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  • 剑桥10task1范文



    Summarisetheinformationbyselectingandreportingthemainfeatures,andmakecomparisonswhererelevant。 SampleAnswer: Thegivengraphshowsthestructureandprocessesofgeneratingelectricityfromthewavepower。

    Asisobservedfromthepresentedillustration,thewaveisusedtoproducetheelectricityandboththetideandebbthestructureisusedtorotateaturbinetoproducetheelectricity。 Accordingtothegivepictorial,theelectricityproducingmachineworksintwoways。

    Firstly,thestructureisplacesnearaseasothatthewavewatergetsinsidethechamberandcreatesanairpressurethatwouldrotatetheturbineplacedinsideacolumn。 Therotationoftheturbineproduceselectricitywhichisstoredinthecellsandthiselectricitycanbepassedandused。

    Thewholestructureisplacednearthesea,adjacenttoaclifforseawall。 Thesecondillustrationdepictshowtheelectricitycanbeproducedusingtheebbtideofthesea。

    Duringtheebb,thewatergetsofffromthechamberandtheairpressureiscreatedagainfromtheoppositedirectionandthisrotatestheturbine。 Therotationoftheturbineproduceselectricityandsuppliesittothestorage。



    The pie charts below show the average household expenditures in a country in 1950 and 2010。

    Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant。 Sample Answer: The provided pie charts shows the expenses made in housing, food, health care, education, transportation and other items in a country in 1950 and 2010。

    As is observed from the pie charts, in 1950 almost two-third expenditure was in housing whereas this average expenditure has been increased for food, transportation etc。 in 2010。

    According to the given data, more than 70% expenditure was in housing in 1950。 The second most expenditure in this country was in food。

    All other expenditures including health care, education, transportation etc。 were less than 20% in total。

    After 60 years the trends of expenditure in this country significantly changed。 Peoples expenditure in housing decreased to only 22% while the expenditure for food increased to 34%。

    Interestingly the expenditure on education decreased over time while the expenses for transportation increased to 14%。 All other expenditure in 1950 was only 4。

    4% which increased to 19。2% in 2010 which indicates the new addition on category where people started expensing than they did in 1950。

    In summary, the expenditure nature of people had changed significantly in 2010 than that had been in 1950。


    第二句:we can see。




    泛指一份数据图表:a data graphart/diagram/illustration/table 饼图:pie chart 直方图或柱形图:bar chart / histogram 趋势曲线图:line chart / curve diagram 表格图:table 流程图或过程图:flow chart / sequence diagram 程序图:processing/procedures diagram。




    因为凌乱。所以本文是5.5 分The map illustrates the two possible locations for a new planned supermarket(S) for the town of Garlson whose population is 65,000.It can be seen clearly from the map that the Garlson town is made up of four parts. In the middle is the town centre,surrounded by the housing part at each the north and south side of which is an industrial part./这句话很混乱,可以调整为:situated in the middle, the town center is surrounded by an industrial part in both north and south side.All of the above three parts are surroundede by the countryside as a whole.Both the two possible sites for the new supermarket,S1 and S2,have a railway nearby.The difference of the two locations are as follows.S2 is in the town centre and it has access to three main roads to three places(Hindon,Bransdon and Cransdon) with a total population of 54,000.However,S1 located in the countrside with only one main road available to Hindon(population,10,000).It is easy to draw a conclusion from the map that, in comparison with S1,S2 is relatively better in terms of transportation available and the number of people the new supermarket may serve.。


    这个柱图比较简单 我说两个主要问题吧1,最重要的:最后一段最好重新写雅思小作文写作一个重要的要求就是客观,不要加任何的主观的因素上去。

    况且任务要求里没有让你做对未来的预测。所以最后只需要把前面的总结一下,然后挑选出main feature来说明一下。


    可以做如下修改:按照三种通话方式来分别写,写出他们各自最主要的特征。比如Local一只最高然后经理上升下降,现在仍保持最高;另外两种都在上升;再写一下始末峰值就好了;然后在必要的数据处做一下对比,比如最开始Local 是固话的2倍。

    最终两者仅相差10。(主体段中选择main features还有作对比比较是很重要的,这里我只是提供一个思路)语言方面还不错,句式比较多样。



    您好 我是北京世纪雅思的老师,很高兴为您解答:图表作文的主体段构思作为文章的最核心的内容,主体段的完整质量在很大程度上决定了考生最后的成绩,因此完成结构合理,用词准确的主体段就成为高分作文的关键。

    对于雅思写作A类的task one图表类作文来说,主体段的写作任务就在于要求考生在规定的时间范围内,对题目所示图表等信息进行逻辑性的归纳和总结,并将其用准确地和高质量的英文进行语言表达。但总结发现,对于很大一部分的考生来说,在理解图表内容和准确描述数据信息这两个方面都存在着一定的困难。

    部分考生无法准确把握图表信息,同时理清其逻辑关系和信息的重点,而仅仅能够对图表中的单个信息点进行机械化的罗列,从而造成评分要求中TASK ACHIEVEMENT一项的得分很低;另外一部分考生则没有很好的数据信息描述的能力,对于图表作文中常用的表达方式没有很好的把握,或用简单和重复的语言,或在表达上出现一定量的语法错误,从而导致评分要求中对语言应用能力方面的扣分。那么,图表类作文的主体段到底如何进行构思和行文呢?如何把握图表中的重点信息和核心内容?在行文过程中哪些表达方式是必不可少的呢?根据图表作文题中题目信息的特点,图表作文可以分成两大类,我们将其定义为“与时俱进”和“定时定点”两种,表现在具体的图表上也就是说如果在图表中有出现以时间推进为基准的数据比较,则归类为“与时俱进”类;反之,如果图表中未有出现以时间推移而变化的信息,则将其归入“定时定点”类。




    希望可以帮助到您,如果需要更多雅思写作的学习资料可以加我QQ1270707 .。

    雅思task1作文Hours of leisure time per year in Someland

    The table shows how people in different age groups spend their leisure time in Someland over the course of a year. It can be clearly seen that the amount of leisure time available varies considerably across the age groups and that people of different age levels have very different ways of spending their leisure time.

    According to the figures, as people age in Someland their social lives reduce. Teenagers and people in their twenties spend on average 500 hours per year on socialising and 350 hours of that time is with a group of more than 4 people. Although the total hours of socialising in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s is fairly constant (between 300-350), socialising with more than 4 people drops dramatically to 50 hours in the 30s and 40s age groups and only 25 from 50 years old. Group and individual exercise follow a similar pattern.

    People of all ages spend a good part of their leisure time on entertainment such as TV/video viewing and cinema. In both cases, teenagers and retired people spend around twice as much time as those who are at working age. Home entertainment ranges from just over a thousand hours for teenagers and retired people and an average of 600 hours for everyone else. Cinema accounts for 100 hours of the teenagers and retired peoples leisure time and 25-50 hours for the rest.

    In conclusion we can see there is a significant trend towards solitary and smaller group activities as people grow older and that teenagers and retired people spend a lot more time on entertainment than those of working age do.


