
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren: 尊敬的女士们,先生们:Zuerst darf ich mich vorstellen. Ich heiße XXX und bin am xx.xx.xxxx in XX.首先我介绍一下自己。
我叫XXX,X年X月X日出生在XX。geboren. Ich möchte mich um einen Studienplatz des Masterstudiengangs我想申请贵校2012/2013冬季学期企业经济学硕士课程的一个学习位置。
„Betriebswirtschaftlehre“ im Wintersemester 2012/2013 an Ihrer Universität bewerben.Nachdem ich im Juni xxxx an der staatlichen Aufnahmeprüfung der Hochschulen我在X年6月参加高考后,teilgenommen hatte, wurde ich von der Universität XX zum Bachelorstudium XX zugelassen.被XX大学XX本科专业录取。Ich werde im Juli xxxx mein Bachelorabschlusszeugnis erhalten. Während des Studiums in我将于X年7月获得学士学位。
在中国的大学学习期间我很勤奋,所以我学习到了China war ich fleißig, deshalb habe ich gute Fachkenntnisse gewonnen. Und durch das较好的专业知识。通过在中国的大学学习,我越来越想要学习更多关于经济学方面Bachelorstudium in China interessiere ich mich immer mehr für Wirtschaftswissenschaft.的专业知识。
Vor einiger Monate hatte ich eine Chance, mit deutschen Kulturen und Leuten kennen zu在几个月之前我得到了一个学习、了解德国文化和人民的机会。lernen. Anschließend habe ich in Beijing Neworiental School Deutsch gelernt. Ich habe那就是我在北京新东方学校学习了德语。
我发现,德国是一个安静、舒适和美丽的gefunden, dass Deutschland ruhiger, angenehmer und schöner ist, und seine Bildung ist国家,他的教育水平很高。hervorragend. Ich habe insgesamt 300 Studienstunden Deutsch gelernt. Je mehr Kenntnisse我总计学习了300学时的德语。
随着我获得了很多有关于德语和德国的知识,我越发von Deutsch und Deutschland ich bekam, desto größere Lust zu dem Studium in对去德国留学产生了很大的兴趣。Deutschland hatte ich.Soviel ich weiß, ist das Fach „Betriebswirtschaftlehre“ an Ihrer Hochschule sehr bekannt.据我所知,企业经济学这个专业在贵校很知名。
Und in der Geschichte hat Deutschland zahlreiche berühmte Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und并且在德国历史上培养了众多著名的经济学家和企业家。Geschäftsmann herangebildet. Wenn ich die Studiengelegenheit bei Ihnen hätte, würde ich如果我能获得在贵校学习的机会,我将学会先进的知识以便充实我的经验和阅历。
gerne die fortschrittlichen Wissen erlernen und meine Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen erreichern.Ich freue mich darauf, wenn Sie sich Zeit für mich nähmen, meinen Antrag zu prüfen. Ich如果您有时间考虑我的申请,对此我会很高兴。我听说了很多关于贵校的信息,对habe viel von Ihrer Hochschule gehört und bekomme einen tiefen Eindruck auf Ihre贵校有了深刻的印象。
Hochschule. Auch die schöne Landschaft und gute Studienatmosphäre an Ihrer Hochschule我还觉得贵校有着非常美丽的风景和非常好的学习气氛。gefällt mir sehr. Deshalb wünsche ich, an Ihrer Hochschule mein Studium fortzusetzen. 因此我希望能在贵校继续我的学业。
Ich plane, dass ich zuerst an dem Deutschkurs teilnehmen werde, damit ich mein Deutsch我计划,首先我将参加德语语言班,这样我能提高我的德语水平,verbessern kann, weil es eine bessere Sprachumgebung in Deutschland als in China gibt und因为相比中国德国有更好的语言环境,geeignet für die Vorbereitung auf das Studium ist. 这对参加学习准备考试很有用。Mein Studium wird von meinen Eltern finanziert, deshalb brauche ich mich keine Sorgen um我的学业由我父母提供资金,所以我不需要担心自己会发生财政问题。
das Finanzproblem zu machen. Ich plane, dass ich in Deutschland noch fleißiger studieren我计划,自己还是必须勤奋的学习。muss. Obwohl das Studium nicht leicht ist, glaube ich, mit der Hilfe der Professoren und虽然学习不会轻松,但我认为有了教授们的帮助加上我自己的勤奋,meiner Fleißigkeit ich alle Schwerigkeiten überwinden kann. Nach dem Studium möchte ich我能克服全部的困难。
毕业后我想回到中国,在中国传播、运用先进的专业知识。nach China zurückkehren, um die fortschrittlichen Fachkenntnisse in China zu vermitteln undverwenden.Ich danke Ihnen im Voraus. Ich erhoffe mich, schnell wie möglich einen günstigen Bescheid我提前谢谢您。
我希望尽快得到您的一个好的答复。von Ihnen zu bekommen.Mit freundlichen Grüßen致以亲切的问候Ihr XXX您的XXX。
出国推荐书范文是什么样的?出国推荐书范文 -
