….yes…theyre very ,very …good teams primarily(猛赞!!!!) not one, two…..(金,子,招,牌,显,灵……….) Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham(克帅的老东家呀~~)…yes,..all…only…few., short part of ,of….but Im happy ,happy to play in this big league (棒棒~~)and yeah…


    Reporter:%#&%$^%@%$#%)_*_。。。.singing the song…..something has to say?

    Michael: (重重的一记傻笑!) hehehehe ….. it was a German song , and.. I dont know the title(这德国调重的~~) but… nobody understand it whats good for me (又笑!!傻巴~)..

    (Chelsea field for photo opportunity….. )

    Reporter: ……….^*)^*&%*^$(&_)(+_)(_)*(&^$%#$%@。。.. (又哭….大概就是问对冠军联赛有什么期待~~)

    Michael: first… we look for the season …because thats important….because Italian….during the season.. very famous….i think the national title and(看来熊是一生也忘不了那场伤心赛了55555陪着我的熊熊`) ….ja…after this, were looking for the champions league(熊做梦都在念叨的词儿),…..we had a great team ,also with six, seven, eight(我数我数数数…..)…..other teams in Europe they can win the champions league.(老这么捧人家~~~)..and .yeah…its(&^*&_(*+)_()_)((*……(翻译终于终于终于忍不住了…熊也忍不住了.) great challenge for me and ,er…our team to win this……

    求英语作文 My Favorite Character

    My Favorite Character

    At present, there are a lot of cartoons on TV, I like the cartoon character is a break, a break clever kind-hearted lively, and, in times of emergency, he can always come up with a lot of ways. I wish I could just as intelligent as him. Hugh liked a pleasure in helping people, so I will have more friends.



    央视英文栏目主持人、诗人林东威个人简介(英文)1. People often recognize you as an experienced English news reader on TV, do you think your TV image has formed part of your social identity? Yes, of course. Everyone has his social identity, whether he is literally "within" or "without" the society. Even a hermit who lives in seclusion or a bank robber has his social identity.--"Non-social" or "anti-social" is his social identity. Theres just no way for us to escape. There are some people whose social identities seem to be more "social" than others because they represent public images, and I am supposed to be one of those. For many people, my social identity is the guy who reads something on TV in a language alien to theirs, and they know me by face, but dont know what Im saying. Im just joking. But "identity" is indeed an interesting word, it refers to something that identifies with your true self, something that makes you what you are. In this way, it seems, one should only have one identity, the one and only. But thats apparently not the case with us. We often find several, if not many, identities linked to us that depend upon different situations: when you are with a lot of people, when you are with relatively fewer people, when you are with "that specific person", or, when you are alone, with yourself. So which one is supposed to be true? Or perhaps they are all true? And this means we all live in schizophrenia---or schizo-personalities---in some sense. 2. To what extent has this professional role set your course of life? To a great extent. It may be accidental what you choose to be your profession at first, but once you make the choice, you have blocked the way to other choices, and everything is set to go along the track you take. There might be points in my life---and in anyone elses life---when chances were equal for me to become a TV anchorman, a hermit, or a gang member. I dont mean Ive ever considered being a gang member. What Im trying to say is that a person has all the potential, or hidden energy (benign or malignant), to realize himself, but he has to choose only one way at a time, this or that, and he will live the kind of life that best suits his choice. No viewers life would be affected if I was not doing this job, but my course of life would certainly not be the same. 3. The TV business has made what you are, and you have also made the TV program what it is. How do you make TV your means of personal fulfillment? TV really gives me a sense of fulfillment, but its not personal enough. If were talking about fulfillment as accomplishment or consequences, as a kind of effort to change something, then TV-making is perhaps on the top of the list. No other business has ever had such a great influence on peoples way of living and thinking than television. As a TV worker, Im certainly glad to see that my work is producing such tangible results. But, wait, its not my work, its our work. TV production is highly social, it involves collective labor rather than personal creativity. Thats why I say its not personal enough. But theres still some personal side in it: sometimes when Im on the street or in a restaurant, I would hear people say: "Hey, look! Thats the guy who speaks English on TV." At that moment, my little vanity gets satisfied. Thats human weakness, and its fairly personal. 4. If you prefer some other media of expression, what are they? And why? It may be one of those more conventional and private means of expression, like writing. When you write, you dont have to think of anything other than what you want to express. You can be wholly faithful to yourself without offending others, and thats an absolute sense of freedom. You can say writing is the kind of game that allows much space for individual wisdom and creativity, though not so gorgeous and dazzling as the game of television. 5. It seems that you are widely read, what is the book that has influenced your life most and how? Its really hard to name a specific book that has such a magic power. Truly, reading is like magic to me, but no single bible in this world can do that. Its like preparing a magic potion: you need to mix up all kinds of herbs and minerals and maybe animal bloods to get a powerful liquid that changes life. So, before Im given the power to know, to love and to think wisely, I still got a lot more to mix and drink. 6. Looking back, how will you describe your trajectory of thinking influenced by the Chinese and Anglo Cultures? My pre-college reading was largely based on traditional Chinese literature, combined with limited access to Western classics as Greek mythology and Shakespeare and some other 。


    Hello,everyone!My name is Amy .I was born in April.I studied in No.13 Moddle Scholl.I have a good friend.Her name is Jenny.SHe is a lovely girl .She is good at English and Chinese.She is a excellent student.Most students like her and the teachers like her ,too.I am very happy and relaxed ,when I play games with her. I believe I can make friend with her.The best wishes to her.。


    Interviewer: Alice

    To be interviewed: Kira.ye

    I: Universiade will come. What you will make a contribution to the Universiade?

    Kira.ye: Led by example .the image of their own personal accomplishment. Show Pengcheng image. So foreigners, will recognize that China is not the past or thinking of going to China . also sign up volunteers. For large cargo services

    I: How you will bless the Universiade?

    Kira.ye: How a blessing law?

    Kira.ye: Want the world to know China Universiade.know the young city of Shenzhen

    I: The arrival of the Universiade what you feel?

    Kira.ye: Very happy. Very excited because of the arrival of the Universiade, the MTR was fully opened to the time .. not "ride hard" but also ease the traffic pressure

    I: Your understanding of the Universiade?

    Kira.ye: Because in the Shenzhen office of the Grand Canal I can better understand the Grand Canal .. 2011 is my understanding of the Grand Canal.


    My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies.

    My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

    My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon.




