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    英语看图作文,中考水平,最好手写发给我,并附上 大致 中文,谢谢

    By watching the three pictures above, we can see that there is less and less underground water as the rope of the well becomes longer and longer.We all know that water is important for us. We cant live without it. First, we are supposed to volunteer to broadcast the importance of saving water to the public. Its necessary for us to call on people to save water.Second, we should do everything we can in our daily life. For example, we must turn off the tap as soon as we finish using it. After washing vegetables, we can use it to water the flowers. In a word, everyone should make contributions to saving water so that we wont see that the last drop of water is our tears.Lets work together to save water!看上面三幅图,我们可以看到,越来越少的地下水导致用越来越长的绳子。







    In my opinion,some facilities设施)and equipment(设备) in our school are quite good. For example, there is a smart whiteboard in each classroom now. I like it because it makes our classes more lively and interesting. However, we only have two electric fans in the dining hall, so we feel uncomfortable to have meals there in summer. I think more electric fans should be fixed. Besides, there are not enough toilets for girls in the teaching building. As a result, many girls are often late for class after waiting a long time in the toilet during the breads. Why not build more toilets for girl students?



    题目:Urban or rural life 正文:There is a viewpoint saying that its better to live a urban life than live a rural life。

    In my opinion,I disagree on the viewpoint。First of all,the environment in country is better than that in city。

    If you live in cities,you have to take a dirty breath every second caused by vehicles and laboratories。 Besides,you will get a higher chance to suffer from the flu because there are too many people living in cities。

    Secondly,instead of buying vegetables and meat in big cities,you can plant different kinds of vegetables and feed pigs and cows at the same time which is more healthy and sanitary。 Thirdly,people living in cities always feel the high pressure coming from their work and life which makes them very tired。

    However,if you live in rural places you will never feel the pressure。 In a word,I think that its better to live in country。

    第二篇 My Internet University Life As the development of computers,study on line has been the main learning style in universities。 Since I attended my university,I have been engaged in long distance education which means that I just stay at home or dormitory when I learn the web-based courses。

    In a addition,I can join online discussion forums instead of talking face to face。And when the teachers set homework to us,we can send our homework to the tutor by the Internet after weve finished it which is more convenient and high efficiency。

    When we meet some difficulties and puzzies that we can not solve,we can turn to the teachers tutorial。This is my on line study life。


    高考英语作文书写和手写印刷 体







    3、联词成句:用联词成句的方法将上述要点的词语扩展成句子。4 联句成文:①主语和谓语②背景(适当增加时间、地点条件等)③逻辑关系④开头与结尾⑤语篇衔接5、检查修改,规范抄写如何增强书面表达效果的技巧1。


    使用较丰富的句式:运用得当的句子结构可以给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉 。3。

    使用恰当的连接词:使用恰当连接词,对写一篇有“英语味”的文章很重要,能使文章上下衔接自然、紧凑。 一、怎样使用较高级的词汇1。

    Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable。Thanks to the good weather, our journey was comfortable。

    2。We all think he is a great man。

    We all think highly of him 3。Suddenly I thought out a good idea。

    A good idea occurred to me。 / A good idea suddenly struck me。

    4。The students there neednt pay for their books。

    Books are free for the students there。 5。

    As a result the plan was a failure。The plan turned out to be a failure。

    6。 When she heard he had died, she went pale with sorrow。

    At the news of his death, she went pale with sorrow。She went to Austria for the purpose of studying music。

    7。 She went to Austria in order to study music。

    The more he spoke, the more excited he felt。8。

    When he spoke, he felt more and more excited。Our school is made up of twenty–six classrooms。

    9。In our school, there are twenty-six classrooms。

    Our school is made up of twenty–six classrooms。10。

    You can find my house easily。 Youll have no trouble finding my house。

    二、怎样运用丰富的句式:(常用到的句型结构) 利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,能增加文章的文采。1。

    感叹句 e。g。

    How happy I was when I received your letter! What a kind boy he is! How disappointed he was !2。 强调句 e。

    g。 It was this young boy that helped the old granny。

    I do hope you can come if possible。3、 倒装句 e。

    g。 only in this way can you solve this problem。

    There comes the police car。 Hardly had they got to the station when they met the young man。

    4、 省略句 e。g。

    They read while walking or riding on a bus。 Come to me if necessary。

    5、with短语 e。g。

    I saw a young lady walking slowly in the street with ahandbag in her hand。6、 定语从句 e。

    g。 In my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place where we find much useful information。

    Lets come to the main teaching building, at the back of which standsthe school library。 7、 各种名词性从句 e。

    g。 Thats what I should do。

    We should do a favour to whoever needs help at present。8、 各种状语从句 e。

    g。 Time passed quickly before we knew it。

    The moment we reached the farm, we got down to harvesting。 So long as we work harder at our lessons, well catch up sooner or later。

    Do call me before hand so that I can meet you at the airport。 They had to wait because the rain was getting more and more heavily。

    高考大纲中常用的连接词1。表示递进;在同一话题上补充内容 另外,还有:what is more; besides; also; moreover; in addition2。

    表示转折关系 但是, 然而, 相反:but; however; yet; instead; on the other hand; on the contrary。 3。

    表示因果关系 因为,因此,所以: since; as; because (of ); so; thus; therefore; as a result; 4。 表示条件关系 如果,只要: if ;on condition ( that ); as long as 除非: unless 否则: or else5。

    表示时间关系 当… 的时候 : when ; while 在…之后: after 在…之前: before 直到: until 一…就… : as soon as 后来, 然后: later; afterwards 不久: soon 近来: lately; recently 自从… :since 从那时起: from then on6。 表示特定的顺序关系 首先, 最主要的: above all 其次: secondly 然后: then; next 最后: finally; in the end7。

    换一种方法表述 换句话说: in other words; that is to say; 8。 进行举例说明 例如,比如: for instance; for example; like; such as9。

    用于陈述事实 实际上: in fact/as a matter of fact; actually; 跟你说实话 : to tell you the truth10。 对一个话题进行总结 总而言之,总的来说: on the whole; in short; all in all; in general; in a word 其它常用到的副词 Therefore ; otherwise ; finally ; furthermore ;Thus ; namely ; although ; afterwards ; personally; 三、怎样使用恰当的连接词1。

    On one side of the road there is a new classroom building。On the other side,where the playground used to be now stands another new building—our library。

    (NMET1999 范文)2。 As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things。

    (NMET2001 范文)3。 Whats more, I can go to bed earlier。

    (NMET2001 范文)请在下列句子中(间)填。


    有趣的一天(An Interesting Day)It was a sunny Monday。

    I went out to play with my friend --- Jane。 I like to play with her, because she is a strong girl。

    We rode bikes to a garden。 This was a big and beautiful garden。

    In the garden, these were some roses and some lilies。 Children like to play in this garden。

    We did a lot of things there。 Sometimes we sat on the grass side by side, closing the eyes and quietly and hearing the bird sing songs。

    Soon we rode the bikes quickly。 Suddenly Jane stopped。

    “Whats the matter?” I asked her,” My bike is broken” she said, “Oh, its too bad!” I said, “Dont worry。 ” She said。

    She folded her bike, and put it on my bike, “ Lets go to mend my bike!” We went to a shop to mend it。 Then her bike was Ok。

    We became very happy again。 This is an interesting day。

    We had a good time together!。