As Principal of George Mason High School I am delighted to recommend to you a stellar member of our teaching staff, Mr. Samuel Cohen, and to write this letter on his behalf. Sam has taught American History at the school for three years. He is one of our most popular and effective instructors and has already won several teaching awards. He came to us directly upon completion of his bachelors degree, but immediately settled in as if an old pro. Sam is a master of all of the ingredients of successful teaching, especially the ability to inspire. This gentleman is highly professional in both dress and demeanor. To my knowledge Sam has never come to work without both a suit and tie, more times than not a bow tie. The majority of others at the school, both teachers and students, dress differently and lean to more informality. Never once, however, has Sams manner of dress elicited the slightest comment. Why? It is simply because Sams attire seems entirely natural given his dignified comportment. That comportment in turn is driven by Sams love and respect for American History. Sam views himself as the messenger for something serious and important, and this is reflected in the way he teaches and in the way his students respond. Reaction to Sams classes has been overwhelmingly positive. So much so that more than once it has been reported to me that study hall students have been spotted lingering outside the door to Sams classroom listening to his lessons. Sams impact has even been felt outside the school with the parents themselves. His section on the importance of voting has inspired students to cajole their parents to register to vote. Several have mentioned this to me at parent-teacher meetings. One even called the school to have me pass on their thanks to Mr. Cohen. The only thing that we in the school administration have ever worried about in regard to Sam is the prospect of funding his bottled water. Sam is such a passionate and prolific speaker that he needs a steady supply to maintain his voice. So far we have gotten a pass on this, as students have bought it for him, including what must have been a years supply on his last birthday. It will be a sad day when we announce that Sam will be pursuing his graduate degree on a fulltime basis. We can only hope that he keeps his promise and returns to us as soon as the ink is dry on his new diploma. Sincerely, Harold W. Brown Principal George Mason High School。
德语版 自荐信
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,ich bewerbe mich bei Ihnen unaufgefordert, da ich davon ausgehe, dass eine Firma Ihrer Größenordnung Mitarbeiter, die sich beruflich stark engagieren, nicht nur gern fördert, sondern auch, weil ich bei Ihnen eine bessere berufliche Perspektive sehe.Mein Diplom habe ich bereits erfolgreich im Studiengang „Mechatronik“ abgeschlossen. Über Kenntnisse in der Programmiersprache C/C++, in der SPS-Programmierung sowie in den Programmen AutoCAD, Pro-Engineer 2.0, CATIA V5 und MS-Office verfüge ich bereits.Meine Stärke liegen in der Konzeption und ich kann gut zeichnen. 再写上一点你投哪个职位,说上几句这个公司的好话,就OK了。
自荐信不用长,但要表达1) 英语水平2) 提供评委需要知道的关键内涵, 主要是你为何选该学府,教授和研究课题3) 表达个人能力-不要平铺直述,最好用个人经历来展示如果你有具体的资料,我可以协助你,到我空间留言吧!马克吐温对朋友道歉说:"对不起,我没时间给你写一封短信!" 写一封好的短信比长篇大论难多了!!TO: Prof. So&SoFaculty of XYZDepartment of ABCUniversity of PQR Dear Prof. So&So[Further to my application made on DDMMYY], I have the pleasure of supplementing it [my application] with this letter of introduction to offer you a more rounded view of myself. As my primary interest is in researching “Topic of Special Interest”, I have done a fair bit of research to locate the best mentor and the best institution to allow me to realize my objectives. Your work in “Area of Special Interest” , especially your publications in “list details…….” , are of particular interest to me and they are the reasons why I seek entry to your university. If admitted, I am able to continue work along the lines of your present research without much training or supervision since I have exposure and actual experience in the following areas: “ list details………”During my university years, I am used to working in a team environment. For example, list……as many cases as possible to show leadership and effective work in a team environment……Write up one or two cases to show desirable attributes such as ……innovative, persist in solving problems, hard working and having every good interpersonal skills. (Note: it is quite bland to just quote the words, I am creative, hardworking, reliable etc. etc., no one will take note of this very much; it is far better to offer actual examples in your personal history to show these attributes!!)In closing, although I have not been to your city, I did a fair bit of investigation on the environs of PQR University and found the people and geography there highly exciting. I am looking forward to settling down there already!Yours sincerely,Your prospective student。
April 13,2000
Nanyuan YiShe Box 36
Jilin University
Changchun,China 130012
Dear Sir/Madam:
Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.
According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.
During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.
I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.
With many thanks,
Wang Lin
尊敬的领导: 您好!衷心的感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的这份材料,并祝愿贵单位事业欣欣向荣,蒸蒸日上! 通过三年多的学习,我的总成绩排在土建专业第三名的位置。
此外,在假期期间我还担任家教工作,把所学知识做到融会贯通,教学合一。 请给我一个机会运用我的所学为贵单位服务,将十六年积累的知识回报于社会。
此致 敬礼 自荐人:xxx xxxx年xx月xx日。
Dear leaders: Hello! 非常感谢您能在百忙之中抽出时间阅读本人的求职自荐信。
I really appreciate your taking the time in his busy schedule to read my job cover letter. 我是广州民航职业技术学院09机电的学生,将在2012年6月毕业。 I was in Guangzhou Civil Aviation College 09 mechanical and electrical students will graduate in June 2012. 在即将踏上征程之际,在此呈上自己的求职信息,特毛遂自荐,愿意接受贵公司的考核与挑选。
about to embark on the occasion, goes to his job in this information, especially houses, are willing to accept your evaluation and selection. 大学三年是我不断进取、逐步完善、充实自己、开拓奋斗的三年。 University for three years that I keep making progress, and gradually improve and enrich themselves, to open up a three-year struggle. 这一切都是为明天的发展而准备。
All this is preparation for tomorrows development. 大学三年里,我除了熟练地掌握基础知识之外,在学习本专业的同时,辅修计算机,现计算机已达到了专业水平,这一切使我初步具备了从事计算机应用、二维制图等多方面的工作能力。 University for three years, I mastered the basics of addition, the study of the profession in the same time, a minor in computer, now the computer has reached the professional level, all that I have engaged in the initial application, two-dimensional graphics and other aspects ability to work. "良禽择木而栖,士为知己者死",面临物尽其用,人尽其才的今天,我希望到重视人才,注重实干的公司,同时也希望以我所学,尽我所能,为贵单位的繁荣与发展贡献自己一份微薄之力。
"Good birds greener pastures, who is friends are dead", facing the best use of expertise and resources of today, I want to focus on talent, hard work pay attention to the company, but also I want to learn to do everything I can to your organization to contribute to the prosperity and development of a modest. 若能给我一个面谈的机会,我将倍感荣幸。 If I have a chance to interview, I will feel honored. 恭候佳音。
Waiting for good news. 谨祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上! 此致敬礼! I wish you prosperity! Best regards!。